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27-12-2014, 09:04 PM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
Shopping in a city 20 miles from where we live today, just a change, there were beggars in several doorways, with and without dogs. There were also Big Issue sellers- thought you had to be homeless to sell the Big why do they get housing benefit?- I'm not sure what these people contribute to our communities.
I didn't donate/buy anything - Scrooge that I am!!
Just saw this Email as I was switching off - the homeless do not get housing benefit and having seen docus on the Big Issue and the homeless, they struggle to contribute given their circumstances.
A lot of homeless people are ex servicemen - did you know that ..........
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27-12-2014, 09:08 PM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

A lot of homeless are Eastern Europeans as were the ones we saw today - Are you reprimanding me, Patsy?
Think I can judge these things for myself.. The comment about housing benefit was mentioned in Steve's post, that's where that one came from.
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27-12-2014, 09:12 PM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
A lot of homeless are Eastern Europeans as were the ones we saw today - Are you reprimanding me, Patsy?
Think I can judge these things for myself.. The comment about housing benefit was mentioned in Steve's post, that's where that one came from.
Don't be daft gal - its a sensitive issue is all
You cannot get the benefit - unless things have changed 'recently' - you are right about immigrants being on the streets and on that score, my sympathy dwindles a bit ....
I think they should get the next truck back to France
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27-12-2014, 09:19 PM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Don't be daft gal - its a sensitive issue is all
You cannot get the benefit - unless things have changed 'recently' - you are right about immigrants being on the streets and on that score, my sympathy dwindles a bit ....
I think they should get the next truck back to France
I agree and I have every sympathy for our ex servicemen and women - they should never be reduced to begging, disgraceful!
Just putting the record straight.
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27-12-2014, 10:30 PM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

We have Romanian beggars here too, lots of them, they beg in the markets, they are in virtually every supermarket doorway, always with a notice written in English saying "no work, 3/4/5 sons to support". Some of them use dogs, poor little things sitting on a stool with baskets in their mouths, the ones who do that rapidly disappear if they see any police about. One friend of ours, a 79 year old lady who has lived here many years, is a real character, when she sees the beggars with the notices proclaiming they have no work and so many children to support she gives them condoms and tells them they are not likely to find work sat in a supermarket doorway !

We read an article here some time ago put out by the Romanian Help Society and even they say that many of the Romanians do not want to integrate, they donīt want to send their children to school and when the authorities insist they send them the children simply either run off or donīt turn up. There have been cases where children have been used for begging purposes and taken into care, they quite simply run away.

It seems to be an unsolvable problem.
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28-12-2014, 09:58 AM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Originally Posted by clumsy ->
We have Romanian beggars here too, lots of them, they beg in the markets, they are in virtually every supermarket doorway, always with a notice written in English saying "no work, 3/4/5 sons to support". Some of them use dogs, poor little things sitting on a stool with baskets in their mouths, the ones who do that rapidly disappear if they see any police about. One friend of ours, a 79 year old lady who has lived here many years, is a real character, when she sees the beggars with the notices proclaiming they have no work and so many children to support she gives them condoms and tells them they are not likely to find work sat in a supermarket doorway !

We read an article here some time ago put out by the Romanian Help Society and even they say that many of the Romanians do not want to integrate, they donīt want to send their children to school and when the authorities insist they send them the children simply either run off or donīt turn up. There have been cases where children have been used for begging purposes and taken into care, they quite simply run away.

It seems to be an unsolvable problem.
Yes - I've seen evidence of this, Romanians do have a bad reputation and from what I have seen, justly deserved .....
Sorry if that offends anyone, but I am sick of seeing them crop up in every docu on crime ....... The are a law unto themselves.
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28-12-2014, 10:57 AM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Beggars are people like you or I and some are not nice, and some are not homeless. Whole swathe of society so we need know who we are talking about really before we make pronouncements.
Homeless do not get housing benefit and many beggars are homeless.
People getting housing benefit may still be poor enough to need to beg.
Some people are just greedy and after easy money and beg.
Personally having when younger been homeless I try not to judge as it's no fun out there but we were lucky because we were working before we lost our home so we had jobs and didn't need to beg.
Biggest problem for homeless is not having an address they cannot get jobs which is the only thing that could get them off the street by their own efforts so until that changes I think we have to help people who fall on hard times.

But would say if people come to this country and beg they should be sent home where their own country can look after them.
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28-12-2014, 11:07 AM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Beggars are people like you or I and some are not nice, and some are not homeless. Whole swathe of society so we need know who we are talking about really before we make pronouncements.
Homeless do not get housing benefit and many beggars are homeless.
People getting housing benefit may still be poor enough to need to beg.
Some people are just greedy and after easy money and beg.
Personally having when younger been homeless I try not to judge as it's no fun out there but we were lucky because we were working before we lost our home so we had jobs and didn't need to beg.
Biggest problem for homeless is not having an address they cannot get jobs which is the only thing that could get them off the street by their own efforts so until that changes I think we have to help people who fall on hard times.

But would say if people come to this country and beg they should be sent home where their own country can look after them.

Agree with your post, its certainly a mixed bag out there now ...... A shame for the genuine ones .....
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28-12-2014, 11:23 AM

Re: Beggars and their dogs.

Of course there are many genuine people in need who beg, but it should also be remembered that begging is also a profession, Iīve heard it called "the Oliver Twist syndrome" and when you see beggars being dropped off from Mercedes and BMW cars to begin their work, then I can well believe it.
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