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05-12-2015, 10:12 AM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
They are not Muslim they follow their own vicious ways trying to make it fit with the Koran when it does no such thing. So you believe the KKK are Christians ? they don't seem very Christian to me.
Apparently, no one is listening, Julie. They don't want to know. They want war. They want to manipulate the hardships we face and put the blame of it upon others ….. who by a series of voluntary, selective acts of ignorance will re-write the invasion of Irak, etc. as “justified”.
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06-12-2015, 03:30 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

I know very little about politics, but this shortened version of something I saw in today's paper gave me food for thought:

"If Jeremy Corbyn is a "terrorist sympathiser" then so are the other 52% of British voters who were against air strikes on IS in Syria.
We're against it because it was our onslaught on Iraq in 2003 that - as well as killing 500,000 Iraqi civilians on the way to disposing of Sadam Hussein - led to the creation of IS.
We bombarded Iraq, with no mandate from the United Nations, because we didn't like the way they were living. Isn't that dreadfully similar to the judgemental mania of IS?

Terrorism is defined as 'the unauthorised use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.'
That's what the UK did in Iraq, along side the well-known fundamental Christian, George Bush. Therefore, surely we have been terrorists?
How then, can we claim the moral high ground?
How can we say that we - having also interfered in Libya, leaving it in chaos and ripe for IS occupation - are pillars of morality?

How can we say that we are the answer to wiping out IS when we played a massive part in creating it in the first place?"
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06-12-2015, 03:34 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Even Assad is not too happy with 'our' extended bombing mission, notwithstanding we're assisting him get rid of ISIS.
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06-12-2015, 04:24 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Be fair ..
how are you defining .... assisting him to get rid of Isis ...
We're not allies. The West have made that much clear, with the exception of Putin. What we are doing is fighting our war in his country .. the same as I'm sure we'd love it if someone decided to fly over UK airspace bombing at will.

Best quote from the article ...
He is unhappy that Britain did not ask for permission to launch airstrikes in his country, but Mr Cameron has insisted he can play no part in the long-term future of Syria after targeting his own people in deadly attacks.

Great words Dave ... who do you think you'll be bombing. Syrians .. whether ISIS, moderates or civilians.
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06-12-2015, 05:11 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Oh my! I haven't seen this much truth blurted out in months! Fesh air at last! I'm subscribing to this thread immediately!
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06-12-2015, 05:23 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Call em Daesh if you like .
Its an effort IMO to disassociate them from Islam.
They are however Islamic
there is no point in saying otherwise .
Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
They are not Muslim they follow their own vicious ways trying to make it fit with the Koran when it does no such thing. So you believe the KKK are Christians ? they don't seem very Christian to me.
Ah what's this Allahu Akbar they keep shouting all about then?
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06-12-2015, 05:42 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Ah what's this Allahu Akbar they keep shouting all about then?

Maronite Christian
militias massacred Palestinians and Lebanese Muslims during Lebanon's 1975–1990 civil war.
The 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre, which targeted unarmed Palestinian refugees for rape and murder, was considered to be genocide by the United Nations.
A British photographer present during the incident said that
"People who committed the acts of murder that I saw that day were wearing [crucifixes] and were calling themselves Christians."

Were these Maronites true Christians as they raped and massacred ? Just because they said they were ?
Most folk would say 'no'.

Are these extremists true Muslims just because they shout "Allahu Akbar" ?
Same thing.
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06-12-2015, 05:50 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

Very true Pummy, anyone can shout anything doesn't make them what they shout, insane is what many of them seem to be.
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06-12-2015, 06:00 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

The lengths some people will go to to try and wash away and sanitise what someone actually is ... I rate the last two posts the most ridiculous bit of appeasement I've ever come across.

Allahu Akbar .... Islam .... Muslim.

You'll tell me next that the Jesuits weren't Roman Catholics ... but Muslims who just liked long black frocks and oiling racks.

Another question ... what on earth was the Charlie Hebdo massacre about then? Some cartoon character?
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06-12-2015, 06:03 PM

Re: Syria conflict; how would you vote.

So you think all Muslims are the same and these are typical Muslims ? we seem to go round in circles because of that one problem. If you can't understand how wrong that is then nothing we can say will change it.
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