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07-12-2018, 04:09 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
It p!sses me off too, Longdogs.
These highly paid celebrities who, if they don't get paid, are gaining much publicity (and look how many appear on those TV shows too when they have an album or a film just out!).
If they put their hand in their back pocket most of them could pay for medical expenses and ammenities in any of the world's disaster spots. But no, they have to go the general public for it.

Look at U2's Bono with all his preaching and posturing. Let's help Africa he says whilst he makes sure his assets are frozen in some bank in Panama. Phoney git.

I always remember at Live Aid in 1985 when some of the American stars in particular wanted top accommodation backstage and lavish banquets in exchange for their appearance fees. Diana Ross was one high profile diva that day who simply couldn't grasp the whole reason she was there for.

And yes, game shows. Things like Pointless and The Chase where they have 'celebrity' episodes of the programme doing it 'for their favourite charity'. It's always has beens like Matthew Kelly and Lorraine Chase who need a few grand to appear in order to donate their significantly paltry winnings to their chosen cause. Thing is, they don't pay a thing, the BBC does. They just do the show and get taxi'd back to their third floor apartment in St. John's Wood to talk to their agent about the next celebrity charity game show they can make some dosh out of.

But remember, pensioners...Join Saga today and get a free Parker pen from Michael Parkinson!

As you mention Floydy, that's another thing that p*sses me off, celebs that only appear on TV because they have a new album or film out. Just as an example, Annie Lennox who brings a song out about every ten years and expects her loyal fans to rush out and buy it. Do these people not realise that fans can move on when they are not getting the goods. I see you made a similar point in the top paid musicians thread.
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07-12-2018, 04:12 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

I find it most annoying and upsetting with the TV keep advertising Animal Cruelty and Children starving in poor countries, that I now turn the TV off when they come on. They use the same video for many years.
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07-12-2018, 04:14 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

I always feel sorry for the little black kid called Enoch. I mean, come on, if you are going to choose a fake name.....
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07-12-2018, 04:23 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

Originally Posted by susiejaeger ->
I find it most annoying and upsetting with the TV keep advertising Animal Cruelty and Children starving in poor countries, that I now turn the TV off when they come on. They use the same video for many years.
Same reason I don't watch Sky News anymore in the afternoons, Susie.
Why on earth do I want to adopt a snow leopard for £3 a week? It might bite me.
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07-12-2018, 04:24 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

Originally Posted by longdogs ->
i always feel sorry for the little black kid called enoch. I mean, come on, if you are going to choose a fake name.....
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07-12-2018, 04:53 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

We always record our things to watch, so can fast forward through the ads.
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07-12-2018, 08:57 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

It is absolutely scandalous in this day and age, that we have to see little children walk miles to fetch and drink filty water used by animals in some Countries overseas.
Where does the £billions all the Foreign Aid go to?
Why is it not accounted for.
The Goverment is aware that much is creamed of by Dictators and Officials to build palatial houses and buy planes for personell transport, yet chose to ignore this and increase this Aid annually.

In a magazine I bought there was seven Charity leaflets all pleading for donations. Many of these Charities have £millions in the Bank and invest in Stocks and Shares and own other properties as well

It is all out of hand these days and does not encourage charitable donations.
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07-12-2018, 09:26 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

There is never a mention of how much their own governments are doing to help the situation.Or in the case of the poor donkeys for example, the owners surely have enough sense to see that, working them to death, is of no benefit to their livelihood, and cruel beyond belief. I agree about the celebs, send the buggers over there to give a hand, instead of piously preaching to us all.
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07-12-2018, 10:01 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

Their owners are poor and whose own lives are desperate .
Cruelty and ignorance are the norm.
Where children labour Iike slaves -making bricks for example animals don't even register.
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08-12-2018, 04:00 PM

Re: Charity adverts and celebs

Originally Posted by john ->
there is never a mention of how much their own governments are doing to help the situation.or in the case of the poor donkeys for example, the owners surely have enough sense to see that, working them to death, is of no benefit to their livelihood, and cruel beyond belief. I agree about the celebs, send the buggers over there to give a hand, instead of piously preaching to us all.
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