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25-11-2015, 08:44 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Caroline Lucas, sooner she goes the better. Osbourne concedes defeat, think not he reconsidered and good for him.
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25-11-2015, 08:54 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Originally Posted by APRICOT ->
Assuming you are a OAP Joe, surely even you are happy about the pension rise ??
I am , as the saying goes "Every little helps" giggle.
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25-11-2015, 09:13 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Originally Posted by APRICOT ->
Assuming you are a OAP Joe, surely even you are happy about the pension rise ??
Since the 'nasty party' have merely increased pensions in line with the Rooker/Wise amendment as they were obliged to do by the triple-lock previously agreed I am neither happy or sad about it.
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25-11-2015, 09:30 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Many single parents especially working mothers will be relieved that the Tax Credits remain

However why can't the fathers of these children be made to pay for their own off spring
More should be done to find these 'Good for Nothing Men' who expect us all pay for childen for many years to come;

They ought to be sent to Wormwood Scrubs for a few weeks
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25-11-2015, 10:14 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Originally Posted by Azure ->
Many single parents especially working mothers will be relieved that the Tax Credits remain

However why can't the fathers of these children be made to pay for their own off spring
More should be done to find these 'Good for Nothing Men' who expect us all pay for childen for many years to come;

They ought to be sent to Wormwood Scrubs for a few weeks
Many people in low wage jobs will appreciate them too, it's not just single parents. Not everyone has the opportunity to get money from the men concerned - I agree ones who can should but I don't think we should assume everyone can.
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25-11-2015, 10:25 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

The CSA found the same as single mothers, that it's impossible to get money from men who don't want to pay, now the mothers and some single fathers have to pay to open a case, which many can't afford to do.
As for the cap on Housing Benefit, very few social landlords will charge anything like as high rents as private ones so it's not likely to affect most tenants.
I watched the whole thing on Daily Politics and nearly got carried away with the cheering hoards of Tories until the Shadow Chancellor spoke.
He seemed very honest and trustworthy and don to Earth, it was as he said a platform for Osborne's campaign for leadership.
I hope the loans for nurses instead of grants won't put people off, it's crippling for other students as the course fees and rents have shot up.
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26-11-2015, 07:06 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

A word of caution over the Government's defeat on Tax Credit cuts.
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26-11-2015, 08:11 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
This is the email I received from my MP earlier this afternoon.

Dear all,

Today the Chancellor announced that he wasn’t going to forge ahead with his plans to punish hard up working families by scrapping tax credits. That’s in large part due to your amazing lobbying of recent weeks so thank you and well done.

Britain still faces £12bn more of welfare cuts. It’s also the case that the introduction of universal credit in 2020 will reduce the money paid to the poorest by almost as much as the threatened tax credit cut. In other words, there’s still plenty more pain to come and it’s the disadvantaged that will be hardest hit.

But we’ve got a u turn once, so we can do it again.

Thanks again for all your emails, tweets, letters and campaigning. Together we have made a difference and I promise I’ll continue to do all I can stand up for you on tax credits, on welfare cuts more broadly and to put forward credible and positive alternatives to austerity.

Best wishes, Caroline
I didn't realise Osborne's change of plan was due to public lobbying - I thought it was more to do with the unelected peers in the House of Lords voting against it.
Maybe I've misunderstood that - but it does seem odd that an unelected body can stymie decisions made by a democratically elected Government.
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26-11-2015, 09:20 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Originally Posted by Boot ->
I didn't realise Osborne's change of plan was due to public lobbying - I thought it was more to do with the unelected peers in the House of Lords voting against it.
Maybe I've misunderstood that - but it does seem odd that an unelected body can stymie decisions made by a democratically elected Government.
But those peers were lobbied by a number of organisations representing a lot of the citizens affected by these cuts. Therefore although 'unelected' per se, nonetheless they acted on behalf of the 'people'.
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27-11-2015, 04:26 PM

Re: Osborne concedes defeat!!!

Now that 'experts' have had an opportunity to digest the facts and figures from the Autumn tatement, seems many millions of people are going to be worse off.
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