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07-06-2012, 09:36 PM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Originally Posted by anniemuldoon ->
I have Radio5Live on from getting up till after tea and then I turn the radio on again at 10 O'clock till it wakens me up in the night.I used to listen to Radio 4 liked the womans Hour and Afternoon play and the Archers. When we came here we could only get 5Live because of the fells at the back of us and as yet we havent gone Digital in this Area.
You can get them on your PC or laptop I'm sure.
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07-06-2012, 10:04 PM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Oh hadnt thought of that thankyou will have a look.
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07-06-2012, 10:26 PM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Many radio stations stream their programs online. I did a search for Radio 4 and found this link:

There is a link towards the top on the right hand side of the page you can click to listen to their live broadcast.

Steve MacLellan
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08-06-2012, 01:32 AM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Now that we cancelled internet at home I get out to the library or coffee shops with wi-fi once or twice a day to get caught up. I find that's quite enough time.
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09-06-2012, 01:15 PM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Well it's nice to see all the different way that you all take in the news, or perhaps that should be 'don't take in the news'

I posted the OP on Wed. 6th. June and it's now Sat.9th. in those three and half days I've learned that there's an outbreak of leggionaires disease in Scotland (Hope none of you are involved in that) I've also learned that the England football team are somewhere in Eastern Europe to play in some competition (That's about all I want to know at the moment )

Still not watching Sky News in the morning 'cos OH doesn't like the 'screachy women' (Can't even remember her name!) briefly saw on BBC News some story about yet more millions being given away to people in foreign lands, quickly changed channels as there's 'nowt I can do to change that.

So that's it, three and a half days and what has changed NOTHING is my guess, of course I don't know but most likely Greece is still broke, that civil war in the Middle East is still ongoing, our Foreign & Commonweath office is still giving away money which will do absolutely nothing, and some people in Scotland have caught leggionaires disease.

BUT I got a lot done at home and in my workshop, had some nice walks with our dogs, enjoyed a few old TV dramas, and generally keept my blood pressure on an even keel think I might try and go a whole week without the news now
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14-06-2012, 10:43 AM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Maybe if no one saw the news this section would disappear - What would we have to be grumpy about ?
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14-06-2012, 01:31 PM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

I kind of semi-retired when I was forty-two. my only regret was that it took me nearly twenty years from leaving University to get out of the rat race. It had always been my game plan never to work and boy did I try hard to uphold that game plan. Don't get me wrong; by 'work' I mean all the god awful jobs that cannon fodder get to do between the wars like corporates, call centres, selling things nobody wants nor needs etc. Getting targets to meet, working long hours, forgoing holiday entitlement, starting earlier and staying later... I now write comedy - something I would do for free (which is very generous of myself because I often do just that), something that makes the day fly, soar even and there's never a dull moment nor some jobsworth telling me I've had an extra three minutes on my break and I can make up the time later. If I had my time again from eighteen to forty-two I would still have done a degree (great skive for three years) but then I'd have carried on with the band I was singing for at the time (two became pro musicians) and I'm singing again right now (not literally) and it's funny? But when you are not looking for money it has a tendency to find you - well me anyway. I set myself clear rules. Rule No 1: this is my time and nobody can steal it, not even one minute at a time. Rule 2: rule number 1 applies all the time. If you are bitten early in life by the protestant work ethic and the greedy bug for money your pretty much doomed to work forever (thanks to Her Majesties Government). However, nobody wants to employ anyone over fifty and nobody gets this when their twenty-six they only get it when they're made redundant anytime from forty-five up to fifty-five. My Grandad would have called me a shyster or a n'er do well but by deliberately NOT wanting to work EVER I actually did quite well; with property (a semi-detached and a bungalow in a good area) worth £375,000 and no mortgages, one we live in one we let out for a lovely sum, a six figure number in the bank and money coming in each month that we just can't spend because we simply don't buy into consumerism. I used to run a training course on Time Management and the message I left them with is the one I'll leave you with "Time is your most precious asset on earth, when it's gone, it's gone and guess what? Everyday it's stolen from you one minute at a time."
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15-06-2012, 11:43 AM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

No a news watcher, when I go to the post office and stand in the line, I hear it all anyway.
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15-06-2012, 11:47 AM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

Originally Posted by Jean ->
No a news watcher, when I go to the post office and stand in the line, I hear it all anyway.
Once you live in a city you cant escape hearing the news, especially the bad news.
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17-06-2012, 07:53 AM

Re: Do you have 'free' time

I have not bought a newspqaper since Adam was a lad, I only watch the headlines of news on TV when it is on but I do read articles on the news websites if I want to get up to date with things. If the media depended on me for their survival then they would not last long.
I have to many things to do with my life to be bothered about the media and what they are sensationalising to make money.
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