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12-11-2016, 09:18 PM

Re: 999 police ? No you had your window open.

I know one thing that is happening round here to waste resources IMO.
How they hound the hunt sabateurs. A friend of mine called in this evening for a cuppa, her son-in-law rides with the local hunt.
She was telling me that 8 police cars turned up at the hunt. 8!
There is miles of film to prove it is the huntsman themselves attacking people, not the sabs, and yet the police always nab the sabs, and the posh nobs go free.

If 8 cop cars, and sometimes their helicopter as well, isn't a waste of resources I don't know what is.
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12-11-2016, 09:20 PM

Re: 999 police ? No you had your window open.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I know one thing that is happening round here to waste resources IMO.
How they hound the hunt sabateurs. A friend of mine called in this evening for a cuppa, her son-in-law rides with the local hunt.
She was telling me that 8 police cars turned up at the hunt. 8!
There is miles of film to prove it is the huntsman themselves attacking people, not the sabs, and yet the police always nab the sabs.

If 8 cope cars, and sometimes their helicopter as well, isn't a waste of resources I don't know what is.
Yes again many things they could cut back before making officers redundant.
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12-11-2016, 10:05 PM

Re: 999 police ? No you had your window open.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

An explanation of the cuts can be found here.

What these do not take into account is the increase in population and the significant increase in the threat of Terrorism, which means the focus has shifted.

The cuts have also affected other Enforcement Agencies,

Four years ago I had two full time Officers who did nothing else but work 3 nights a week with the Police, I had to make them redundant.

Much has been made of the so called efficiency savings, for example, the closure of small Police Stations,

Great in theory, but rubbish in practice, instead of popping in at nights for a wee, a 20 minute journey to the main one, same with meal breaks.

It is a simple equation, pay more tax or accept the reduction in service.
I have no doubt that much of the problem is due to cuts in finance but, as I mentioned earlier, I'd like to know how they prioritise the demands on their attention. I didn't read much about that in the article.

We are unfortunate to live in the PC age, and I have a feeling that influences what the police are required to do.

I also agree with what others have suggested may be detrimental to the system. For one thing, the fast-tracking of graduates to the upper echelons of the police before they have had much experience of practical work. Does this still go on?

Then there is the 'top heavy' situation. Certainly, the existence of these new 'police commissioners' and, no doubt a host of senior police officers under them, must account for a large proportion of the available finances. I'd also be interested to learn about their exact numbers and how much they are paid.
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12-11-2016, 10:27 PM

Re: 999 police ? No you had your window open.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Like most I'm no expert unlike you, I'm unsure why you bother with a forum like this if we are all so stupid.

A lot of very intelligent people on here, far more intelligent than me and I learn a lot from them.

There are a lot of people on this site who are not as good as good as me at passing exams, however they are of more use to society as they can lay bricks, laminate floors, repair cars, mend Gas Boilers, wire a house etc.

I respect their views and listen and learn from them.

I in no way consider them stupid.

Unfortunately you continue with personal, unjustified attacks.

You also support those who consider terrorism to be acceptable.

You are very fortunate to be able to afford to drive an SUV, many are not, you are also very fortunate to have a caravan for the weekend to escape to, many are not.

You also consistently attack the Polish, yet demand unrestricted immigration for Muslim Migrants,

When was the last time any Polish Immigrants launched a Terror Attack here in the UK?

When was the last time that a serving Soldier was killed by a Polish Immigrant?

Remember Lee Rigby?

You have a family member in the Army, yet you would put them at greater risk by allowing unfettered access by Radical Muslims rather than allowing access to EU Citizens who have no intention at all of killing serving Military.

Your problem. not mine.
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