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13-02-2013, 08:12 PM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

Isn't the council able to help? Is this not an environmental problem? Or perhaps the RSPCA could advise.
I will stop moaning about a few yappy dogs.

Good Luck!
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13-02-2013, 10:21 PM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

Thank you all. I will accept your apology Baxter8. In the meantime I have been informed that the matter regarding this house and it's occupants is being investigated. I am happy to accept this, although I know it won't happen in a hurry, very little does here. We just have to stay cautious and see.
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15-02-2013, 08:06 AM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

That looks like a Staffordshire cross. With any dog that is behaving in a bad way, stand still and stare them in the eye, do not blink or move and they will back away, do it several times and they will not bother you again.
As for neighbours, do unto others as they would do unto you, Only do it first.
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15-02-2013, 11:02 AM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

I do feel for you clumsy - I would hate to be in your position.

Whilst it is correct to say not all dogs are bad - not all dogs are good either and it's the propensity, for dogs like Pit Bulls and Staffies, of severe damage that can be done which is why the police won't use them.

Another thing clumsy - do not stare a dog in the eye! It may well take that as a challenge and if it fancies its chances you could be in trouble as your fence isn't, in my opinion, high enough. Don't show any fear towards the dog but more an air of contempt for it and if hiding fear isn't possible, then wear wellies when outside (or something else that masks the smell of fear which emanates, apparently, from the ankles and this is where dogs pick it up from).

I do hope this situation is sorted out quickly and if you are ever worried - call the Guardia as they are known to ask questions later
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15-02-2013, 02:28 PM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

The trouble is you don't know if those men are properly looking after that dog, are they just leaving it in the garden all day, does it have any water, is he just left on his own all day, that alone can make it aggressive.

It seems to me they are just using it as a guard dog to look after their property (lets hope nothing worse).

No fault of the dog but I would certainly be worried if I let my dog out in Clumsy's garden with him in the next garden!
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16-02-2013, 04:56 PM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

I do feel sympathy with you; yesterday I was attacked for the second time in my own garden by a neighbour's dog; the hard faced old ***owner had the nerve to say it was my own fault - can you believe it? I still feel shaken, have notified the police, my doctor and now await developments. So it was a family dog, but we have all heard about family dogs turning bad haven't we?

You should know that I love well behaved dogs, there is no such thing as a bad dog, but too many bad owners. I don't want to see the dog punished but the owner should be
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16-02-2013, 05:52 PM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

Thank you everyone for your concern and advice, I truly do appreciate it. M&M I am so sorry to hear of the trouble you have with your neighbour's dog, that is truly horrendous, I do hope you are okay and that action is taken against your neighbour to keep his dog under proper control.

Alicat I'm sure the dog is being looked after properly, the two men in the house are there all day and we hear them now and then outside kicking a ball, presumably playing with the dog. It's a very odd situation, two young men, they obviously don't go to work, they have a UK registered car with no tax, no ITV sticker (MOT), they are most certainly eastern europeans. Occasionally they rush out of the house, if I am here at the back of the house I can hear them running along the path, if I'm at the front I see them drive down our road much too fast. Almost always they are back again in less than an hour. They also appear to go out most nights around 11.30 p.m. but I never hear them come back. I freely admit I am very very suspicious about what they are up to. For the time being I have done all I can, our president and administrator are aware of the situation and are checking with the urbanisation lawyers as to what, if anything, can be done. The actual owner of the house hotfooted it back to UK a couple of years ago owing large amounts of money and of course no UK address. The president of our urb has told us that last month the Spanish court granted "right to court" (our president is German so no doubt a slight translation problem), but basically it means that if the owner doesn't pay the debts due on the property an embargo can be put on the property preventing anyone going into it, or onto it. Obviously the house is not registered with the authorities for rental and so of course he is defrauding on tax too, collecting rental monies and paying no tax. However we shall see, nothing happens in a hurry here unless some calamity occurs. In the meantime I just have to keep my two little dogs away from the back of the house, which is quite a problem and unfair on them but I can't have my eyes on them every minute of the day and they can be somewhat sneaky when they want to go off round the garden.

Anyway thanks a lot all of you.
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17-02-2013, 04:42 PM

Re: Neighbour and dog moan

Hi Clumsy. I hope that your problem comes to a successful conclusion.

There are many theories for confronting an out of control dog, I have always stared them down but apparently that does not always work; the one common piece of advice seems to be to hold something between you and the dog, even a spindly branch will do, as long as it is something.

If only shotguns were legal, a few owners would have a backside full of buckshot believe me!
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