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07-04-2016, 11:28 AM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Unfortunately this Country's answer to every problem is to tax it. Taxing sugar, carrier bags, congestion etc doesn't solve the problems. It just earns the government more money.

I don't mind paying income tax if it is used for the right reasons. What I don't like is someone sending my hard earned tax abroad without even asking me first; or a local council paying a fortune for a sculpture when there are no hospital beds.

So yes, If I was rich, I would do everything possible to avoid tax.
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07-04-2016, 11:28 AM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
a friend of ours tried to pay back a tax rebate, .
You sure seem to have a lot of 'unusual' friends Julie and all of 'em with an equally unusual tale to tell
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07-04-2016, 11:40 AM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Not poor little me at all we are stronger and better for our experiences more able to see what could be done to help people who are struggling and paying our taxes is one of those things. The point was would we pay our taxes and my answer was clearly yes we would.

Question was.

If you have any savings do you put them in account that you pay tax on or do you have some in an ISA.?
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07-04-2016, 11:51 AM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by galty ->
Question was.

If you have any savings do you put them in account that you pay tax on or do you have some in an ISA.?
And I answered it several times now. Yes I would pay tax that is what we have chosen to do now and I can't imagine not choosing to support the country if I get a chance.
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07-04-2016, 03:07 PM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I don't think I would we have a responsibility to look after the country we live in, the best way to do that is pay our taxes. When we inherited a little we had tax to pay, didn't like it but we paid up hoping it might get to people who really needed it or help keep the local library open. I think they need to emphasis more what tax does once it is collected, no one could complain if they saw an elderly person being cared for by the council, or a child thriving through the education we paid for.
Julie ... that can't be right. You don't pay any tax on inherited amounts ... my brother had to cough up Inheritance Tax to continue with probate as the estate was worth over 300k and even then it was settled after by the estate.
Ah, I've just come in probably meant you invested it and had to pay tax on the accrued interest after at a later date.
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07-04-2016, 03:10 PM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by malcolm ->
You sure seem to have a lot of 'unusual' friends Julie and all of 'em with an equally unusual tale to tell
Hey ... there's some weird people out there .
I got a fair sized tax rebate once and was sure it was a mistake. I didn't tell the tax man though
As it turned out it was mine ..all mine .. and all above board and there was me skulking around afraid to celebrate in case he asked for it back.
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07-04-2016, 03:21 PM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Was homeless for a year and struggling to keep a roof over our heads for almost all the 80s so wasn't in a position to do either. But even now we have chosen to pay tax on our savings rather than avoid it.
I never knew that ..... as in sleeping rough on street corners in cardboard city?
Didn't the local authority help find you somewhere Julie as I understand you have kids?
It was a bad time , the late 80's/early 90's. I nearly lost my own house. I used to have a stack of unpaid debts on the shelf and just closed my eyes and picked one at random to pay that month... not quite true, those that didn't threaten legal action got shunted to the back of the queue.
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07-04-2016, 03:47 PM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Julie ... that can't be right. You don't pay any tax on inherited amounts ... my brother had to cough up Inheritance Tax to continue with probate as the estate was worth over 300k and even then it was settled after by the estate.
Ah, I've just come in probably meant you invested it and had to pay tax on the accrued interest after at a later date.
Yes took 18 months for the money to be split up so we all had to pay on the interest it accrued.
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07-04-2016, 03:51 PM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I never knew that ..... as in sleeping rough on street corners in cardboard city?
Didn't the local authority help find you somewhere Julie as I understand you have kids?
It was a bad time , the late 80's/early 90's. I nearly lost my own house. I used to have a stack of unpaid debts on the shelf and just closed my eyes and picked one at random to pay that month... not quite true, those that didn't threaten legal action got shunted to the back of the queue.
We were lucky we had our car so bedded down in that had to rehome our cats and one of the dogs hated the car so he had to be rehomed too but my old benny dog was with us too. No kids at the time it was before my sisters started breeding and we had found a live in situation by then so had a home for them to come to. Local authorities laughed that we even asked for help married couple no points on the list but when the interest rates hit 17 per cent we didn't have much choice it was hand keys back or go bankrupt.
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07-04-2016, 04:15 PM

Re: Tax Avoidance.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Was homeless for a year and struggling to keep a roof over our heads for almost all the 80s so wasn't in a position to do either. But even now we have chosen to pay tax on our savings rather than avoid it.

If you have your savings in a bank its not a matter of choice the tax is taken off at source
At least it was new changes in the budget give £1000 worth of interest free from tax .
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