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30-12-2020, 07:01 PM

Re: Corona virus - sovereign citizens

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
In some cases I think it may be just an excuse for being unable to cope. We all need to be stronger if we want to deal with the world as it is today!
The thing is though Twink, much of the country is under tier 4 restrictions and one of the conditions of that tier is that no travel is allowed unless absolutely necessary, examples of which are travelling to work (cannot work from home), travelling to care for someone who is vulnerable. Travelling half way round the country so you can walk on some hillside is not considered 'necessary' but what these people are doing is using the excuse of 'mental health' to justify their actions. It's as if they think they will get more sympathy if they say they are doing it to help improve their mental health than if they were to say they travelled because they just could not cope being inside all the time.

When your trying to avoid an on the spot fine, what do you think is going to sound better to the police officer in the hope they will let you off with a warning:

Option 1 'I am sorry officer, I just had to get out for the sake of my mental health'

Option 2 'I am sorry officer, I just had to get out because I was going mad being inside all the time'.

Hence why mental health gets used a lot by these convidiots.
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