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17-12-2015, 11:32 PM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

" Horse meat is illegal in Florida, but a black market for it exists, said Nick Atwood, a spokesman for the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida.
During the 2010 Florida Legislative Session, he said, a bill passed that strengthened the state's restrictions on the sale of horse meat for human consumption.
It is now illegal in Florida to sell, purchase, distribute, transport or possess horse meat unless "it is clearly stamped, marked, or described as horse meat for human consumption."

There are currently no U.S. slaughterhouses that process horse meat, however, making it difficult to obtain legally.

Seems there's a niche market out there for someone to make a bunch of money.

Beef, pig, lamb, chicken, crocodile, kangaroo, deer, fish, horse, dog ....
What's the difference ?
We are omnivores. As long as the animal is bred for the market and is despatched as humanely as possible, go for it !
Anybody who thinks otherwise must go totally 'veggie' !
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17-12-2015, 11:38 PM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

Originally Posted by mollie ->
.... I very much doubt there are serial killers in, what we call, the animal world, who take pleasure in killing.
cats !
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17-12-2015, 11:46 PM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

human beings that abuse animals are psychopathic and have no empathy with other living beings and that includes other Human Beings.
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18-12-2015, 12:31 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

so true!
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18-12-2015, 03:57 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

This horrendous case struck a memory for me .
Nearly 20 years ago when I was living in the east -but just about to leave the country -I saw one morning a very thin stray dog in the garden .
I threw it some bread scraps and the poor thing came closer and ate them .
To my horror I saw that its entire body and head were alive with fleas there were hundreds of them it's face alone was heaving and it's coat moved with them .
Over the next couple of days I fed the dog and eventually got close enough to put a rope around its neck .
I then tied it up to the fence ( i didn't know the dog and didn't want it to run off before I could help it ) and armed with flea spray and medicated shampoo I treated the dog and washed it the rinse water ran red with flea excreta . I can't tell you the horror of what this poor animal must have suffered .
I noted too from its teeth it was only a young animal .
I did this a couple of times before eradicating the fleas .
The dog kept coming in my garden and I fed it
It it was a gentle dog desparately grateful for the relief .
However I went for a walk one evening a day or so later and found it collapsed further down the road .
A man came out from a nearby house with two little girls and helped me ( it was a large dog) we carried it to his house on a blanket and I told him the story .
The man was taken with the dog and he said he would take it to the vet the next day which he did and the dog was back the same day -it was weak from blood loss and the heat ( this was the tropics) . Happily within a week it was up and playing with his children and well on the way to recovery and with a new home .
I have not thought of this lucky dog for so many years .
But the terrible case above brought it all back .
The dog I treated was an abandoned stray dog
The dog in the article above tethered in its own dog house .
I could I think quite cheerfully kill that woman .
It's no more that she deserves ,
Instead of a measly six month sentence .
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18-12-2015, 09:36 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

I think a measly six month sentence is pathetic, the horrible woman should have been tied up herself and covered with fleas. I would quite happily see these vile of animals given the same treatment they dish out to the poor
animals. Itīs just fortunate that there are some people in this world who do the best they can for abused and abandoned animals.
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19-12-2015, 12:32 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

Until the law stops classing dogs as 'property,' there will be little change.
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