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16-04-2013, 09:20 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Karen darlin' - go read my 'profile' more carefully!!! - I have NEVER defended Bliar or Brown. It might interest you to know that during the referendum I voted 'NO' in respect of what was then the Common Market and my views on it haven't changed in the intervening years, but that doesn't detract from my utter hatred of Thatcher (phth, phth, phth)
I have the good fortune to come at this argument from a neutral place Uncle Joe - whoever is/was in power in the UK doesn't really affect me so I have nothing to gain or lose (emotionally) from any points I make; neutral ground so to speak. You may not defend Blair or Brown but they, to me, are typical of the Labour Party and what they did they did with support of the Party. You are very quick to point out the negatives of the Tory Party but remain very quiet about the more devastating actions of the Labour Party.

and yes I will be toasting and celebrating on Wednesday and singing along with many thousands of others during her funeral.
I feel very sad to hear that. I'm also sad that the days have gone when people bowed their heads, men removed their hats as a funeral procession passed; they didn't know the deceased person but they showed respect and support for the family. Britain hasn't really progressed very much at all has it.
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16-04-2013, 09:39 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

You're right Karen, in fact good manners and respect for other people seems to have taken a back seat. It seems to me that some people think it's more macho to be rude and aggressive than thoughtful and kind.
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16-04-2013, 09:42 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

You know Alan - it's a trend of behaviour I've noticed more and more over here which also makes me feel sad. It does seem to be the norm now to be viewed as an angry individual who fears nothing and no-one and cares nothing for anyone other than themselves and their own. Such a selfish way of life.

Best stop now because I could rant for Britain on that subject!
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16-04-2013, 09:45 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

I live quite close to a crematorium, everyone used to follow the funeral procession silently, whether you knew the person or not. Now I seem to be one of the only people to turn off my car radio and follow quietly people over take and honk horns to hurry them up. All disgraceful behaviour IMO.
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16-04-2013, 09:46 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
I have the good fortune to come at this argument from a neutral place Uncle Joe - whoever is/was in power in the UK doesn't really affect me so I have nothing to gain or lose (emotionally) from any points I make; neutral ground so to speak. You may not defend Blair or Brown but they, to me, are typical of the Labour Party and what they did they did with support of the Party. You are very quick to point out the negatives of the Tory Party but remain very quiet about the more devastating actions of the Labour Party.

I feel very sad to hear that. I'm also sad that the days have gone when people bowed their heads, men removed their hats as a funeral procession passed; they didn't know the deceased person but they showed respect and support for the family. Britain hasn't really progressed very much at all has it.

On the contrary Karen darlin' - I detested Bliar with a vengeance, still think he is a war criminal and should be arrested and tried for war crimes at the International Court. Brown likewise was a useless git. Between them they sacrificed every 'Socialist' principle that the Labour Party previously stood for. As I pointed out in my profile: Am politically a member of the 'hard' left, a vociferous critic of both present and previous Government and do not suffer fools gladly.
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16-04-2013, 09:57 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
On the contrary Karen darlin' - I detested Bliar with a vengeance, still think he is a war criminal and should be arrested and tried for war crimes at the International Court. Brown likewise was a useless git. Between them they sacrificed every 'Socialist' principle that the Labour Party previously stood for. As I pointed out in my profile: Am politically a member of the 'hard' left, a vociferous critic of both present and previous Government and do not suffer fools gladly.
I don't know what you mean about 'on the contrary', I'd already stated that you may not have defended them?

You and I will never agree on politics Uncle Joe as I don't support Britain being constantly swung from the Left and then back to the Right and then back to the Left, so on and so on - it is, most likely, why the UK fails to have any form of stability.

Bit in Bold: don't know I missed that first time around so I will give you credit over me on that score - I can rarely suffer them at all.
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16-04-2013, 09:58 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Hard left ? rude and undignified is how many of them are coming across at the moment. Give me dignified and polite anytime.
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16-04-2013, 10:00 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
I don't know what you mean about 'on the contrary', I'd already stated that you may not have defended them?

You and I will never agree on politics Uncle Joe as I don't support Britain being constantly swung from the Left and then back to the Right and then back to the Left, so on and so on - it is, most likely, why the UK fails to have any form of stability.
So true we need someone with vision that can just get on with the job of running our country, get out of our private lives to allow us to run them as we see fit and look after people who need help.

Not swinging from one way to another with disasterous consequences.
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16-04-2013, 10:05 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
So true we need someone with vision that can just get on with the job of running our country, get out of our private lives to allow us to run them as we see fit and look after people who need help.

Not swinging from one way to another with disasterous consequences.
The result of that constant swinging is inevitable - everyone ends up feeling sick of it.

From what I've seen and read, politics now is more about winning than achieving what's best for the country as a whole. Take Question Time as an example: most politicians on that programme are more concerned about scoring points off one another than they are about answering audience questions and it's so tiresome to watch. The only one who doesn't appear to do that is that chap from the Lib Dems (can't remember his name but he's very quietly spoken). If that doesn't show how unimportant the ordinary person of Britain is to politicians, then nothing will if they can't even be bothered to stop bickering and explain things instead.
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16-04-2013, 10:07 AM

Re: Margret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
So true we need someone with vision that can just get on with the job of running our country, get out of our private lives to allow us to run them as we see fit and look after people who need help.
Sorry - meant to add (about the above) that if I still lived in the UK, that is the reason I would vote UKIP - they might be a rookie party but could they really do any worse? At least they seem to want to stabilise the country and put ordinary people at the forefront - a novel idea, I know, but it could just be what's needed.
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