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01-06-2014, 09:39 AM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by Pats ->
Quite honestly I am amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet.
I agree, never ever buy from a website.
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01-06-2014, 09:40 AM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Cause utter confusion if you ask me.
No it's really common practise and works well on most well run forums. Have a look on others Mark and you will see it works well. Moving threads and splitting them is part of good management. Either that or you have to make people stay on topic at all times which is less fun for the members.
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01-06-2014, 09:41 AM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
I agree, never ever buy from a website.
Not even Boots and pharmacies ?
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01-06-2014, 09:47 AM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
No it's really common practise and works well on most well run forums. Have a look on others Mark and you will see it works well. Moving threads and splitting them is part of good management. Either that or you have to make people stay on topic at all times which is less fun for the members.
Dunno about that - bet Pats wasn't too happy about it.
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01-06-2014, 10:02 AM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

I'm a little mystified as to why someone who is an NHS employee should make such a statement regarding buying Medications online!

My own observations over the years clearly indicate to me that the system regarding prescriptions handed out by NHS medical practitioners is widely open to fraud and costs the NHS an absolute fortune to run.

Anything that saves the NHS money should be regarded as something positive in my opinion and I don't really believe that the vast majority of people buying their medications online are at risk as they obviously must know what they are doing.

In Europe you can walk into any pharmacy and buy just about any medication with ease; THEIR governments obviously don't feel that their people are at risk as pharmacists,as in the UK, are highly trained and they are highly respected in Europe and do a very good job.

Pity we don't have that system here!

It never ceases to amaze me that we often see or hear moans about nanny state and being treated like children by government and / or their institutions and even big business yet here's a classic case of someone in the very line of work relative to the thread (Medical) who makes a statement whereby she obviously feels people should not have a choice! stevmk2
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01-06-2014, 10:09 AM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Perhaps its disillusionment with the health service thats fueling this, struggling to get appointments. ?
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01-06-2014, 12:05 PM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Not even Boots and pharmacies ?

My vet issues a repeat prescription for my oldest dog, which I send away to a reputable veterinary company for dispensing. My vet is fully aware I do as genuine, branded drugs are cheaper this way than from his own surgery.
Maybe some of us (or our animals) would have to go without if we had to find extra money for the exact same product a decent online pharmacy supplies for considerably less.
I do only use known, reputable companies though as it could be very foolish to buy from some unheard of place. I can ring up and talk to their pharmaceutical team for any advice or queries, it's not like a company using some suspicious, obscure contact details.

It's like paying £5 for a Pork Farms pork pie at the corner shop if they are only £1. at your local Tesco. . . .
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01-06-2014, 12:15 PM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by Mups ->
My vet issues a repeat prescription for my oldest dog, which I send away to a reputable veterinary company for dispensing. My vet is fully aware I do as genuine, branded drugs are cheaper this way than from his own surgery.
Maybe some of us (or our animals) would have to go without if we had to find extra money for the exact same product a decent online pharmacy supplies for considerably less.
I do only use known, reputable companies though as it could be very foolish to buy from some unheard of place. I can ring up and talk to their pharmaceutical team for any advice or queries, it's not like a company using some suspicious, obscure contact details.

It's like paying £5 for a Pork Farms pork pie at the corner shop if they are only £1. at your local Tesco. . . .

Completely agree I get some of my dog meds on line and some of my own, always from reputable sources. Saying never is accusing legitimate pharmacy firms of being dodgy like some illegal seller.
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01-06-2014, 04:11 PM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
I'm a little mystified as to why someone who is an NHS employee should make such a statement regarding buying Medications online!
Why are you 'amazed' stevmk2?

I don't really believe that the vast majority of people buying their medications online are at risk as they obviously must know what they are doing.
Do you really believe that is so?....and do you really believe that everything you buy online is safe?
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01-06-2014, 04:23 PM

Re: Amazed that anyone would buy any sort of medicines over the internet

Originally Posted by Pats ->
Why are you 'amazed' stevmk2?
Do you really believe that is so?....and do you really believe that everything you buy online is safe?
There you go again Pats - snipping posts to fit what you want to say rather than responding to the whole point I was trying to make - the potential savings to the NHS!

This is what I put: -

I'm a little mystified as to why someone who is an NHS employee should make such a statement regarding buying Medications online!
My own observations over the years clearly indicate to me that the system regarding prescriptions handed out by NHS medical practitioners is widely open to fraud and costs the NHS an absolute fortune to run.

As for your second point, please don't patronise me.

Your world seems to be all Black or White; bully for you but the real world is many shades in between - and you know it is. stevmk2
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