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31-07-2015, 03:21 PM

Re: crop circle

I don't doubt most of these intricate patterns are man-made hoax's - but maybe not all.

One thing that puzzles me is, if we walked through a field of corn to get to a certain part, (or to get out again), we'd leave trodden down corn tracks. Why aren't there any here?

Also, whoever, or whatever draws these patterns, where do they disappear to for the rest of the year, why do they only come when the corn is ripening?
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31-07-2015, 03:25 PM

Re: crop circle

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I don't doubt most of these intricate patterns are man-made hoax's - but maybe not all.

One thing that puzzles me is, if we walked through a field of corn to get to a certain part, (or to get out again), we'd leave trodden down corn tracks. Why aren't there any here?
Also, whoever, or whatever draws these patterns, where do they disappear to for the rest of the year, why do they only come when the corn is ripening?
I wondered about that too - they didn't explain that one on the docu ...................
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31-07-2015, 03:27 PM

Re: crop circle

Originally Posted by susan m ->
I've been in some , the man made crop is always broken at the nodes, the 'real' ones have the nodes microwaved and the nodes never broken. many years ago a bi plane flew regularly over a set path opposite stone henge , the pilot flew over fields during the daytime on return 3/4 hour later below him in the field was a massive crop circle which was not there on his flight .

at at crop circle convention a chap had filmed a ball of energy flying fast over hedges , it was on his mobile phone , shown to us all in the audience , in the background was a farmer on his tractor ploughing his field , unknown to him this energy ball was a few hundred feet from him , seen very clearly in the video . it was suggested this possibly could be something to do with the circles . of course we don't know the answers .
I've seen that particular footage Susan - like I said, many are unexplained
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31-07-2015, 03:48 PM

Re: crop circle

Originally Posted by Mups ->

One thing that puzzles me is, if we walked through a field of corn to get to a certain part, (or to get out again), we'd leave trodden down corn tracks. Why aren't there any here?

Also, whoever, or whatever draws these patterns, where do they disappear to for the rest of the year, why do they only come when the corn is ripening? walk in the tractor tracks you can see them they look like tram lines.

When the corn is ripening the schools and Unis are on holiday
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31-07-2015, 04:15 PM

Re: crop circle

Nor will i Aysa.☺
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31-07-2015, 04:21 PM

Re: crop circle

I would really like the TV companies to get some of these so called crop circle makers to make a crop circle that is as huge as some shown and as intricately made. They wouldn't know where to start.☺
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31-07-2015, 05:17 PM

Re: crop circle

I am amazed that anyone is even remotely impressed by crop circles or thinks they are anything but a hoax .

If I am amazed by anything it is the skill of our ancestors who produced such remarkable feats of engineering/ building as the pyramids, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu to name just a couple of things with only the most primitive of tools ..

they really are impressive. I doubt the people who built them would be impressed by a bit of squashed corn ...
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31-07-2015, 06:02 PM

Re: crop circle
Older git
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31-07-2015, 06:19 PM

Re: crop circle

If there was some kind of `life/force` out there that could travel astronomical distances and had the spare energy to do it -then why waste time playing around with crops?
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31-07-2015, 06:28 PM

Re: crop circle

Originally Posted by Older git ->
If there was some kind of `life/force` out there that could travel astronomical distances and had the spare energy to do it -then why waste time playing around with crops?
Exactly Stephan some would have us believe that space traveling aliens who by their very arrival on our plant would demonstrate a superior level of intelligence to our own would come here with the purpose of squashing a bit of corn
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