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27-04-2012, 02:12 PM

Re: Cat

Certainly trying to find out if the cat has an owner would be the best thing to do. Considering that the cat's tail is missing it shouldn't be too difficult. If fact maybe the pharmacy could put up a notice asking if anyone knows the owner of the cat.

It surprises me that the Pharmacist allows the cat into the pharmacy, especially if he thinks it is a stray and could be suffering from worms and fleas. Which is another reason to suspect it isn't a stray.
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27-04-2012, 02:22 PM

Re: Cat

Originally Posted by ClaireMarie ->
I think the kitty just has her routine down and it includes hanging out at the drug store. What about.... attaching a collar and note asking if kitty heads home to an owner in the evenings just to see what happens. Your heart is in the right place, but this kitty maybe the love of another too.
Now that's a good idea.
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28-04-2012, 05:01 AM

Re: Cat

Originally Posted by mesco m ->
I can't believe that you would even think about taking a cat away from a place that it is so obviously familiar with, without knowing if the cat has a home or not
You say it looks like it is well looked after, then it probably is.
I could understand it a little more if the cat looked neglected and undernourished.
You also say the cat's tail has been docked, surely that suggests that a person had some involvement in that and maybe had it done for the cats welfare, again suggesting it's a cat that's loved and cared for.

Quite frankly I'm appalled that some one who has had so many cats of their own would even consider such an action.
I'm sorry you feel that way but because I've had so many cats of my own, I have genuine concern about this cat, and of course I wouldn't just take it away without leaving a message as to its whereabouts if its humans wanted it back.

I'm sorry you're appalled because I'm concerned about it!

Whenever I've visited the Pharmacy, she's followed me, sat on my knee and looked up at me. Sorry, but you'd have to be there to understand that.

Of course I've considered that the docking of the tail could have been for the cat's welfare, which I did mention in an earlier post.

I refuse to justify my concern over an animal that spends all its time in a place which is not its home for periods of up to 10 hours a day, because that is not normal.

Originally Posted by ClaireMarie ->
I think the kitty just has her routine down and it includes hanging out at the drug store. What about.... attaching a collar and note asking if kitty heads home to an owner in the evenings just to see what happens. Your heart is in the right place, but this kitty maybe the love of another too.
Thank you ClaireMarie. I truly do only have the cat's welfare at heart, but I'd never dream of putting a collar on a cat because it could kill them.

I'm sorry I brought this up now. I won't go cat-napping as that is not what I do. I'm just concerned - that's all - so shoot me for that!

Just an aside: Humans can never OWN a cat, so don't think for one moment that you do as that would be a fatal arrogance. It's the other way around. Cats choose humans and, if they choose you, then you are very privileged to be truly accepted by them; totally unlike dogs.

I can't count how many cats have come to my door over the years that have waltzed in, flopped down and stayed for years. There was Pushkin, Shelley, Dusty, Max, Alex, Tinker, and many others who moved in because they wanted to be here, and most recently Billie, and all of that was of their own volition, so I'd never dream of cat-napping, and I feel as if I've been the subject of a witch-hunt by Mesco for just caring about an animal and voicing my concern about a cat who also has the serious concerns of the members of staff of the Pharmacy.

I shall not return to this thread, so please let it rest now.
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28-04-2012, 09:52 AM

Re: Cat

You would like me to let it rest after accusing me of witch hunting, because you did not like my opinion of what you were proposing to do. I think not.
You are not the only one who had the cat's welfare at heart. So did I.
And I stand by what I said, I am appalled that you consider it an act of kindness to take a cat from a place that it is obviously familiar with, with or without leaving a message, that the owner may or may not receive. Sounds like you have encouraged other cats into your home too. A cat cannot take up residence unless you allow it to. I wonder, did you consider how many of those were other people's pets. Appalled, you bet I am.
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29-04-2012, 04:38 AM

Re: Cat

Okay, I've returned to this thread, but only to say that I'm really sorry Mesco, but you've attacked/been nasty to me more than once on this forum in different threads, and I've tried to skate over them, but I haven't read your last post here because I now have you on Ignore so I don't know what you've said, and I don't want to.

From memory, I've never been unkind or nasty to you or anyone else, as that is not my way, but it is the way of forums where some members just take agin another for reasons of their own. So be it. I didn't come on here to be argumentative with anyone - only to make friends - and for the last time, I will say that my reason for posting this thread was because of my genuine concern about that cat.
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29-04-2012, 11:31 AM

Re: Cat

If you mean by nasty that I have disagreed or expressed an opinion that differs from your own then yes I am guilty as accused.

I have noticed that you express opinions about others. You did so to Uncle Joe about what he chose to eat and told him in no uncertain terms that you would not speak to him again. You think that is acceptable because it is your opinion and Uncle Joe is only worthy of your contempt.

You post topics and then ask opinions and if that opinion is not in line with your own then accuse the person of being nasty.
It is your choice if you wish to ignore me but if you post
something that I disagree with or have an opinion about, I will not be gagged by you crying witch hunt. On the other hand if I am told by a moderator that I am witch hunting or being nasty to you or any one else then I will abide by forum rules and the moderators decision. Until that time arrives I will express my opinion, wether it is to your liking or not.
You were appalled by Uncle Joes choice of food and I am appalled by what you wanted to do about the cat. Where is the difference.

You also accuse me of being nasty to you on other occasions, would that again be when my opinion differed from yours.

It would be a very mundane world if we all chose to agree with each other, if fact this conversation would not be happening.

You are not the only one with a point of view or an opinion and if by playing the victim you wish to portray me as a bad guy so be it.

You wanted to let this subject lie but only on your terms it would seem and after you expressed your opinion about me. Sorry I won't oblige.
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