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11-11-2016, 10:50 AM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Apologies ogf it means copied. You don't look dumb none of us can know everything and you know far more than me about many things.

Not at all Julie, we both have our strengths and weaknesses and we probably know the same amount of stuff, just different. We would make good team mates on Eggheads.

Good point Meg, social media websites are turning out to be the voice of the people, but I wonder how long we will be allowed to have the freedoms that we now enjoy.
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11-11-2016, 10:57 AM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Emjay ->
I also heard that Hilary got more votes overall than trump.
You work it out, because I can't.
EJ I am not that knowledgeable about the US electoral system but if you look at our electoral system a similar thing can happen.

We have constituencies each with a different number of voters, the election results are based on which candidate wins in each constituency not the total of numbers of votes cast for one party. So if you think of each US state being a constituency and the voters voting for a president rather than an individual MP I think it is similar in that respect.
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11-11-2016, 11:58 AM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Got this quote of An American Friend on the Internet.

Think this is very true as both are countries are sick and tired of two faced Politicians.


The people who voted for Trump are going to demand he start misbehaving the moment he arrives in Washington. If it even looks like he's thinking of maintaining the status quo and leading the country toward four more years of the gridlock and stagnation the Hillary promised, he'll be run out of office at the first opportunity.
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11-11-2016, 12:06 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Emjay ->
I also heard that Hilary got more votes overall than trump.
You work it out, because I can't.
They have what is called "Electrol College"

Each State has so many votes accourding to their size and pop.

A small state might have only 6 votes a bigger state might have 20 votes.

So what ever State you are in votes more for one candidate the EC votes go in their favour.

In 2000 Gore Got more Votes but Bush Won on this system and with the help of Blair went on to kill millions.
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11-11-2016, 12:08 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by galty ->
Got this quote of An American Friend on the Internet.

Think this is very true as both are countries are sick and tired of two faced Politicians.


The people who voted for Trump are going to demand he start misbehaving the moment he arrives in Washington. If it even looks like he's thinking of maintaining the status quo and leading the country toward four more years of the gridlock and stagnation the Hillary promised, he'll be run out of office at the first opportunity.
Not easy to do apparently.
When Donald Trump officially won the presidency on Tuesday night, the first thought for many Americans was "how did we end up here and how do we get ourselves out of this?" Clinton's defeat is devastating not only for her most diehard supporters, but for many in the #NeverTrump faction — both Republican and Democrat — who wanted to ensure that the candidate would never get his hands on the highest office in the land. That nightmare scenario came true this week, when a candidate who depended on xenophobia, fear mongering, and claims of a rigged election (funny how suddenly the election isn't rigged now that Trump has won), has officially ascended to one of the most powerful positions in the world. The reality of a Trump presidency is here, and it is terrifying. And though many feel it would be fantastic if there was a petition that could take Trump out of office, sadly for them, it's not possible.

In the eight years since President Obama was elected, there have been innumerable petitions launched to take him out of office. For many far right Republicans, Obama was the exact antithesis of what a President should be. Despite many efforts to start petitions to end his presidency, Obama is still standing with only a few mere weeks left in his second term. Since Trump beat Clinton on Tuesday, there have already been similar movements to derail his Presidency from ever truly taking off. The truth of the matter is, though, that the United States Constitution does not set a precedent that allows for the removal of a sitting President. The one exception, of course, is impeachment.

Right about now, some may be thinking "Okay, great, let's impeach Trump." It's not that easy. Impeachment is limited for instances of "high crimes and misdemeanors" committed by a current President — so unless and until Trump carries out such activity, impeachment is out of the question.
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11-11-2016, 12:24 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Not easy to do apparently.
Spot on....... an interesting system.

This applied to Nixon...Trump could the next Nixon.
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11-11-2016, 01:45 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Meg ->
EJ I am not that knowledgeable about the US electoral system but if you look at our electoral system a similar thing can happen.

We have constituencies each with a different number of voters, the election results are based on which candidate wins in each constituency not the total of numbers of votes cast for one party. So if you think of each US state being a constituency and the voters voting for a president rather than an individual MP I think it is similar in that respect.
An excellent reason for the adoption of PR, I think.
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11-11-2016, 01:48 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by JBR ->
An excellent reason for the adoption of PR, I think.
There can be an apparent unfairness in any electoral system, but didn't we vote on that a few years back?
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11-11-2016, 02:26 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Barry ->
There can be an apparent unfairness in any electoral system, but didn't we vote on that a few years back?
Some of us did, but a lot could not be bothered.
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11-11-2016, 02:28 PM

Re: Trump to be the 45th USA President:your thoughts and the implications

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Some of us did, but a lot could not be bothered.
And we were given no altewrnative either - STV should also have been a choice as many wanted. It is quite possible that STV may well have been the majority decision too.
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