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01-08-2012, 09:53 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

You're so right Jonsey..............but then we all know how much tosh these pundits talk. They're just there to fill in the gaps between events and I for one don't pay a great deal of attention to what they have to say.
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01-08-2012, 10:45 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

Now how sad is that, we have an event lasting but a few weeks, which once every FOUR YEARS and is watched by billions all over the world, and we then get these geriatric, lefties, who are anti almost anything "social" complains because their routine has been disrupted.

As was pointed out to me ----a non complaining sufferer ------ that there are many other channels to choose from should one wish not to watch the games, there is of course a thing called the --------------- OFF----------- button, by using this device it does a magical thing, it renders the television set -----DEAD --------

But the sadness of the situation is not the fact a complainee's lack of knowledge regarding said ---"OFF" --- button, or indeed the fact there are a multitude of other channels one can watch, but the mere fact that there are those that take delight in complaining about ANYTHING that distrupts their normal boring way of life, now THAT is what I would call ---SAD.
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01-08-2012, 10:55 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

If as a result of my (and presumably many others) complaints about the excessive amount of television hours devoted to the Olympics it results in a reduction of that amount of broacast time by the BBC- then GOOD!!! If you don't like it TOUGH!!! - you find another broadcast station so that you can sit and watch sports 24/7.
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01-08-2012, 10:56 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

...........and, Jonsey, you are the biggest complainer I know !!!!
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01-08-2012, 11:39 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
If as a result of my (and presumably many others) complaints about the excessive amount of television hours devoted to the Olympics it results in a reduction of that amount of broacast time by the BBC- then GOOD!!! If you don't like it TOUGH!!! - you find another broadcast station so that you can sit and watch sports 24/7.

Unlike some that appear to lose the plot when they are" taken to task" I do happen to know there is an off button on my television, I also happen to know, as was told me by "Mazzie" that there so many other channels to watch without a trace of sport upon them.

Whether I like the fact the BBC choose to re-arrange programmes so that the MAJORITY can sit and watch sport or not is not a problem for me, I am quite happy to, as they say,to go with the flow, after all, it is only for two weeks in four years.

I neither like nor dislike sport of any kind, but I am quite happy to be, as it were, "be put out", for a short while in order that the greater majority can enjoy, for example, the games.
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01-08-2012, 11:44 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth


The only complaining I do is basically --mans injustice to man ----- If you trolled through all of my boring posts I don't think you'd find me complaining, and what some would call complining, others might think it more a way of, asking or answering, the more small minded and bigoted posts that appear on forums.

But please feel free to troll, I am sure someone could find something, should they look hard enough.
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01-08-2012, 11:53 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

Surely the BBC should ballot T.V Licence holders before interrupting primetime schedules like this, after all, it is they who fund it.
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01-08-2012, 11:55 AM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

This is a huge event in the sporting world, much bigger than the football world cup, european cup, Wimbledon etc..... So I don't really understand why so many people are so peeved at the tv coverage. After all, its not compulsory to watch it and so what if a few programmes have been rescheduled.............. its hardly the end of the world and as Jonsey said, it is only every four years for a couple of week.. I can't stand football but I wouldn't dream of complaining when there's a big tournament on - on more than one channel, I might add - as I know there are many people who do enjoy it. The old saying springs to mind.......

"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time"
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01-08-2012, 12:02 PM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

Originally Posted by Jonsey ->

Unlike some that appear to lose the plot when they are" taken to task" I do happen to know there is an off button on my television, I also happen to know, as was told me by "Mazzie" that there so many other channels to watch without a trace of sport upon them.

Whether I like the fact the BBC choose to re-arrange programmes so that the MAJORITY can sit and watch sport or not is not a problem for me, I am quite happy to, as they say,to go with the flow, after all, it is only for two weeks in four years.

I neither like nor dislike sport of any kind, but I am quite happy to be, as it were, "be put out", for a short while in order that the greater majority can enjoy, for example, the games.

You're making an assumption Jonsey that I (and others like me) are in the minority. There are millions like me who equally resent the excessive amount of broadcast time devoted to the olympics to the detriment of 'other' programmes that have been moved off the schedule to make way for this vast amount of sport. I think you'll find Jonsey that in point of fact I and people with a similar view happen, on this occasion, to be in the majority. If sufficient numbers took the initiative and followed my example and lodged a formal complaint the BBC may have to reconsider their decisions.

In addition to which, I resent having to pay a licence fee to an organisation who are supposed to be providing a complete service but yet totally ignores the older generation who like me have no interest in watching sport for the large number of hours it currently broadcasts.
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01-08-2012, 12:06 PM

Re: Gnashing of teeth

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Surely the BBC should ballot T.V Licence holders before interrupting primetime schedules like this, after all, it is they who fund it.
Spitfire, Awwww c'mon, this isn't a state controlled monopoly, the BBC set out to entertain, they have to please the masses --not the individual --- I just wonder what the outcome would be if your "balloting" were introduced on things such as --Big Brother --- Coronation St --- Eastenders and all those programms many think as awful ????
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