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19-02-2015, 12:05 PM

Re: Fat children

Walking the dogs yesterday I sat down at the top of our hill on the bench as I could see the big school had finished and swathes of kids were coming toward me. So sitting with Betty (Chihuahua) on my lap was safest as she gets rather squished by loads of feet.

Anyway back on topic I counted the thin kids the normal weight kids, and off the 95 pupils who walked past me I counted 10 ! Just 10.... and about half of the 95 were eating !

I thought back to when I was at that school so many years ago and I was only overweight female pupil in my year and there were 2 boys who were over weight too. And the local shop we walked past banned the school kids so we had nothing to eat walking home - didn't need it either we all had tea waiting when we got home.
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21-02-2015, 11:22 PM

Re: Fat children

Like most things in life, nothing is just black and white. There are many reasons why someone would be fat. Because everyone one on this forum is over fifty [or should be] we remember that most of our class mates were average size; I can only remember one or two overweight people in the classes. They would be the last choice when choosing a team, oh, and small kids like me. 'Sugar' seems to be one of the main contributors to adding weight, have you noticed how many overweight people at the checkout in supermarkets have trolley's filled with the obligatory Coca Cola. Unused energy from ingesting sugar is stored for use later: I have made use of this principle on several occasions when running marathons [carbo loading], if it's not used, it will be deposited as fats at various sites around the body: Mainly, hips, thighs and buttocks. 'Fat' on the other hand, will either be used as energy immediately, or passed out, very little will be stored for later. It certainly defies the idea of 'Low Fat' products. But balance is the secret.
So, too much sugar, not enough activity is a bad combination. Julie, did you notice what were the main foods that were being consumed? I suspect Crisps [heavy with saturated fats] and fizzy drinks [heavy with sugar] a bad combination. Most of these foods were not available in our younger day, and those that were available were [due to the cost] classed as a luxury.
No cars, in our day, so walking, cycling or public transport was the preferred method of travel.
And finally, most kids went to school within five miles of their home. So most of us walked to school; that was after our paper or milk rounds.
The other day I was out jogging early morning in the rain, and I was amused to see a paper lad being driven round by his mother in a 4 x 4. unbelievable......
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22-02-2015, 10:03 AM

Re: Fat children

Yes chips. I didn't see a piece of fish amongst them, though price may have been a problem there as it's about £7 a portion these days.

I would add I went to that school and when I was there the school had a contract with the chip shop that they would not serve us kids. The shop took it's standing in the community seriously and obey that edict. It helped the owner had 2 children at the school but now it's a national chain and the youngsters behind the counter are barley out of school themselves and very happy to serve anyone.
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21-08-2015, 12:28 PM

Re: Fat children

Well this man isn't wrong is he
Mine Silliver
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15-10-2015, 08:30 PM

Re: Fat children

Some children do that i know. This is very sad really,
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16-10-2015, 07:48 AM

Re: Fat children

In this area, the secondary schools (called an Academy here) are fairly open and the kids wander off into the local shops, takeaways etc.. at break times. There are very few overweight and I've seen very truancy or smoking amongst them.

Dianne and me struggle to keep a healthy weight and shape, while our (adult) children could eat for Britain and still look as if they needed a good meal! Life isn't fair.
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16-10-2015, 08:01 AM

Re: Fat children

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I can't understand how children get like that why don't their parents see what is it happening and do something about it before they get to that stage..
From the photos in the article, Meg, it would seem the parents are just as bad!

One lot took the child to McDonalds as a treat after her pre-op assessment and commented that after the gastric band was fitted they would not have to stop her having treats! Obviously they have missed the point entirely!

As for the mother of the four year old who had to have her teeth surgically removed - she should be prosecuted for child abuse! Any mother who puts 'having an easy life' above the health of her child needs to re-assess her priorities.
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16-10-2015, 11:05 AM

Re: Fat children

I just had a brain wave - spread worry by subterfuge.

If the government spread a rumour that aliens do in fact exist and also that they view us as a prospective food source with the fatter of us considered a prime delicacy then imagine the change in diets and attitudes.

Time I considered standing as a political candidate with ideas like this.
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16-10-2015, 11:21 AM

Re: Fat children

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16-10-2015, 11:27 AM

Re: Fat children

Why don't we leave them alone to eat what they want, its supposed to be a free country and its their choice. They should be told the risks, but just like smokers, they probably already know the risks but still choose to do it. So you will argue that they are putting a burden on the NHS, yes but their life expectancy will be short and the government says that people are are living longer and also putting a strain on the NHS, not to mention all the money saved by not having to pay them a pension......Double whammy.
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