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14-03-2021, 01:30 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Poor Sarah's death has been hijacked and turned into a public circus Her poor parents must be horrified.
Isn't it just. 😐
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14-03-2021, 01:55 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
Amen....a life is a life is more precious than the other.......but.....not everyone sees it that way....we only have one life, unfortunately this young girls was cut very short as are many others ,which aren’t publicised.

Why was this made public, because of who was associated with it?.....apparently......why this death publicised and not some others?

I don’t see her death as a circus,I see a coming together of mother’s and fathers, brothers and sisters...trying to bring some relief for these parents worst possible “ nightmare”....Kate Middleton paid tribute...a mother herself of three.

No one can feel these parents pain,I hope they find a tiny amount of relief from the tributes paid in respect of their beloved daughter,
Well said .
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14-03-2021, 02:07 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
How would you know that they don't feel fear? Even today society virtually demands that men show no fear or, arguably, pretty much any significant amount of emotion. All that aside, men get murdered at almost three times the rate women do. Last year 188 women were murdered (19% of those in a public area) and 508 men were murdered (60% in a public area). The murder rate for women has fallen 16% since last year, whereas the murder rate for men has gone up.
Thanks Tachyon. My point exactly.
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14-03-2021, 03:39 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Yes a life is a life but for some reason this one life is a media and internet sensation. This was a middle class successful woman who had attended a top university, her father is a professor at another university. Such a death causes public displays of grief but thousands of others happen all the while under the radar. They are the forgotten ones. So many children go missing every year and cases are closed after perfunctory checks, yet the Maddie case cost £11.7m. Is it because the parents were both doctors, the father a cardiologist. It seems that victims with good looks and affluent backgrounds are mourned by the press a tad more than the thousands of victims with less wealthy backgrounds. How many tragic cases do not get a visit from the royals? If they did we would never stop mourning because there are so many of them forgotten and the cases closed.
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14-03-2021, 04:21 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Yes a life is a life but for some reason this one life is a media and internet sensation. This was a middle class successful woman who had attended a top university, her father is a professor at another university. Such a death causes public displays of grief but thousands of others happen all the while under the radar. They are the forgotten ones. So many children go missing every year and cases are closed after perfunctory checks, yet the Maddie case cost £11.7m. Is it because the parents were both doctors, the father a cardiologist. It seems that victims with good looks and affluent backgrounds are mourned by the press a tad more than the thousands of victims with less wealthy backgrounds. How many tragic cases do not get a visit from the royals? If they did we would never stop mourning because there are so many of them forgotten and the cases closed.
Annie, if you feel that Sarah Everard is getting an unreasonable share of sympathy, perhaps you should complain to the media, because it is them that are releasing so much info.
When somebody is murdered, I never bother to find out what their background is, I am just sad that yet another life has been taken!
I can't speak for the others on here, but I have known many of them for a long time and feel confident in suggesting that members on here are usually sympathetic when anybody suffers, whether they are attractive & come from wealthy backgrounds, or not.
As I said earlier in this thread, perhaps we should wait till we know more about what happened, from the trial!
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14-03-2021, 04:58 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

I'm a sympathetic person but cynical about the media stirring up all this semi-hysterical fuss because it fills some column inches or TV airtime. As d00d says, it's turned into a circus. All murders are tragic, but nobody would care all that much if a young man from what is deemed to be a sink estate got knifed to death on the street. They probably just mentally shrug their shoulders, think "gang related" and move on to the next article without a second thought.

Let's all reflect for a moment on this young woman's very sad death but let's not get carried away with jumping onto the latest media bandwagon.
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14-03-2021, 06:13 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Yes a life is a life but for some reason this one life is a media and internet sensation. This was a middle class successful woman who had attended a top university, her father is a professor at another university. Such a death causes public displays of grief but thousands of others happen all the while under the radar. They are the forgotten ones. So many children go missing every year and cases are closed after perfunctory checks, yet the Maddie case cost £11.7m. Is it because the parents were both doctors, the father a cardiologist. It seems that victims with good looks and affluent backgrounds are mourned by the press a tad more than the thousands of victims with less wealthy backgrounds. How many tragic cases do not get a visit from the royals? If they did we would never stop mourning because there are so many of them forgotten and the cases closed.
Many children do go missing every year but many are abducted by one or other of their estranged parents . Like Twink I don’t know the background of most victims I just feel sorrow for a young life lost and the terror and suffering they must have endured and the life long suffering and grief that their parents
Knowing this will have for the rest of their lives. Not all victims are good looking and affluent .Your entire post and I have noticed this before is riddled with bitterness and anger against what you consider the affluent classes .Loss and grief are the same for everyone.
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14-03-2021, 06:15 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
I'm a sympathetic person but cynical about the media stirring up all this semi-hysterical fuss because it fills some column inches or TV airtime. As d00d says, it's turned into a circus. All murders are tragic, but nobody would care all that much if a young man from what is deemed to be a sink estate got knifed to death on the street. They probably just mentally shrug their shoulders, think "gang related" and move on to the next article without a second thought.

Let's all reflect for a moment on this young woman's very sad death but let's not get carried away with jumping onto the latest media bandwagon.
As a woman with young teenage granddaughters I darn well am going to get on this bandwagon . Too long women have been subject to harassment and abuse the more it is highlighted the better .
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14-03-2021, 06:23 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
I'm a sympathetic person but cynical about the media stirring up all this semi-hysterical fuss because it fills some column inches or TV airtime. As d00d says, it's turned into a circus. All murders are tragic, but nobody would care all that much if a young man from what is deemed to be a sink estate got knifed to death on the street. They probably just mentally shrug their shoulders, think "gang related" and move on to the next article without a second thought.

Let's all reflect for a moment on this young woman's very sad death but let's not get carried away with jumping onto the latest media bandwagon.
For some of us, it isn't a media bandwagon when a young person is killed on our streets! It brings a tear to my eye every time I hear of a young person being killed! In my mind nobody should be on the streets if they want to kill... but then I don't judge people according to which class they belong to! To this day I feel sad about Stephen Lawrence & the many who have been killed in the same manner since.
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14-03-2021, 06:30 PM

Re: Sarah Everard

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Yes a life is a life but for some reason this one life is a media and internet sensation. This was a middle class successful woman who had attended a top university, her father is a professor at another university. Such a death causes public displays of grief but thousands of others happen all the while under the radar. They are the forgotten ones. So many children go missing every year and cases are closed after perfunctory checks, yet the Maddie case cost £11.7m. Is it because the parents were both doctors, the father a cardiologist. It seems that victims with good looks and affluent backgrounds are mourned by the press a tad more than the thousands of victims with less wealthy backgrounds. How many tragic cases do not get a visit from the royals? If they did we would never stop mourning because there are so many of them forgotten and the cases closed.

What on earth are you talking about here?..please help me out...Sarah Payne was she from an affluent family?

Sorry for going off topic,Muddy...trying to make a point....what on earth has status got to do with anything..or being good looking?...I can’t understand your thinking here..
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