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31-08-2020, 12:12 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I wouldn't trust any blog type publication, particularly one that has strayed so far from its original purpose. At least the dailies are open about their political agenda.
Better stick to your comics then Annie
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31-08-2020, 01:06 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Bread ->
It mostly links to other articles and sources of information, including the Guardian and the Independent, New York Times etc.
Genuine question... If it just provides links to other articles and other sources of information, how does it differ from just going to those places anyway? Why is Zero Hedge needed?

Additionally, how do you know Zero Hedge isn't providing links in order to spoon feed their own agenda/crap to people? Is their brand of crap better than other sources of crap? Who decides what is crap and what isn't anyway?

I'm asking genuinely here and not trying to score points or whatever. I have a deep distrust of people saying their brand of the truth (or religion, politics, news, etc.) is The Right One and that everyone else is full of crap.
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31-08-2020, 01:09 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I wouldn't trust any blog type publication, particularly one that has strayed so far from its original purpose. At least the dailies are open about their political agenda.

Never read a blog and never will. At least the "official " media has various watchdogs keeping an eye on them, for whatever that's worth. Blogs are, so far as I can make out, never held to account and while there will be some decent ones, many are just soapboxes for conspiracy theorists and nutjobs.
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01-09-2020, 10:53 AM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
Genuine question... If it just provides links to other articles and other sources of information, how does it differ from just going to those places anyway? Why is Zero Hedge needed?

Additionally, how do you know Zero Hedge isn't providing links in order to spoon feed their own agenda/crap to people? Is their brand of crap better than other sources of crap? Who decides what is crap and what isn't anyway?

I'm asking genuinely here and not trying to score points or whatever. I have a deep distrust of people saying their brand of the truth (or religion, politics, news, etc.) is The Right One and that everyone else is full of crap.

Zero Hedge is a compilation of news stories regarding the USA but it also covers other parts of the world too. There is a fair bit published about Europe. It generally picks up a news article and writes about it with links to the source. It also publishes articles by bloggers and other authors from around the world.

It was mainly to report financial news on the markets etc but broadened its scope over recent years to cover other news items. If you read a lot of the articles there are links to the sources (including the Guardian and New York Times, Daily Mail etc) but also publishes its own articles by "Tyler Durden" (after the character in the film Fight Club).

So, where the Guardian, Mail, Express all publish articles according to their own political bias, Zero Hedge publishes all the ones it thinks are news worthy - and of course it has its own bias (towards the right) but on balance I think it does itself a lot of favours by publishing stuff from left wing sources too.

Have a read and make your own mind up - a lot of the articles you won't find in the MSM because the MSM turns a blind eye to a lot of stuff that's out there (for obvious reasons).
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01-09-2020, 10:55 AM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
Never read a blog and never will. At least the "official " media has various watchdogs keeping an eye on them, for whatever that's worth. Blogs are, so far as I can make out, never held to account and while there will be some decent ones, many are just soapboxes for conspiracy theorists and nutjobs.
There's a lot of that, but also a lot of excellent stuff thats out there that's really interesting from other peoples perspectives.
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01-09-2020, 11:03 AM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Zero Hedge is a content aggregator site. There's more than a few around. One that I use regularly is Drudge. They are all biased to varying degrees but some a lot less than others.
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01-09-2020, 12:10 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
Never read a blog and never will. At least the "official " media has various watchdogs keeping an eye on them, for whatever that's worth. Blogs are, so far as I can make out, never held to account and while there will be some decent ones, many are just soapboxes for conspiracy theorists and nutjobs.
Indeed ..... media for morons .....
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01-09-2020, 12:48 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Omah ->
Indeed ..... media for morons .....
The narrow minded, blinkered left.......
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01-09-2020, 02:34 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Bread ->
...Zero Hedge publishes all the ones it thinks are news worthy - and of course it has its own bias (towards the right) but on balance I think it does itself a lot of favours by publishing stuff from left wing sources too...
I may as well just keep reading from various sources - left, right and so-called independent - same as I've always done then. I'm not interested in what services such as Zero Hedge thinks is newsworthy because I'll make my own mind up. What next, some other variant similar to Zero Hedge but with a left-wing bias pointing out what IT thinks is newsworthy? It sounds as much use to me as an ashtray on a motorbike.
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01-09-2020, 03:05 PM

Re: Zero Hedge.

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
I may as well just keep reading from various sources - left, right and so-called independent - same as I've always done then. I'm not interested in what services such as Zero Hedge thinks is newsworthy because I'll make my own mind up. What next, some other variant similar to Zero Hedge but with a left-wing bias pointing out what IT thinks is newsworthy? It sounds as much use to me as an ashtray on a motorbike.
I prefer porn.
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