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16-10-2012, 05:56 AM

Re: Dog thief.

Originally Posted by Kath 131 ->
She also pulls like mad on her lead, I have bought a canny collar but she can get it off! So I am a bit frustrated any advice appreciated. I have looked on You Tube and other sites but would like your input please, and here is the little devil
The only way to train a wilfull dog is with a 2 metre lead and a choke chain. Make sure you know how to put the choke chain on properly so the ring comes up from below when the dog is on your left side (this is so the thing releases when the dog is behaving itself)

Connect the lead, get the dog on your left with its head level with your leg. Hold the lead handle firmly in your right hand and loosely with your left hand. When you are ready tell the dog 'heel' and walk forward. As soon as the dog gets ahead of you quickly turn through 180' release the lead with the left hand and continue walking. The dog will soon come to the end of the lead and you being much bigger, heavier and stronger and travelling in the opposite direction to the dog will feel the lead (held tightly in the right hand) tighten and the dog is spun round to follow you.

Keep walking let the dog catch up with you, say 'heel' and tighten the lead slightly to hold the dog in the right position next to your left leg for a few seconds say 'heel' again. Loosen the lead with the left hand. If the dog gets ahead then again spin through 180 degrees and repeat the performance.

The dog soon learns that it needs to be able to see you and your leg and before you know it it will be walking with its neck or head right next to your leg and following every move you make with the lead slack. So easy, you have to show who's boss and that it must pay attention to you.
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16-10-2012, 08:40 AM

Re: Dog thief.

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
The only way to train a wilfull dog is with a 2 metre lead and a choke chain. Make sure you know how to put the choke chain on properly so the ring comes up from below when the dog is on your left side (this is so the thing releases when the dog is behaving itself)

Connect the lead, get the dog on your left with its head level with your leg. Hold the lead handle firmly in your right hand and loosely with your left hand. When you are ready tell the dog 'heel' and walk forward. As soon as the dog gets ahead of you quickly turn through 180' release the lead with the left hand and continue walking. The dog will soon come to the end of the lead and you being much bigger, heavier and stronger and travelling in the opposite direction to the dog will feel the lead (held tightly in the right hand) tighten and the dog is spun round to follow you.

Keep walking let the dog catch up with you, say 'heel' and tighten the lead slightly to hold the dog in the right position next to your left leg for a few seconds say 'heel' again. Loosen the lead with the left hand. If the dog gets ahead then again spin through 180 degrees and repeat the performance.

The dog soon learns that it needs to be able to see you and your leg and before you know it it will be walking with its neck or head right next to your leg and following every move you make with the lead slack. So easy, you have to show who's boss and that it must pay attention to you.
sorry Brucie while I may agree on the rest NO choke chain, we stopped using them over 20 yrs ago, it's not necessary, certainly on a dog the size of a JR, would look ridiculous. we use rewards over here when they get it right.
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18-10-2012, 06:49 PM

Re: Dog thief.

If I have learned anything being the 'owner' of a JRT is that you have to be very assertive & tough with them all the time, you give them an inch they will take at least a couple of miles. Billy will be very well behaved for a couple of days & I foolishly think at last I have cracked it,I give him cuddles, let him up on the sofa with me & then when I get up in the morning I come down to puddles of pee, garden debris scattered everywhere & we are back to square one. So sadly I have to treat him as a dog ALL the time which I must admit he seems happier with.
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