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04-10-2011, 08:50 PM

Re: Pet hates

I can now understand your dislike of cats aitch. It must be a nightmare and I wouldn't like to be in your position either. My cat tends to be more of a house cat, doesn't venture outside much at all......I think she's a wimp
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04-10-2011, 11:08 PM

Re: Pet hates

I love both cats and dogs and have each. A friend of mine hates cats and its always interesting when she comes to visit as the cat is drawn to her and always trys to sit on her lap which makes my friend jump out of her skin even though she's known my cat from a kitten
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04-10-2011, 11:15 PM

Re: Pet hates

Originally Posted by marpaul ->
I love both cats and dogs and have each. A friend of mine hates cats and its always interesting when she comes to visit as the cat is drawn to her and always trys to sit on her lap which makes my friend jump out of her skin even though she's known my cat from a kitten
I've kept cats for over 50 years, and they certainly know when a human doesn't like them, and they try to nuzzle up to them.

Mister Aitch, you would no more use a DB shot-gun on a cat than I would on a dog. I don't hate any creature, but I'm not fond of dogs because I once had a bad experience with one, so I no longer trust them. Talk about living with wolves.

I do understand how proud people are of their gardens, and all the work they put into them, but sadly for those that don't like them, they are still free to roam at will, whereas dogs are not.

My Casey is almost 16 years old, and he goes no further than his own back yard, and we always tried to keep our cats enclosed, but they can jump up trees and it is their nature to go on walkabout.
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04-10-2011, 11:32 PM

Re: Pet hates

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
I've kept cats for over 50 years, and they certainly know when a human doesn't like them, and they try to nuzzle up to them.

Mister Aitch, you would no more use a DB shot-gun on a cat than I would on a dog. I don't hate any creature, but I'm not fond of dogs because I once had a bad experience with one, so I no longer trust them. Talk about living with wolves.

I do understand how proud people are of their gardens, and all the work they put into them, but sadly for those that don't like them, they are still free to roam at will, whereas dogs are not.

My Casey is almost 16 years old, and he goes no further than his own back yard, and we always tried to keep our cats enclosed, but they can jump up trees and it is their nature to go on walkabout.
Glad to see you post that, as I'm not at all a dog person for that among other reasons; I do hesitate to say I dislike/am uncomfortable around dogs on a forum where they're so well loved. You put that very well: living with wolves.

Oh yes, cats are excellent at sussing out who among guests doesn't like them ... and act accordingly! It can be quite funny.
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04-10-2011, 11:52 PM

Re: Pet hates

It's funny for the cat's humans, but not for the guests!

I says it like it is Missus Dandy, and I do not de-cry dog lovers, not at all. It's just that some dogs do have a reputation of mauling children over here - don't know what the dog laws are in the states, but dogs are not free to roam here as they have to be on a lead/leash in public places, but some owners think it's okay to let their dogs out at all times of day and night and let them do as they please. In these instances, I feel sorry for the dogs, because their owners obviously don't care about them. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

Contrarywise, even when dogs are out with their owners on a leash, I think they should be muzzled, because all dogs have the potential to attack, whereas cats are rarely known to do that unless they're victimised.

I trust only one dog, and that's my brother's Border Collie. Sam is beautiful but daft and, the first time he met me, he avoided me like the plague, until I put my jacket on to leave, then he started to try to round me up. My jacket was a sheep-skin!
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05-10-2011, 02:19 AM

Re: Pet hates

We have leash laws here in many places, Mollie; Washington is one. We also have dog parks where they can be let off lead, run free and socialize.

I hope that people don't think I'm being hypocritical when I wish their poorly dogs well or admire new pups; I really mean that. As long as I don't have to meet the dogs in person, which would be unpleasant for me; long story, never properly socialized to dogs and a bad scene involving biting and rabies shots in childhood.
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05-10-2011, 03:30 PM

Re: Pet hates

I am a very, very strong cat lady. I currently have two. We always had dogs too, although not now, but my heart was really with the cat. QVC sell a plant which is abhorrent to cats and apparently it works exceedingly well. Another method is to have a cat yourself, this will keep other cats away!!!
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05-10-2011, 03:52 PM

Re: Pet hates

I have 4 cats as well as my 3 dogs...........
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09-10-2011, 05:36 PM

Re: Pet hates

I prefer dogs they are not independant unlike cats,and go out of the way to please you.
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09-10-2011, 10:17 PM

Re: Pet hates

If you don't want cats in your garden, never grow mint, as cats love it.

There is a saying, which is so true:

Dogs have masters
Cats have staff!
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