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27-11-2017, 07:44 PM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Originally Posted by Fogey ->
I have a theory that really beautiful and good looking women will make poorer wives and partners than a plainer looking woman.

It's my experience that a good looking woman will have had a lot of opportunities laid at her door because of her looks, rather than earning those opportunities through personality alone.

A plainer looking woman will have learned people skills to get on in life, so when she does speak, she will come out head and shoulders above her beautiful counterpart.

So for me, I really am not interested in beautiful women other than to look at for the simple reason that behind the beauty is a vacuous, empty headed person.
OOhh!! I so agree Fogey
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27-11-2017, 07:58 PM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

These days there are very few plain looking women as with all the help, Cosmetics and fashionable clothes all women can look attractive and years younger as well
And it is certainly not true that beautiful women are empty headed. The majority are very intelligent.

Men who marry marry women who are considered plain looking on the whole do not like the competition of a very attractive wife likes to be the centre of attention and the women is so grateful she is the chosen one she waits on him hand and foot and spend hours in the kitchen which is just were he wants her.

I guarantee he has an eye for beautiful women.
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27-11-2017, 08:44 PM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Most of the younger generation of women all look the same to me tbh. Painted on eyebrows, fish lips, hair extensions and spider-like lashes and orange skin. Not a good look.
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27-11-2017, 11:04 PM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?
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28-11-2017, 12:48 AM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

The question I asked, "Why her and not the others", is an exceedingly difficult question to answer. I find that I need to know the answer to questions which many others never even think about. Difficult does not, however, mean impossible. Yet I remain convinced that answers do exist.

I have never been satisfied with answers that answer nothing.
Simply saying that we all are different, is one of those answers that answers nothing.

Each of us moves through life and time, and we do not do so in a vacuum. We interact with others and within the environment which we inhabit. Everything we do, and every thing that we experience, makes an impression on us. Somewhere within in that maze of millions of experiences lies the answer to how we, as individuals, think and feel and act.

I contend that, first comes a thought, which results in a feeling, then, lastly, comes the action. There is a reason why we do every single thing we do.
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28-11-2017, 12:57 AM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Saying we are all different answers your question in my eyes, Bakerman.
Now you're getting all profound on us. No matter though, it's actually quite refreshing to be able to see a thread which sticks to the original topic. Most of them digress at a tangent and subsequently descend into tittle-tattle!
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28-11-2017, 01:13 AM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Most of the younger generation of women all look the same to me tbh. Painted on eyebrows, fish lips, hair extensions and spider-like lashes and orange skin. Not a good look.
Well said that man. Usually blonde too - it's like the Village of the Damned
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28-11-2017, 04:22 AM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
Saying we are all different answers your question in my eyes, Bakerman.
Now you're getting all profound on us. No matter though, it's actually quite refreshing to be able to see a thread which sticks to the original topic. Most of them digress at a tangent and subsequently descend into tittle-tattle!

Thank you for your input. If that satisfies you, then you have your answer. I, however, search still and will continue to do so until I have my answer.

Hoping I don't derail this thread, I also ask myself why one man commits serial murder, while his mates live out normal lives. It is only by relentlessly asking questions that mankind advances.
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28-11-2017, 04:48 AM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Originally Posted by Azure ->
... it is certainly not true that beautiful women are empty headed. The majority are very intelligent.

I agree. I was just about to say the same myself.

Men who marry marry women who are considered plain looking on the whole do not like the competition of a very attractive wife likes to be the centre of attention and the women is so grateful she is the chosen one she waits on him hand and foot and spend hours in the kitchen which is just were he wants her.

On that statement, however, I'm not too sure that he worries about competition. It may very well be that he feels he has no chance of ever making a gorgeous woman happy. It could also be that he thinks he has zero chance of catching and holding onto a very pretty woman.

Now, about that bit concerning him wanting her in the kitchen. IMO that is normal enough. Just as it is normal for a woman to want her husband to be a good provider. Most recent example of this is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
If Prince Harry was a cook in a low-class diner, making only 350 quid/week, Miss Markle would never, ever, under any conditions, have even gone out for tea with Harry.

I guarantee he has an eye for beautiful women.
I agree. He is, after all, a man. A man can no more not look at a pretty woman, than a woman can stop looking at fashionable clothing. It is who we are as a species. No fault, no blame, we are what we are.
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28-11-2017, 05:50 AM

Re: Why her and not the other ones ?

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
Thank you for your input. If that satisfies you, then you have your answer. I, however, search still and will continue to do so until I have my answer.

Hoping I don't derail this thread, I also ask myself why one man commits serial murder, while his mates live out normal lives. It is only by relentlessly asking questions that mankind advances.
Insecurities. Jealousy. Bullied at school. Personality defect. Disfunctional childhood. The list is endless.
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