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24-09-2020, 11:24 AM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
This is the world that we ( humans ) have made
We are as much a product of nature as the birds in the sky Muddy. We do not own this planet, we are merely passing through. 98% of the Earth remains untamed by humans, and any harm we have caused remains locally based, as with London Smog, and with a few adjustments to the way we live, can be offset. But even to start to make these adjustments we need to all be onside and that is where the problems begin.

At the moment sea levels are at an all time low, so it was only a matter of time before the pendulum swung the other way allowing sea levels to rise. For the last 2000 years, apart from the occasional storm, the weather has been largely benign, but that doesn't mean that it will remain so. It's controlled largely by the sun and the positioning of the planets. So expect some surprises in the next century.

All the man made climate change numpties are going to look pretty stupid when the best efforts of mankind have done nothing to prevent the major changes in the climate and weather patterns. And that's assuming everyone does their share of planet saving. They will probably use the excuse that we didn't do enough, or were too late. The usual rhetoric...There's one thing for sure; Someone is going to make a great deal of money out of the climate change fiasco.
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24-09-2020, 12:54 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
You are assuming that there are going to be children in the future Muddy, if the people that are controlling us now have their way, in order to cull the population there will be demands to prevent women from having babies, and all women will be sterilised to prevent this from happening. Only women who have passed a rigorous health screening will be allowed to produce fit healthy youngsters.
Wherever are you getting this stuff from OGF ?
Been watching too much of The Handmaidens Tale methinks.
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24-09-2020, 01:01 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
We are as much a product of nature as the birds in the sky Muddy. We do not own this planet, we are merely passing through. 98% of the Earth remains untamed by humans, and any harm we have caused remains locally based, as with London Smog, and with a few adjustments to the way we live, can be offset. But even to start to make these adjustments we need to all be onside and that is where the problems begin.

At the moment sea levels are at an all time low, so it was only a matter of time before the pendulum swung the other way allowing sea levels to rise. For the last 2000 years, apart from the occasional storm, the weather has been largely benign, but that doesn't mean that it will remain so. It's controlled largely by the sun and the positioning of the planets. So expect some surprises in the next century.

All the man made climate change numpties are going to look pretty stupid when the best efforts of mankind have done nothing to prevent the major changes in the climate and weather patterns. And that's assuming everyone does their share of planet saving. They will probably use the excuse that we didn't do enough, or were too late. The usual rhetoric...There's one thing for sure; Someone is going to make a great deal of money out of the climate change fiasco.
OGF this post is a good example of negation of reality .
I can only assume it is a deliberate wind up or that you live in a bubble and have never traveled far from it .
Even in the depths of the Amazon tribes and animals have been wiped out by the mercury used in gold mining .So no place is immune from mans predations .
The sea levels are rising all the time they have been rising for the past 100 + years .
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24-09-2020, 01:54 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
All the man made climate change numpties are going to look pretty stupid when the best efforts of mankind have done nothing to prevent the major changes in the climate and weather patterns. And that's assuming everyone does their share of planet saving. They will probably use the excuse that we didn't do enough, or were too late. The usual rhetoric...There's one thing for sure; Someone is going to make a great deal of money out of the climate change fiasco.

Yes, I'd love to still be around when that happens, just so that I can have a good laugh at them.

Sadly, I'm afraid I won't be, but I can laugh now!
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24-09-2020, 02:01 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Yes you can .
You ( and I ) have lived our lives really wanting for not very much .
The next generations will not have the same choices available to them .
There will be more floods storms and pandemics
Our grandchildren won’t be laughing they will have to live with them .
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24-09-2020, 02:16 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Yes you can .
You ( and I ) have lived our lives really wanting for not very much .
The next generations will not have the same choices available to them .
There will be more floods storms and pandemics
Our grandchildren won’t be laughing they will have to live with them .
Not forgetting water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children!
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24-09-2020, 03:14 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

I am wondering what the youth of today would be thinking and saying if bombarded by Muddys post...?
Might they be so worried and concerned that they might say, ‘What’s the bloody point in getting an education...a job...a mortgage or even attempting to achieve anything? After all according to Muddy and extinction rebellion we are all doomed’
Climate scaring is doing more damage than climate change.
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24-09-2020, 04:46 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by Vlad ->
I am wondering what the youth of today would be thinking and saying if bombarded by Muddys post...?
Might they be so worried and concerned that they might say, ‘What’s the bloody point in getting an education...a job...a mortgage or even attempting to achieve anything? After all according to Muddy and extinction rebellion we are all doomed’
Climate scaring is doing more damage than climate change.
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24-09-2020, 04:55 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

The next generations will look back on us and think what a selfish mindless bunch .
They couldn’t even make an attempt to modify their way of life knowing the climate was changing .

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24-09-2020, 05:00 PM

Re: Extinction the facts

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
The next generations will look back on us and think what a selfish mindless bunch .
They couldn’t even make an attempt to modify their way of life knowing the climate was changing .

Alternatively, the next generation will look back and think, "What absolute prats we were"!
It's all part of growing up.
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