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25-02-2016, 09:56 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

I has all gone so wrong with Border Control now out of control and totally inefficient especially in this digitail age.
How ironic that in the 1920's -30's, when immigrants were welcome in the UK to help out with the economy and brought with them special trades and expertise,
They did not get a penny forn the Goverment not did they ask for finacial help
They all saved enough money to keep them for six months and all and had somewhere to got to usually with friends for a short while and cramped into one room.
Their documents were thouroghly checked at the Border and no one with a criminal record allowed in
They had to report to the Police when changing addresss.
Immediately they got any menial work available and saved every penny and lived on Bread and onions and beans
The Women could all sew ansd bought a sewing machine and made all ther own clothes including underwear which lasted for years and many clothes were handed down
They were encouraged to apply for Brithish Nationality which ment a written and oral exam
Most finally bought their own homes and sent money back to 'The Old Country' They did not go about raping girls and stealing.
Some became millionares, like Rocco Forte why now mixes with Royalty

How times have changed!!
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25-02-2016, 10:03 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

My late Father lived in a small rural village with no shops and a very infrequent bus service.
However having given up driving he liked to take a ride into the the nearest town to do his shopping.
One day a nasty driver (British) upset him as he said he couldn't get on because it was too early to use his bus pass ( the bus was practically empty )
What a bastard bullying an octogenarian.
In contrast the polish drivers were kind frequently stopping the bus if they saw someone coming who hadn't quite made the stop.
One of the ( Polish ) drivers not having seen Dad for a while and meeting my brother in town asked where he was and was sad to hear he had died.
I always like taking your father he said he was always such a pleasant friendly gentleman.
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25-02-2016, 10:09 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Shows how different things can be doesn't it.
The Polish drivers here used to get irritated when we couldn't understand each other.
In the end I used to just smile sweetly and say ..Yay! Lech Walesa .. and then they'd calm down a bit and we could start all over again.

The semaphore for .. I want to get off at the traffic lights was two crossed arms to denote 'the crossroads please'.
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26-02-2016, 11:27 AM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

When the British, lazy able bodied scum on unemployment benefits are forced to do all the jobs that migrants do for next to nothing, then maybe we won't need to employ so many of them!
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26-02-2016, 01:33 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?


Unemployment here is less than 2%.

The usual suspects are sat outside the Post Office, swigging Cider and smoking rollups.

The last six jobs have all gone to EU Migrants.

They were all paying above minimum wage, not a single local applied for them.

Sheer stupidity.
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