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31-07-2012, 08:45 PM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww I have reached heaven --- before I died ---- one would keep all his money in the U.K. and pay all his taxes, ( I wonder if a halo gives him a headache??.

Another angel would go out of her way to find someone stupid enough to lose a tenner, one wonders if it were the first angel distributing his wealth, after paying all his taxes.

And then there is the God of fairness,thinking simply because his taxes are taken a scource, then those that have a lot more and don't need to work will share , in realtion to their wealth, the same tax burden ---yeah right!!!!.

It is NOT the wealthy that are at fault, it is the system, if "advisors" can guide you away fro paying taxes you will take it ---- well at least those of us living in the real world would do.
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31-07-2012, 09:14 PM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

Originally Posted by Jonsey ->
Another angel would go out of her way to find someone stupid enough to lose a tenner, one wonders if it were the first angel distributing his wealth, after paying all his taxes.
Naw ... that would be the sarcastic poser who swanked around in the Mercedes / BMW/ Audi car showroom on another thread... and was so busy swanking his stuffing fell out.

BTW ... sarcasm, exercising your wit on and ridiculing other posters is not remotely interesting or funny.
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01-08-2012, 08:31 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Naw ... that would be the sarcastic poser who swanked around in the Mercedes / BMW/ Audi car showroom on another thread... and was so busy swanking his stuffing fell out.

BTW ... sarcasm, exercising your wit on and ridiculing other posters is not remotely interesting or funny.
I quite agree with you, -- please don't do it again.
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01-08-2012, 09:06 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

So you don't believe we should all pay our dues then Jonesy? Do you think we should we all avoid our taxes because it's big and clever to do so? Isn't society to do with all of us contributing our share and all then benefiting?

Now whilst I don't believe anyone should pay more than their fair share, that fair share should be paid. I make no apologies for the fact that I have always worked hard, earned well and paid my fair share of tax, which, however much it irked at the time, has allowed me to sleep very soundly thank you in the knowledge that I had done my share.

Oh, and by the way no, the halo doesn't hurt at all....
Uncle Joe
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01-08-2012, 09:22 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

I wonder if Jonsey would scream for 'free' NHS treatment in a few years time if, he unfortunately suffered from ill health???
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01-08-2012, 09:48 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

Originally Posted by plantman ->
So you don't believe we should all pay our dues then Jonesy? Do you think we should we all avoid our taxes because it's big and clever to do so? Isn't society to do with all of us contributing our share and all then benefiting?

Now whilst I don't believe anyone should pay more than their fair share, that fair share should be paid. I make no apologies for the fact that I have always worked hard, earned well and paid my fair share of tax, which, however much it irked at the time, has allowed me to sleep very soundly thank you in the knowledge that I had done my share.

Oh, and by the way no, the halo doesn't hurt at all....
Plantman, You are totally missing the point, no its not right that the wealthy etc should avoid paying their taxes, of course they should, what I am saying is, those that are rich and famous, don't, like us mere mortals, sit at the dining table, a struggle through our tax forms.

They have "Advisors" --- "investment Specialists" --etc etc --- to do their form filling---IT IS THESE PEOPLE ----- those that have been trained by our own institutions on how to reduce the tax burden of the wealthy, it is these people that find the taxation loopholes, they even invest in charities in order to get relief, when the government tried to put a stop to it, everyone raised their hands in horror, because it meant --even the "so called charities" would suffer --and was rescinded, and don't forget, its not just the rich and and famous playing that game, big business has brought it down to a fine art.
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01-08-2012, 09:54 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

You're putting the cart before the horse Jonsey. If these super-rich didn't PAY these advisers to find these loop-holes in the first place, then such tax-avoidance experts wouldn't exist.
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01-08-2012, 10:02 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

It doesn't follow that just because someone shows you how to fiddle your tax to the obscene amounts talked about here that you should do so. It's no excuse.
Nor is it a case of wearing a halo and taking the moral high ground. It's simple economics.
At the end of the day it's your average taxpayer who suffers ... the poor soul who can't/doesn't do any fiddling.

There's not enough money going in the pot ... and what happens? Who suffers? The celebs who are enjoying paying 1p in the £1 tax? No. The most vulnerable are targeted to make savings. Usually anyone in receipt of any type of State Benefit.
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01-08-2012, 10:09 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

Originally Posted by Jonsey ->
I quite agree with you, -- please don't do it again.
Quid pro quo ..... as Hannibal Lecter said.
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01-08-2012, 10:28 AM

Re: Wealthy Tax Avoiders.

I really do think people should do their homework before trying to score "brownie points"

Here in France we have just about the best health service in the world --it IS free to those below the "POVERTY LINE", but to the normal working class you have to pay for it, I will try and explain in simple tterms.

All French people and those in "residence" ( like me), have what is called a "Carte Vitalle" --'Carte Vert" --- "Green Card" -- this is a plastic card you present, when visiting a doctor, he then will charge you 23 Euros, just for the visit, should you need medication he will prescribe that, and like the U.k. you toddle off to the chemist to get your prescription again you present your card vitalle, they then charge you for the medicine you require.

The reason for the card is that the government will pay for 75% of all medications --- hospitalisations --- treatments etc etc etc --- and you have to pay the other 25%, that is the charge you actually pay for, (the 25%)

To reclaim that 25% you can do one of two things, Either pay up and hope you don't land up in hospital, or you take out a 'TOP UP" insurance, ( ours costs us about 140 pounds a month for both of us), with that you get a "Carte Mutuelle", yet another card which you present to any medical administration, that is then entered on your medical papers and automatically paid, so you don't have pay at scource.

The only difference to that is if you visit a specialist, Doctors here do a quick analysis of what could be wrong with you and then point you in the direction of a specialist in that field, on arrival at the specialist clinic you will, after examanination be charged for the consultation, and that can range from 20 to 300 Euros,( rough guess) that is on top of what has been deducted via presentation of the "gren card", this will then be re-imbursed via your "top up" insurance at a later date.

I hope you can understand my explanation, because as you see, I already "pay" for my medical care, be it at scource, (with the green card) or by having to pay 140 pounds a month insurance fees, I also pay into the French Tax system because I am a resident here, so before anyone tries to score 'brownie points" at my expense, one should get their facts right before engaging the mouth.
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