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13-12-2014, 06:06 PM

Re: A different way of dealing with things.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
When I used to breed dogs, one of the questions I used to ask prospective owners was 'what was the longest the pup was likely to be left for.' Anything above 4 hours and I'm afraid I wouldn't let the pup go.
I also would ask if they could arrange some holiday or time off to settle them in and get them used to a new routine first.
Some people rehome or even breed animals don't always ask enough questions or vet people properly IMO.
What a very responsible breeder you were Mups. Well done you!
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23-12-2014, 03:51 PM

Re: A different way of dealing with things.

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
I really don't know where/why things have gone so wrong with this world. When I was growing up children and dogs went together like bread with honey or peaches with cream. You hardly ever saw a child, apart from school time, without the family dog in tow. Our dogs joined in all our games - they were Indian Scouts or Safari Guides and we loved every minute. It is very sad that people speak these days of keeping children and dogs apart thus depriving both of a loyal and lasting friendship.

Maybe there were not the 'dangerous cross breeds' when I was a child although, thinking about it, all our family dogs were mongrel.
Thinking about it, I expect just as many children got attacked by dogs, when we were growing up, it's just that we didn't get the 'instant' news from all over the Globe that we get now. I've noticed that even these days a certain thing happens and then suddenly similar things get reported from elsewhere in the world for a while and then all goes quiet.
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24-12-2014, 06:22 PM

Re: A different way of dealing with things.

Originally Posted by Diamond Lady ->
Thinking about it, I expect just as many children got attacked by dogs, when we were growing up, it's just that we didn't get the 'instant' news from all over the Globe that we get now. I've noticed that even these days a certain thing happens and then suddenly similar things get reported from elsewhere in the world for a while and then all goes quiet.
Good point. However children should(and I speak as one who never had kids)be brought up to respect dogs-and cats for they too have teeth and claws, but not to fear them.

As for good for nothing human gits who have large dogs to compensate for a tiny willy/brain-best to say nowt afore I use bad language
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