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21-07-2013, 07:54 AM

Re: Ghosts!

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
Some may argue that your physical body may cease to function but what made you an individual may continue ...
What a lovely thought !
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21-07-2013, 08:41 AM

Re: Ghosts!

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Sorry Alan, sorry Ben, sorry everyone - did not mean to 'hit and run' !

When I was a small child I was one of those who was always questioning - who, why, how, where etc., etc., My parents used to tell me to go away and play - but I had a lovely Aunt who was more patient and would try her best to answer. Inevitably one day the subject turned to ghosts (I had an elder brother who used to threaten me with them!) Being RC she was not supposed to believe in them, but being Irish ... well ...

She tried to explain in a non frightening way but, obviously, not to my satisfaction. I remember pursueing the subject for days until she eventually lost patience and said that she would feel heartily sorry for any ghost that appeared to me as it would be interrogated to the nth degree - and we spoke no more about it.

Obviously as one grows up opinions and beliefs come and go on many subjects. I have always been a little 'fey' in as much as I know if someone I care for is ill or in danger and I can read the tarot fairly accurately - Celtic/Romany origins I suppose - but I have kept an open mind about the 'other world'. I never dabbled in spiritualism or anything like that and never really discussed the subject of ghosts with any one else as most of my friends seem afraid of them.

I am not just rambling - there is a point to all this. Eight years ago my dear Aunt died at the age of 92. About a year after her funeral I came home from work one evening to find the house had a strong smell of Lilac - her favourite scent. I opened the door to the sitting room and there she was - on the sofa - with a big triumphant grin on her face! By the time I gathered my wits she was gone.

No - I had not been thinking about her that day and so conjured her image, and no - I have never seen her since then but sometimes, if I am upset or unwell, I can smell lilac about the place - so she is still watching over me just as she always did.
Smells relating to perfumes, tobacco that relate to a loved one are extremely common. I experience a strong smell of snuff sometimes and I know nan is around for that short while ...... Loverly story BTW .....
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21-07-2013, 09:41 AM

Re: Ghosts!

Some may argue that your physical body may cease to function but what made you an individual may continue .........

I also agree with this sentiment ben-varrey. I used to work for a lady who was dying of breast cancer. I was cleaning the house and she was laid in bed, she wanted me to help her downstairs as she wanted to sit in the lounge. I told her I couldn't get her downstairs, as by then she couldn't walk properly and her husband used to carry her downstairs. I then went downstairs myself into the hall way to clean it and felt someone behind me. When I turned around I saw my lady sitting in the chair in the lounge. I said I didn't hear you coming down the stairs Mrs B and she just faded away. I went straight upstairs to the bedroom and she was there asleep. So I think that was a good experience of the fact our body dies but our spirit lives on in some form afterwards. I have always believed in Ghosts and seen not only people but animals. I need a book to write it all down. I saw my Granny when I was 8 and she was the first I can remember.
By the way zoolady, one of the most haunted places in Britain is York where many people have seen legions of Romans marching along. I always feel that most Ghosts are a Spirit trying to get somewhere nearly always wanting to go home.
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21-07-2013, 09:50 AM

Re: Ghosts!

Loved your post Sandy - the only comment is on the Roman Legion apparitions, its a memory we are seeing I believe, spirits do not spend their time doing a repetition, its like a recorded 'loop' we are experiencing, a memory of those events ......
The story you relate - I believe happened 100 per cent ... The older lady - an outer body experience, she was determined to get downstairs wasn't she ....
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21-07-2013, 10:15 AM

Re: Ghosts!

He's always just behind me where I can't turn quite far enough to see him, I can't hear him but I know what he's saying. We don't have conversations he just helps me when I'm going wrong, but he's with me most of the time, he does leave sometimes but comes back later.He's the spirit of my husband whether that's a ghost or not I don't know.

When I was a teenager I cut the hair (it was down to just above her waist) of my friends Grandma, she died during the night. 3 weeks later my friends little brother aged 8 went into his parents bedroom and said "Gran's told me to tell you don't worry about Barbara she'll be alright" her parents didn't know what to make of it when he said "She looks funny with short hair" no one had mentioned her hair being cut and no one knew Barbara was pregnant.He was adament she stood at the foot of his bed talking to him.
Don't know if it's true or not.
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21-07-2013, 10:29 AM

Re: Ghosts!

His 'presence' Hazel - you will never lose that - the 'bond' will never be broken ......
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21-07-2013, 10:36 AM

Re: Ghosts!

She was Pats determined.
I felt ever so sorry for her as she was only 59 when she died. It was before they found the drugs and treatment they now use for breast cancer. My next door neighbour has it at the moment and she is 60
seems to be a dangerous age. Saying that the treatment with Chemo
etc is working and will give her a lot more years than my lady Mrs B.
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21-07-2013, 10:38 AM

Re: Ghosts!

Sandy - a friend of mine had that cancer 9 years ago, she had the treatment and has been great ever since ......
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21-07-2013, 10:56 AM

Re: Ghosts!

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Sorry Alan, sorry Ben, sorry everyone - did not mean to 'hit and run' !

When I was a small child I was one of those who was always questioning - who, why, how, where etc., etc., My parents used to tell me to go away and play - but I had a lovely Aunt who was more patient and would try her best to answer. Inevitably one day the subject turned to ghosts (I had an elder brother who used to threaten me with them!) Being RC she was not supposed to believe in them, but being Irish ... well ...

She tried to explain in a non frightening way but, obviously, not to my satisfaction. I remember pursueing the subject for days until she eventually lost patience and said that she would feel heartily sorry for any ghost that appeared to me as it would be interrogated to the nth degree - and we spoke no more about it.

Obviously as one grows up opinions and beliefs come and go on many subjects. I have always been a little 'fey' in as much as I know if someone I care for is ill or in danger and I can read the tarot fairly accurately - Celtic/Romany origins I suppose - but I have kept an open mind about the 'other world'. I never dabbled in spiritualism or anything like that and never really discussed the subject of ghosts with any one else as most of my friends seem afraid of them.

I am not just rambling - there is a point to all this. Eight years ago my dear Aunt died at the age of 92. About a year after her funeral I came home from work one evening to find the house had a strong smell of Lilac - her favourite scent. I opened the door to the sitting room and there she was - on the sofa - with a big triumphant grin on her face! By the time I gathered my wits she was gone.

No - I had not been thinking about her that day and so conjured her image, and no - I have never seen her since then but sometimes, if I am upset or unwell, I can smell lilac about the place - so she is still watching over me just as she always did.
That's a lovely memory to tell Tabby - thank you for sharing it with us
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