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14-02-2014, 12:02 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Well they don't keep on about it do they? If they are coming out then it is the first time they have mentioned it in public.

All it illustrates is that people feel safer about acknowledging their sexuality, a far cry from the days when 'pooftah bashing' held the status of an Olympic sport. Isn't that a good thing?

Just think of the state Britain might be in today if Alan Turing had not been hounded to his death by authorities and public opinion but had been celebrated for the genius he was.

Bruce, I don't think Patsy means one person "keeps on about it" at all , she means first there's one, then another, and another and another and so on. It seems there is always somebody "coming out".
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14-02-2014, 08:36 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

For sportsmen its harder than most.
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14-02-2014, 09:35 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Bruce, I don't think Patsy means one person "keeps on about it" at all , she means first there's one, then another, and another and another and so on. It seems there is always somebody "coming out".
Thanks Mups - exactly what I mean.
I have 'no problem' with them Bruce ......
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14-02-2014, 10:11 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

It must help the 'gay' cause a lot when a 'macho' sportsman admits to being gay.

I have a few gay friends and life has been hard for a few of them, and still is come to that but a lot better than it was. Doesn't bother me they are gay but it does bother a lot of other people so the more it becomes acceptable, or should I say the more it becomes acknowledged, that there are 'gays' in all walks of life then it is for the better I reckon, else it will be back to the 'bash the gay' days which wasn't so far away.
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14-02-2014, 10:19 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
It must help the 'gay' cause a lot when a 'macho' sportsman admits to being gay.

I have a few gay friends and life has been hard for a few of them, and still is come to that but a lot better than it was. Doesn't bother me they are gay but it does bother a lot of other people so the more it becomes acceptable, or should I say the more it becomes acknowledged, that there are 'gays' in all walks of life then it is for the better I reckon, else it will be back to the 'bash the gay' days which wasn't so far away.
Sorry, I thought it 'was' accepted now, maybe, like me, people are fed up with the saga going on. On the one hand we have 'gay parades' - gay and proud - and the next,' I'm coming out' I just presume everyones gay now, till I know otherwise ......
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14-02-2014, 10:28 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Sorry, I thought it 'was' accepted now, maybe, like me, people are fed up with the saga going on. On the one hand we have 'gay parades' - gay and proud - and the next,' I'm coming out' I just presume everyones gay now, till I know otherwise ......
Gays are still being persecuted around the world so I suppose any newcomer to the fold, if a celebrity of some sort, helps the cause quite a lot I should think, especially if from some macho game like rugby for instance.
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14-02-2014, 10:31 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

People are 'slow' to catch on aren't they - although every walk of life is persecuted to some extent aren't they ......
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14-02-2014, 10:41 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
People are 'slow' to catch on aren't they - although every walk of life is persecuted to some extent aren't they ......
Not as much as gays surely?

What bothers me about the persecution of gays isn't the fact there are gays but the awful mindset that existed not so long ago - especially in the close knit Welsh towns where I live. The macho approach adopted by men and how everyone should behave in regard to it, with everyone else who dared to differ trodden on. No, we don't want to go back to that crap so the more people are made aware of 'different' people, be they gay or otherwise, the better if you ask me.
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14-02-2014, 10:48 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

I agree to an extent - I doubt very much it 'will' make a difference though, the world will always have too many ignorant, know it all, gits.
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14-02-2014, 10:53 AM

Re: 'Coming Out'

I worked for the BBC for 10 years and there is still a high percentage of "gay" people there, just as all creative-type environments always have had "gay" people but they just got on with their lives as the rest of us do.

A good friend of mine at the BBC always got rather angry about people coming out as he said it almost always created more prejudices in the lower ranks of society that greatly outweighed any supposed benefits these people possibly hoped to gain.

I personally agree with him on that.

He and his partner just wanted to live their lives together as a couple, regardless of the fact that they were both men and as far as I'm concerned that's fine by me.

To be honest they were both well suited and seemed very happy, unlike some I have met who either seemed to feel persecuted or that they should camouflage the sexuality in some way, which in the 21st century is ridiculous!

Unfortunately, the fear of persecution is waning thankfully but it's still there, simmering away in the background and gay people are often quite wrongly linked with the dregs of society just as Downs Syndrome people are often treated as being stupid - that's simply not true.

About 5 years ago not far from here there was a hue and cry over a supposed paedophile who had been released from prison and relocated on a council estate, much to the disgust of the locals.

Several harmless people who were homosexuals were attacked and paediatrician's surgery was trashed and "Peedo scum" sprayed on the walls.

That's the mentality of some in our society so I don't really understand the need for some "gays" to declare their sexuality like a badge of honour, possibly causing a backlash, when heterosexuals do not feel the pressing need to openly declare their sexuality to all and sundry.

All it is from what I can see is attention seeking. stevmk2
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