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25-08-2018, 01:21 PM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Originally Posted by TessA ->
Perhaps if some British behaved themselves these things wouldn't happen
They make it bad for everyone, I feel sorry for the locals when they get drunken people behaving badly in their resorts, even if they do bring in money.
Perhaps they could work on making resorts more family friendly.
The people I witnessed being really rude were not youngsters or families but people who were over fifty believe it or not! They were drunk and making a fuss about their entitlement to all inclusive because the staff were closing the pool bar and refusing to serve them any more booze.
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25-08-2018, 03:01 PM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Are there any press reports on this? I haven't seen anything about throwing tourists off beaches.
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25-08-2018, 03:09 PM

Re: Sheer Madness!

We almost always go all inc.
In all honesty I must say I have witnessed very little drunken behaviour.
Drinks are generally available almost 24 hours and most people pace their drinking.
The worst behaviour I have seen was by a group of Italians.
It was on an excursion and their behaviour, apart form being obnoxious and loud, was endangering the other people on the trip.
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25-08-2018, 03:10 PM

Re: Sheer Madness!

They will be sorry .
Spain needs tourists
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25-08-2018, 10:00 PM

Re: Sheer Madness!

I have no problem at all with countries levying tourist taxes. Unless you are a complete Neanderthal "bloody tourist slob" then when you visit a country you WANT to contribute and help the local community and businesses.

I visit Spain a lot on cruises. Any tourist tax is embedded in the cruise ticket but what we see directly is a 10% surcharge on drinks whilst the ship is in a Spanish port. Even if we don't get off the ship, all the drinks have that 10% tax added whilst we are in port.

Visitors to countries should be respectful of where they are and seek to assimilate rather than "rape and pillage". Tourism takes its toll on the infrastructure, the local people, the businesses. We NEED to contribute otherwise these places will have to shut down and keep people out.

Putting Spain aside, a far more important/urgent place is beautiful Venice.

Tourism took over Venice years ago and drove out the native Venetians. Less that 1 in 10 people living in Venice are actual native Venetians. That is a very sad outcome imho.
Businesses came in to serve tourism and took over.
Millions of tourists visit Venice each year including myself.
It is an old place, full of stone bridges and canals and precious infrastructure. They have to constantly look to the upkeep of the place, the canals, wooden structures, building pylons and so on. Venice will eventually disappear beneath the water.

The "locals" in Venice, even though they aren't Venetians, absolutely HATE the tourists. They hate the cruise ships and the people there have been protesting in the streets for a few years. Typical cruise ship visitors just roam around for a day and leave without spending much or eating in the restaurants. They take take take and don't give back.

Our actions impact others. What is a holiday to us is of significant impact to the daily lives of others.

I'm not a typical "bloody tourist". I actively go out of my way to not be a "bloody tourist". When I leave the ship in a Spanish or Italian port I am dressed smartly, no matter how hot the weather is. Chinos, smart shoes, smart shirt, jacket. I ALWAYS eat lunch in the local town/city even though all my food on-board ship is already paid for, "free".
I take time out to learn the local language because I feel it matters. I've been learning Spanish at night school for 4 years. The Spanish certainly appreciate the effort. I am frequently mistaken for a local Spanish person because of how I dress and speak. People have asked me for directions, department stores have tried to offer me store credit cards.

It matters.

All around me are "bloody tourists". A myriad of ragged dishevelled chavs looking like total slobs, having no interest in the local people or customs, thinking only of themselves. Sun, sea and alcohol is all they care about. It's tragic.

Spain are entirely right to enforce their tourist tax as are other countries.

I'll happily pay it every time.
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26-08-2018, 08:44 AM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Spain isn't the only place that charges extra for tourists. There wouldn't be many places in Aisa where there isn't a 'European' tax.
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26-08-2018, 09:15 AM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Spain is now reaping the harvest it sowed.
Catering to the club culture and stag/hen parties.
They have been happy enough to encourage mass tourism and profit from it.
Surely the authorities have always had the powers to refuse licenses and / or impose restrictions. Had they acted sooner the problems would not have escalated to current levels.
Money talks.
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26-08-2018, 10:11 AM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Thanks! It seems they are taking back control
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26-08-2018, 11:37 AM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Realist, with respect, that was rather a patronising and snobbish view of the British Cruise passenger, wasn't it?
I think most most of the Cruise tourists, when going ashore, dress appropriately, Just because the men may be wearing a clean T-Shirt, knee- length shorts and sandals, which I personally believe is very appropriate in such a hot climate, instead of neatly pressed Chino's, surely doesn't merit them deserving of the title, "Bloody Tourists". It's those "Bloody Tourists" that allow the Venetians the luxury of running their businesses at a profit.

Talking of profits, Perhaps Venice authorities should try putting their own house in order as one cannot avoid reading how Restaurants in the main square have been profiteering by charging several times the amount stated on the menus, some treble for sitting outside! Please read reviews, Apparently, quite a few restaurants are scamming tourists out of hundreds of pounds just for coffees and snacks!! Little wonder people are wary of eating and drinking in the main tourist areas when they read these horror stories. Just put Venice Restaurants overcharging tourists into your search engine and read the horror stories. >...> Venice Restaurants > Pizzeria Bar Al Cupido, Venice

Also, last time I was there, the place was awash with Immigrant hawkers selling their wares on the Bridges and in the Square. On the bridge, we stopped to look at what one of them was selling, then walked on about 100 yards, saw something to buy from the next seller, then stood in bemusement as the first seller came storming across, swearing at the second seller and almost coming to blows!. Nice! A very sophisticated view of beautiful Venice. I know of some who have visited there, won't bother returning again because of the ridiculous, overpricing. If it is as you say, tourists are hated by the Venice citizens, even more reason to stay away.
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27-08-2018, 03:25 AM

Re: Sheer Madness!

Originally Posted by Realist ->
I'm not a typical "bloody tourist". I actively go out of my way to not be a "bloody tourist". When I leave the ship in a Spanish or Italian port I am dressed smartly, no matter how hot the weather is.
I hope you ensure that this Noel Coward ensemble doesn't clash with the tin foil beanie.
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