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05-10-2015, 06:39 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Some wise person said -
" The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
I would suggest that includes native wildlife ?

Very few humans deliberately torture and kill animals.
We raise cattle and sheep and chickens and pigs etc for FOOD.
Hopefully, in any civilized country they are despatched humanely.

Cats kill not just for food - but for sport.
They will "play" with a bird or other creature for ages inflicting untold suffering .... and then stroll off leaving the poor thing to die in agony over hours or even days.
Precious few humans would do that.

Human life is one thing.
Preventing the suffering of hundreds of creatures over a cat's lifetime is quite another.
Does just because an animal is raised for food mean it should be forced to suffer for it's whole life ?
Clearly you do not know much about the farming industry .
You think in a civilized country animals are killed humanely ?
Clearly you do not know much about what goes on in an abbatoir in a so called civilized country .
You think just because an animal is raised for food it feels no pain ?
You do not know about " canned hunting " where so called civilized people go into a pen and kill for fun ?
You do not know about rural parts of the country where so called civilized people kill animals every day just for fun but they call it hunting so that's ok ?
You do not know about the humans polluting the sea and killing fish and other sea creatures just because they are selfish and inconsiderate .
It's not cats killing the planet .
It's humans .
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05-10-2015, 06:50 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

I am not laughing...really I am not...well maybe a little twitch ..OK I will go and stand in the naughty corner

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05-10-2015, 07:07 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Rachel I have the solution , put the cats in the house and have them in the garden when you are in attendance and use the wire etc to build a pen for 'mine host' in the garden so that he doesn't get in the way of the cats in the house
Whoaaaa !!!

Fantastic idea ... caging him would be the solution to a great many problems.

Hey, I could charge people to view him
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05-10-2015, 07:08 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by solo ->
I am not laughing...really I am not...well maybe a little twitch ..OK I will go and stand in the naughty corner

Lol ... excellent ... a pussycat catapult
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05-10-2015, 07:24 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by Rachel ->
Whoaaaa !!!

Fantastic idea ... caging him would be the solution to a great many problems.

Hey, I could charge people to view him
...... and don't forget to put his food - and dare I say it WATER bowls in the cage with him
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05-10-2015, 08:35 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by Mags ->
...... and don't forget to put his food - and dare I say it WATER bowls in the cage with him
Ooooo ... there could be trouble on the horizon
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06-10-2015, 06:00 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by Abbey ->
Does just because an animal is raised for food mean it should be forced to suffer for it's whole life ?
Oh dear, Abbey. So many points to ponder in one post.
No, food animals should not be 'forced to suffer' their whole lives.
But do they ?
There are laws in all developed countries (and heavy penalties) to address maltreatment -
and active Animal Welfare Groups constantly monitoring the industry.
Sure, things happen. But hopefully they are quickly rectified.
"Stunning" occurs in all abattoirs.
Most humans (including your good self ?) are meat-eaters ..... sorry.

I had never heard of this "canned hunting" and I share your abhorrence.
Only sick humans would kill animals just for fun ..... a bit like cats, really - but they often just leave their prey to suffer and some sick humans say that is OK.
Some sites assure us that breeding for this 'canned hunting' thing actually increases species numbers and raises conservation funds by charging egomaniacs a fortune to satisfy their egos.
But I'm certainly not going to bat on that one.

So, much of what you say about humans is perfectly true.
Does that mean that we should ignore the millions upon millions of native fauna ripped to shreds by introduced cats every single day ?

Can we not address both issues ?
One does not justify the other.
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06-10-2015, 06:10 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

I live in the country and I am a vegetarian so very interested in animal welfare .
I can assure you animals do suffer in great numbers every single day both being raised for food and when being killed .
I see cattle standing up to the tops of their legs in mud all winter every winter and when I called the SSPCA I was told that's ok because they have food and water .
Have a trawl around the internet and you will soon find out all about the dairy industry cruelty and the horrific torture chickens have to suffer .

I live in a small village where on the local estate pheasants are bought in as chicks , hand reared so they are tame and then shot . Not for food but for fun . I think that's sick even if you don't .
All cats are not killers who spend all day killing for fun . In fact of all the cats I have had owned only one was a hunter and that was the occasional mouse which humans are not averse to killing anway .
The cats I have at the moment were old and dumped by humans in a rescue centre . they never leave my garden and sleep most of the day anyway . They couldn't catch anything if they tried .
Not all cats are killers and thankfully not all humans are sick killers but sadly some are .
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06-10-2015, 07:23 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

Originally Posted by Abbey ->
I live in the country and I am a vegetarian so very interested in animal welfare .
Good for you - but the fact is that the vast, vast majority of humans are not veggies but may still have a sincere and genuine interest in animal welfare.
Originally Posted by Abbey ->
I can assure you animals do suffer in great numbers every single day both being raised for food and when being killed .
How many abattoirs have you personally inspected ?
Originally Posted by Abbey ->
I see cattle standing up to the tops of their legs in mud all winter every winter and when I called the SSPCA I was told that's ok because they have food and water .
Have a trawl around the internet and you will soon find out all about the dairy industry cruelty and the horrific torture chickens have to suffer .
By all means, if you see animals being mistreated, become an activist, protest, write to your MP and the media. I'll join you.
Originally Posted by Abbey ->
I live in a small village where on the local estate pheasants are bought in as chicks , hand reared so they are tame and then shot . Not for food but for fun . I think that's sick even if you don't .
Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Only sick humans would kill animals just for fun ..... a bit like cats, really - but they often just leave their prey to suffer and some sick humans say that is OK.
Originally Posted by Abbey ->
All cats are not killers .....
The cats I have at the moment were old and dumped by humans in a rescue centre .
Actually this is the crunch.
By nature, all cats are killers. That is not their fault. But you raise the subject of cat-dumping.
Thence comes the millions of FERAL cats which create most of the problems !
Regretfully far too many people do not take their unwanted kittens to shelters. They are simply released into the wild to multiply and wreak havoc.

But Abbey, if you're happy to see millions of small native fauna killed and tortured every day - many to the point of extinction, that is your call.

What man does is really a different, unrelated subject. Serious ? Sure.
Should be addressed ? Sure.

So should cat carnage.
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06-10-2015, 08:17 PM

Re: Cat-proofing the garden ... anyone done it ?

This will be sorted in the next few days to a week. The wire is to be procured from Ebay (chicken wire no less) and the wood from the local DIY store for just 90p a foot (2x2 tanalised). With my woodworking skills and general handyman etiquette the job will be done in no time to a high standard.
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