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10-07-2017, 10:48 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Jem ->
And a fine bunch of idiots too I may add, as the Joker in Batman would say “My fine feathered fools”
Where’s RJ these days? Surely he’s not still on holidays?

We had a great day at the outing yesterday, then when I woke up this morning feeling a bit woozy the first thing the wife said “You never went over the wooden fences with the wood preserver Jimmy” “No how could I? I was asleep and I’ve just woken up” Always complaining are the wives, nag nag nag.
I do me own fair share of complaining too, but don’t we all? isn’t it our nature to complain? It got me thinking about “Complaining” in general.

My old Dad always used to say that if man hadn’t complained about walking the wheel would never have been invented. Complaining is the mother of invention and not necessity as we are led to believe. The complaining gene kicks in when we are too hot or too cold so we move to a more comfortable place, turn off or on something, otherwise we would roast or freeze to death. We complain when we get a pain or don’t feel right, well that’s a good thing, otherwise we wouldn’t know we were sick, would we. The first thing your doctor asks you when you go to him is “What’s your complaint?”
Complaining can overcome needs and bring governments down, it can improve the quality of the food we eat, the entertainment on offer, and even get the trains to run on time, complaining is a very important part of our lives from the first cries of a baby for more food right up the the last words of a dying old man “Oh God, could you not give me a little more time”
Wives have truly mastered the art of complaining, my missus even complains in her sleep, it slows down in Summertime but takes off again come the bad weather and every Winter is a Winter of discontent to her, I think she actually looks forward to it so she can get more complaining in, like the cost of food and fuel, stupid little things like that, but not a bleep out of her when they put the price of smokes and a pint up.
Complaining is a release valve for us, makes us feel we have some influence on things in general and our views count, singly they don’t, but collective organised complaining can start a revolution. Everyone’s a critic whether we realise it or not, we love “Getting our tuppence worth in”
The bottom line is the whole World is one big complaining mass of humanity, always was and always will be, rich and poor have the same basic complaint, the poor complain they haven’t enough money and the rich complain they never have enough money, with attitudes like that humanity will forever be at each others throats.
long live complaining I say ‘cos you’ll never anywhere without it, keep silent and they’ll walk all over you.
I can truly say with my hand on my heart that complaining has got us to where we are today…living longer and still complaining.
and think of all those complaints that have passed through the confessional box only they call them "sins" instead!
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11-07-2017, 03:13 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

true tale, this:
My mate Chris [who's a tad unwell] and myself were discussing exactly this, as I drove him home from chemo. Chris's take was that although the flint hammer to make it was perhaps the first decent invention of ancient times,the wheel certainly takes some beating. Ok,fairy nuff-the wheel did certainly change the world forever...but my reply,as we wended our weary way home,was that the bloke who invented the axle did the real damage. Imagine no brought-to-a-halt-at-rush-hour motorways, no apopleptic drivers wildly gesticulating at one-another,no fumes, no ridiculous amounts of carbon in the air....and all the horse shit you could ever need for your garden. My,how different this world would be if those ancient hominids had invented the prophylactic sheath instead of the wheel...
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11-07-2017, 05:40 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

they did have a prophy 'well what he said' sheath they called it WO....MAN!
they just didn't realized it leaked!
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11-07-2017, 07:38 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

It's a good thing, that folks can be Differential.
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11-07-2017, 11:18 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

well changing the topic - I'm listening to a run of Richard Thompson music what a great guitarist - cutting edge stuff he even sings romantic songs with a bite - a feast to be sure! nothing soppy about this man and Irish too!
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11-07-2017, 11:31 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

First saw him on the box, mid 80s, after a night out, could have been the Whistle Test, anyway, I remember he did "Tear Stained Letter", which got progressively faster, it was mind boggling, on top of the Ale.
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11-07-2017, 12:50 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
well changing the topic - I'm listening to a run of Richard Thompson music what a great guitarist - cutting edge stuff he even sings romantic songs with a bite - a feast to be sure! nothing soppy about this man and Irish too!
I had never heard of him Gummy, but he was a member of Fairport Convention, was never into them so that would explain that. He’s a Londoner, my favourite people after Dubliners, I can’t comment on his music until I’ve heard it, I must play his stuff when I’m alone with the dog having a few fair ports.
I see he plays the Appalachian Dulcimer and the Hammered Dulcimer, he must be a genius, I don’t even know what they are, I thought one had to be a Blacksmith to hammer a Dulcimer and an Apache to play the other thing.
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12-07-2017, 01:11 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I learned to play truant as a nipper - does that count?
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12-07-2017, 07:19 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Of course it does, guys like us felt great responsibility, we were hyper aware of the plight of Truancy Officer, and how likely they were to become outmoded, by the self righteous, goody two shoe kids, who only thought of themselves. Mr Brookes, if you are still with us, I would like you to know, I did my best, to prolong your employment situation, and enable you to put food on the table.
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12-07-2017, 09:59 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

We called missing school “Mitching” “On the hop” or “On the jayer” don’t ask me how these names came about but the word “Truancy” was never used, well not on my side of the city anyway, maybe some of the toffs in Dublin 4 used it, but then toffy kids didn’t mitch from school so they had no use for the word.
The brother and me tried it once but never again, it was a disaster. The sun was shining when we set out for school and we decided we’d go swimming in the canal instead. The first thing we had to do was to hide the school bags (we didn’t call them satchels either), they were the cheap cloth bags and they contained four books, a jotter and an exercise book, a pencil with a rubber at the end of it, and a pen with a spare nib, some of the better off kids had fountain pens.
As we were enjoying our swim the heavens opened up and it lashed rain, our clothes on the bank were soaked and the books in the two schoolbags were sapping wet, we had hidden them in a ditch and the rain seeped through the cloth bags.
When the rain stopped and the sun came out again there was nobody around so we used a magnifying glass to light a small fire to dry out our clothes, I scorched me trousers and the brother burnt a hole in his shirt by moving it with a hot sparky stick. We walked through fields all day long avoiding the main roads for fear someone would know us and report back to the granny.
When we got home, after what seemed like years in the wilderness, we looked like two starving half drowned rats, it didn’t take much grilling from the granny to get at the truth, our resistance was completely broken down, but she fed us and forgave us. We never tried mitching again, only the hardiest of lads went mitching on a regular basis, or else they had a system unknown to the brother and me.
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