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11-03-2021, 12:11 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
Can you guys answer a question for me. It's a serious one. A preamble first. As I said before for better or worse the royals are yours, not ours. You are much closer to them than we are here. They are much more a part of your lives. I remember when Princess Di was the , most ;oved woman in the world. From London to New York to Paris to Sydney she was adored beyond belief. But apart from her all we ever heard from Britain was how much they detested the rest of them. Now that hate seems to have gone into overdrive. In the two years I have been on this site I have read nothing but venom from everybody about them. Even the Queen hasn't escaped it although she is mostly spared the worst of it. I sit back in my chair and wonder why you hate them so much. You have this young woman who has appeared only in the last couple of years and I can't believe the nastiness I read. I think to myself.. god I would have thought it would have taken more than a couple of years to come to loathe her that much. I am genuinely puzzled. Every time any of the royals have come here..apart perhaps from the perenially sour, rude and misery faced Princess Anne, seem to have a ball. CHarles once confided in somebody close to me that he wished he could just move to Australia and stay here. This is an honest question. If you can't answer it civilly..don't post..But why do you hate them so much??..Thanks.
Believe it or not most people don't usually follow what the royals are up to or the current spats between them. I doubt they care that much.
The palaces and The Tower are tourist attractions and part of the pomp and ceremony of the 'old days' but the Queen and her minnows have got about as disconnected from modern Britain and the average Brit as they can be. they're outdated.

Meghan, from a dysfunctional family .... met and fell in love with Harry from another dysfunctional family.

When they said they were off to become 'ordinary' people (well, ordinary multi-millionaires at least) most folk wished them well in their new lives out of the public gaze and waved them goodbye without a tear in their eye.

Except one way or another they keep thrusting themselves back into the public eye.
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11-03-2021, 12:23 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Believe it or not most people don't usually follow what the royals are up to or the current spats between them. I doubt they care that much.
The palaces and The Tower are tourist attractions and part of the pomp and ceremony of the 'old days' but the Queen and her minnows have got about as disconnected from modern Britain and the average Brit as they can be. they're outdated.

Meghan, from a dysfunctional family .... met and fell in love with Harry from another dysfunctional family.

When they said they were off to become 'ordinary' people (well, ordinary multi-millionaires at least) most folk wished them well in their new lives out of the public gaze and waved them goodbye without a tear in their eye.

Except one way or another they keep thrusting themselves back into the public eye.
Therein lies the real reason for many people's feelings of distaste.

Interestingly, I wonder why they specifically chose Oprah to conduct their interview?
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11-03-2021, 12:36 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

I believe the British Press have stirred up a lot of these feelings of hatred for the Royals.

And some people make their minds up purely from what they read in the papers...

As Prince Harry said: They're toxic!

I don't think they had any choice but to get away..
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11-03-2021, 12:41 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Interestingly, I wonder why they specifically chose Oprah to conduct their interview?

Winfrey was just one of the A-list celebrities who attended the couple’s wedding in May 2018, describing it as “transformative” in an interview after the event.

“It was a cultural moment and you could not be there or watch on television and not feel that there was a shift that just happened in the middle of it,” she said. “It’s bigger than them.”

It has been reported that Winfrey had only met the Duchess once prior to being invited to her wedding and the impending interview is the result of a three-year discussion between the two women.

The 67-year-old got in touch with Meghan through CBS, The Times reports, and they spoke on the phone.

Since the wedding, there have been numerous incidents where Oprah has spoken publicly in support of Meghan and Harry.
Winfrey and the Sussexes are now best mates .....

The sit-down portions of the interview took place at the home of a mutual neighbor.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are Santa Barbara’s newest residents.

Following their decision to step down from their senior royal roles at the start of 2020, the couple spent time on Vancouver Island and then stayed briefly at pal Tyler Perry’s sprawling Beverly Hills mansion.

The Duke and Duchess’s new neighbors include Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, both of whom have owned several properties in the area. Winfrey purchased Jeff Bridges’s Spanish Revival–style compound in nearby Montecito late last year, expanding her ranch, known as Promised Land, to a whopping 70 contiguous acres. DeGeneres, meanwhile, owns a $27 million Balinese-style mansion, also in Montecito.
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11-03-2021, 12:48 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by carol ->
I believe the British Press have stirred up a lot of these feelings of hatred for the Royals.

And some people make their minds up purely from what they read in the papers...

As Prince Harry said: They're toxic!

I don't think they had any choice but to get away..

I could go along with that but surely it's healthy to avoid the thing you despise or think is toxic ... not put yourself back in the spotlight ... especially if the intention is to exploit and manipulate it.
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11-03-2021, 01:12 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by keezoy ->

Now my final comment. I actually agree that the royal family is a relic from the past that is starting to look pretty tired and irrelevant even in Britain.
Keezoy, the royal family is a farce. The more enlightened of us recognise that as does the Queen. The Queen is not a ruling monarch as certainly many Americans think. She is a ceremonial monarch and while she discusses the future of the Uk with the incumbent government and signs bills into law, she does so with the express permission of the House of Commons.

If the Queen refused to sign a bill that had been passed by the House of Commons, she would be removed from office and the bill passed without her.

Each time she opens Parliament she goes to the House of Lords and reads out the speech the Prime Minister has written, setting out the mandate on which the governing party were elected.

She may keep referring to them as 'Mai Government', but do not be deluded - she does so with the permission from Parliament.

For this service she is paid a very pretty penny for herself. She is also allowed to allocate to members of her immediate family duchies from which they can garner a living.

Harry, in the interview, spoke of the fear the royal family has of the press. The reason is that the press can influence the mood of the people and if the mood of the people is changed to the detriment of the royal family, then they are history and that is why they court the press and the press know it.

Now if everybody buys into the farce of the royal family, all is well and good; however, when we see the hedonistic, depraved antics of some of them, then we, quite rightly, question where and how our money is being spent. It's called bringing the miscreants to account.

Meghan was welcomed with open arms when she first hit these shores and she was married on a wave of goodwill from the whole country. Then the press got hold of some rumours and worried away at them until a story began to unravel - a bit like an old sock.

What finished Meghan for me was her arrogant treatment and attitude to the public at Wimbledon. I knew then she wouldn't be staying long. Harry I feel sorry for. He's between a rock and a hard place and he has chosen to come down on the side of his wife, which after all is said, is his future.

I just wish they wouldn't keep pushing themselves into the limelight causing unnecessary waves.
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11-03-2021, 01:53 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Yep, I'll take all that on board PB. And thank you. But, waddit Meghan do at Wimblers?..Missed that.
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11-03-2021, 02:11 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

There's a link in the post under wimbledon.
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11-03-2021, 02:16 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
Yep, I'll take all that on board PB. And thank you. But, waddit Meghan do at Wimblers?..Missed that.
Guess this article sums it up

Edit- sorry Poohbear, didn't see the link. Will leave the one I found as an additional point of reference.
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11-03-2021, 06:42 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

The forgotten one.
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