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07-02-2015, 11:36 PM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

could be due to dabblers, the early pioneers of genetic meddling, who knows?.
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07-02-2015, 11:43 PM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

Originally Posted by Pats ->
Some cancers can be due to lifestyle......some are not.
As with many other things.
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08-02-2015, 10:10 AM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

Originally Posted by Honey ->
It can't be due to lifestyle, children get cancer too
Of course, I don't know why I said that. I should have said "some".
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08-02-2015, 10:58 AM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

As my wife and I have had family and friends die from Cancer and one friend currently on chemo again this bothered me so I tracing this back to a Macmillan article and ultimately back to Cancer Research UK.

On Cancer Research UK it actually says: - "One in two people born after 1960 in the UK will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime.", which is a little different to the original quotation.

It also adds: - "The Liftime Risk in the UK has been found to have increased over time, due to longer life expectancy, meaning that more people are living into old age, where cancer is more common".

I don't think that that is a new revelation because it should now be obvious to most people with a knowledge through experience of just how unfair Cancer can actually be.

Roy Castle was a classic example, but if your numbers up....

I found this: -

......makes a little better reading for me. stevmk2
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11-03-2015, 12:08 AM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

I hate to see and/or hear of people suffering with this especially when the cure for it was discovered in the 1950s.

It's a sensitive area, heart-rending for most, but I'm going to pull no punches here. People are dying unnecessarily so we can't afford to be molly coddling on the issue.

Google all you can about Apricot Kernels and the substance Amygdalin. Google "laetrile" and "World Without Cancer".

Read all you can.

Understand that THE BIGGEST ISSUE facing mankind right now, is population GROWTH. Forget nuclear war, bio-terrorism. We are expanding at a ridiculous rate, over 75 million new people every year. We are going to run out of food in a few years if this continues unchallenged. meat will become a rare delicacy and we will be eating insects. With this in mind, we MUST expect that ways will be found to either shorten our life spans or to restrict our ability to reproduce or both. You have to think big, and objectively, which is hard I know. I wrestled with this concept greatly, but in the end I woke up, and became aware.

In Googling Apricot Kernels you will hit a load of institutional resistance designed solely to put you off your search for this key truth. Push through it. The Big Pharmaceutical corporations don't want you curing yourselves with simple foods that Nature provides freely. In the USA the powers that be, pressured stores like Julian Graves to remove apricot kernels from their shelves, making it hard for ordinary people to get hold of them. In the UK you are still free to buy these online. . . for now. Get them while you can.

For any that believe and trust the Bible then note the verse:
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Regardless, I encourage you to research this as much as you can.

I appreciate the whole concept is difficult, the search is frustrating, confusing. The idea that "someone" wants us to suffer these things rather than be cured naturally is . . . hard to accept, unpalatable to many and frightening. To take the leap to try Apricot Kernels against the might of the medical world and our conditioned programming to "do what they say" and have the treatments they suggest is hard, painfully hard, sadly impossible for some.

But then what do you have to lose?

I'm not telling you to eat anything. I am informing you of something you may not know, and telling you to read all you can about it and then make your own decision for yourself or for your loved ones. This topic has even recently reached mainstream TV in the UK with the usual expected institutional pressure to put you off even looking into this potential cure.

Everyone needs to be made aware of Apricot Kernels.

Stay healthy.
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11-03-2015, 01:36 AM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

Recent research from the Uni of Melbourne (I think) found that that 2 out of 3 smokers will die from their addiction. Of course this is not just from the various cancers that smoking causes but none the less banning smoking in public places and the numerous other measures are having an effect on reducing this disgusting affectation.

The most important thing is that it stops young people trying cigarettes when smoking has such a negative image.
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11-03-2015, 07:51 PM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
I hate to see and/or hear of people suffering with this especially when the cure for it was discovered in the 1950s.

It's a sensitive area, heart-rending for most, but I'm going to pull no punches here. People are dying unnecessarily so we can't afford to be molly coddling on the issue.

Google all you can about Apricot Kernels and the substance Amygdalin. Google "laetrile" and "World Without Cancer".

Read all you can.

Understand that THE BIGGEST ISSUE facing mankind right now, is population GROWTH. Forget nuclear war, bio-terrorism. We are expanding at a ridiculous rate, over 75 million new people every year. We are going to run out of food in a few years if this continues unchallenged. meat will become a rare delicacy and we will be eating insects. With this in mind, we MUST expect that ways will be found to either shorten our life spans or to restrict our ability to reproduce or both. You have to think big, and objectively, which is hard I know. I wrestled with this concept greatly, but in the end I woke up, and became aware.

In Googling Apricot Kernels you will hit a load of institutional resistance designed solely to put you off your search for this key truth. Push through it. The Big Pharmaceutical corporations don't want you curing yourselves with simple foods that Nature provides freely. In the USA the powers that be, pressured stores like Julian Graves to remove apricot kernels from their shelves, making it hard for ordinary people to get hold of them. In the UK you are still free to buy these online. . . for now. Get them while you can.

For any that believe and trust the Bible then note the verse:
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Regardless, I encourage you to research this as much as you can.

I appreciate the whole concept is difficult, the search is frustrating, confusing. The idea that "someone" wants us to suffer these things rather than be cured naturally is . . . hard to accept, unpalatable to many and frightening. To take the leap to try Apricot Kernels against the might of the medical world and our conditioned programming to "do what they say" and have the treatments they suggest is hard, painfully hard, sadly impossible for some.

But then what do you have to lose?

I'm not telling you to eat anything. I am informing you of something you may not know, and telling you to read all you can about it and then make your own decision for yourself or for your loved ones. This topic has even recently reached mainstream TV in the UK with the usual expected institutional pressure to put you off even looking into this potential cure.

Everyone needs to be made aware of Apricot Kernels.

Stay healthy.
Are you seriously saying that apricot kernels cure cancer?
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11-03-2015, 08:43 PM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

My Mum died of it, one sister died of it even though she was a vegan, exercised and lived a very healthy lifestyle, my other sister is alcoholic and has had breast and skin cancer, do you think I might get through life without it? Watch this space...
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11-03-2015, 10:40 PM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

Originally Posted by Pats ->
Are you seriously saying that apricot kernels cure cancer?
Hi Pats

I am seriously suggesting that the substance amygdalin seems to be capable of curing some cancers yes. The substance is found in a number of natural foods inc millet, broad beans, apple pips, cherry stones and others but it is in the highest concentration in apricot kernels.

This was all discovered back in the 1950s (again I encourage you to Google the references I quoted) but has been supressed since by the "powers that be".

I understand completely your initial scepticism, it is healthy and natural. I am also a huge sceptic of many things. what's important here is to concede the possibility that such a cure exists and has existed for some time and then to research and read for yourself. Quite aside from whether or not Apricot kernels help the battle against cancer, this entire issue opens up the wider and more frightening issue of why it has been suppressed, by whom and that inevitably leads to the realisation that the big related charities claiming to be doing lots of research with your money, must be "in" on the conspiracy. It makes your head spin, and the rabbit hole runs deep.

It's not easy to accept. It's not easy to even contemplate. However, if you love someone who is suffering, you owe it to them and yourself to do the research.

Don't take my word for anything. Google, read, cogitate and digest.

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12-03-2015, 04:32 PM

Re: One in Two to get Cancer?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Hi Pats

I am seriously suggesting that the substance amygdalin seems to be capable of curing some cancers yes. The substance is found in a number of natural foods inc millet, broad beans, apple pips, cherry stones and others but it is in the highest concentration in apricot kernels.

This was all discovered back in the 1950s (again I encourage you to Google the references I quoted) but has been supressed since by the "powers that be".

I understand completely your initial scepticism, it is healthy and natural. I am also a huge sceptic of many things. what's important here is to concede the possibility that such a cure exists and has existed for some time and then to research and read for yourself. Quite aside from whether or not Apricot kernels help the battle against cancer, this entire issue opens up the wider and more frightening issue of why it has been suppressed, by whom and that inevitably leads to the realisation that the big related charities claiming to be doing lots of research with your money, must be "in" on the conspiracy. It makes your head spin, and the rabbit hole runs deep.

It's not easy to accept. It's not easy to even contemplate. However, if you love someone who is suffering, you owe it to them and yourself to do the research.

Don't take my word for anything. Google, read, cogitate and digest.

Don't worry I wont.
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