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20-09-2010, 04:36 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

I am far too bad to go to heaven anyway so I don't really worry about it too much and I quite agree some of those people that will probably get the best seats in heaven are not the folk I want to spend eternity with anyway.
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20-09-2010, 06:44 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

I'm completely lost in this now

I don't care where I go as long as I go peacefully, I won't know where I am when I get there anyway!
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20-09-2010, 07:44 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

I think you go back to where you were before you were conceived (I'm not saying a 'Place' more a 'State'), then you are recycled with a whole new body and all the shit begins all over again, now thats what I'd call real Hell.
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20-09-2010, 07:54 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

If I kicked the bucket - I wouldn't care where I went!! No one has ever come back to tell us where they went!
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20-09-2010, 09:36 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

Not bothered where I go once I've gone
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20-09-2010, 10:03 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

Originally Posted by jemflux ->
I think you go back to where you were before you were conceived (I'm not saying a 'Place' more a 'State'), then you are recycled with a whole new body and all the shit begins all over again, now thats what I'd call real Hell.
What sort of body do you think it might be Jemflux ? I think that could be quite nice, depending on what or who you were
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21-09-2010, 12:00 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
What sort of body do you think it might be Jemflux ? I think that could be quite nice, depending on what or who you were
We can't explain what we don't understand and I have to accept that, so do you, if things don't make sense to us Humans then they just don't exist. I always try to go back to my first memory of being an individual, when I realized I had a mind and could think and make decisions for myself, order my body around, move this arm, don't move that finger etc. but every so often something would happen to me that seemed strangely familar, like I know this happened before but I can't remember any details (Sex was a strong example to me when I first had it, blush.) I could spend all Day listing various examples, but I'll try to keep it short.
What kind of a life? Again I don't know, what kind was the last one, the one you were before you became you?, I think you start off fresh and carry no memories of loved ones or how to read, write order to leave memory space for all the new stuff to come...evolution moves on.
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21-09-2010, 12:32 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

Originally Posted by jemflux ->
We can't explain what we don't understand and I have to accept that, so do you, if things don't make sense to us Humans then they just don't exist. I always try to go back to my first memory of being an individual, when I realized I had a mind and could think and make decisions for myself, order my body around, move this arm, don't move that finger etc. but every so often something would happen to me that seemed strangely familar, like I know this happened before but I can't remember any details (Sex was a strong example to me when I first had it, blush.) I could spend all Day listing various examples, but I'll try to keep it short.
What kind of a life? Again I don't know, what kind was the last one, the one you were before you became you?, I think you start off fresh and carry no memories of loved ones or how to read, write order to leave memory space for all the new stuff to come...evolution moves on.
Your reply is very interesting and we shouldn't get too bogged down about what we don't know - although it is interesting to know what other people think. Humans have aways struggled to make sense of things, before, during and after life, but I don't think that just because folks don't understand it cannot exist - we just don't know, pure and simple - I am not so sure if it is for us to know but it is very hard to just say "let it be" (I don't mean that to be facetious or sound like a song).

Do you mean deja vu when you say things and places that you think you have experienced before ? I think we all experience deja vu - some more often than others and its a very strange feeling which some people think is supernatural. Our brains are still very much undiscovered areas. I always wish I knew more about so many things and am rarely content to "let it be" - its just how I am. Regards
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21-09-2010, 04:19 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

For years and years humans have asked fundamental questions-what is the meaning of life? is there heaven and if heaven exists then by definition? there must be hell.

It`s called Philosphy and even today aged old fellows hobble around the hallowed halls and colleges of Oxford and Cambridge searching for the truth
(or at least a nice glass of sherry and a toasted tea cake)
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21-09-2010, 06:20 PM

Re: Hell, heaven or oblivion?

I| was beginning to wonder if you had found something better to do Old Git as I hadn't noticed any of your posts for a few days - Not just old fellows in Oxford and Cambridge searching - plenty of old biddys and bods all over the place as well - I bet they get to the sherry and toaosted tea cakes first though.
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