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20-01-2012, 08:05 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

me neither, i am pleased to say, i would not put up with any kind of bullying.
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20-01-2012, 08:12 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Jimmy ->
No I have not been bullied online or in real life, anybody starts with me and they have a fight on their hands.
Jimmy from my experience's it has to be said that I have seen Women bullied alot more then Men and also although some women are bullies I have to say Ive seen many Men(if that's their real Sex) do their fair share.I remember one person from a Site with a mans name that bulled something terrible.He even called a woman a liar when her baby died fgs and even when it was proved that the poor mite did he was still nasty to her.Yes he kept getting banned but just went back as his name was banned and not his IP addy.You sound like my other half in what you say and of course you are both right.
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20-01-2012, 08:14 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Kitty ->
me neither, i am pleased to say, i would not put up with any kind of bullying.
Good on you Kitty
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20-01-2012, 08:43 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

I have not been bullied on any forums Bonny, but I am not on many and I am selective in what I join. This forum and Dogsey are the two I have been on for the longest time.
I am aware that bullying does happen on forums sometimes and I don't really understand why people do it (but I've never known this happen on OFF ).
Generally, I beieve I am fairly assertive when I need to be and capable of standing my own corner in real life and on forums. I don't think I would allow myself to get into a situation where I became bullied on a forum. I enjoy a lively debate, but if things look like getting out of hand I usually make some attempt to "cool things down". If it becomes impossible I make a caustic comment or a joke (but generally I'm not rude) and then leave it at that.
What I don't like to see are the little cliques which sometimes can get started on forums.
At the end of the day, as others have said, I also prefer to remain reasonably anonymous and I don't make myself vulnerable by voicing anything too personal or something that I don't feel comfortable defending.
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20-01-2012, 08:49 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I have not been bullied on any forums Bonny, but I am not on many and I am selective in what I join. This forum and Dogsey are the two I have been on for the longest time.
I am aware that bullying does happen on forums sometimes and I don't really understand why people do it (but I've never known this happen on OFF ).
Generally, I beieve I am fairly assertive when I need to be and capable of standing my own corner in real life and on forums. I don't think I would allow myself to get into a situation where I became bullied on a forum. I enjoy a lively debate, but if things look like getting out of hand I usually make some attempt to "cool things down". If it becomes impossible I make a caustic comment or a joke (but generally I'm not rude) and then leave it at that.
What I don't like to see are the little cliques which sometimes can get started on forums.
At the end of the day, as others have said, I also prefer to remain reasonably anonymous and I don't make myself vulnerable by voicing anything too personal or something that I don't feel comfortable defending.
Some good points love and so glad you have never had to go through any form of bullying and sounds like you have your online life totally under control.
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20-01-2012, 09:04 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Bonny ->
Some good points love and so glad you have never had to go through any form of bullying and sounds like you have your online life totally under control.
I didn't say I had never been bullied in real life Bonny - just never been bullied on-line. Like a lot of people I had to come to terms with some bullying and had to learn to deal with it as I was growing up, especially when we moved "up North" and I sounded and appeared different from other kids at school. I learnt to distance myself from a lot of things - didn't get involved, unless there was no choice.
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20-01-2012, 09:17 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I didn't say I had never been bullied in real life Bonny - just never been bullied on-line. Like a lot of people I had to come to terms with some bullying and had to learn to deal with it as I was growing up, especially when we moved "up North" and I sounded and appeared different from other kids at school. I learnt to distance myself from a lot of things - didn't get involved, unless there was no choice.
I am so sorry you had to go through that.((((HUGS))))
I went through a form of bullying when I was a child also....from grown ups though.You see I was illegitimate which was such a bad thing back then and basically I was treated like dirt at time's.Everything was ok till I was 6 as I had such lovely Foster Parents but when I was dragged away and put in an orphanage and then to live with my Mother that was when it all began.I hated my Childhood totally because of what I went through and yes the scars are still there which is prob why there are tears in my eyes at the moment making it hard for me to type.
Thanks for your input love.
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20-01-2012, 10:04 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

I'm sorry to hear of your childhood experience Bonnie. Children should be cherished and wanted for just being children. Adults have a duty to do their best to ensure their happiness and security, regardless.
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20-01-2012, 10:27 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I'm sorry to hear of your childhood experience Bonnie. Children should be cherished and wanted for just being children. Adults have a duty to do their best to ensure their happiness and security, regardless.
I never had children Aerolor because of my experiences.I would be a liar if I said I didn't regret that now but not sure if its for my own selfish reasons.The one thing it did do for me though was to make my Adult life one I am proud of with things I have accomplished....a sort of....I will show them.Anyway yes I am proud of what I have achieved so guess I should be thankful for that but make no mistake I would have rather gone through a happy childhood.Don't look back look forward is often said but at times that can be just so hard to do....still memories bitter and sweet is part of one's life.
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21-01-2012, 02:33 AM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

yah I have a few times lol
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