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16-10-2016, 08:48 AM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Below is an example of just how reductive you can be. You claim the remainers "have no qualms about damaging Britain themselves " and yet presented with hard evidence by PhilipM of the damage to the economy caused by leaving the EU you skate over that part and skip to the easy bits i.e the accusations of xenophobia, with a holier than thou tone that is meant to deflect from the more serious points in his post - unsuccessfully by the way.

I selected your quotes because it demonstrates perfectly the absolute delusion, obsession and hysteria currently being displayed by leavers and their hyper-sensitivity to being challenged.

I've no doubt others will jump on the bandwagon claiming it'll be worth it in the end blah blah.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Harsh and very unforgiving Baxie it's never stopped you.

The Remainers complaining are becoming a pain up the bum.
Ironic when you consider they claim leaving the EU would damage Britain ... but actually have no qualms about damaging Britain themselves with their negativity and delaying tactics.
Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
Well my top concern remains the £ after this economically suicidal act! It has lost nearly 20% since the disasterous vote and then there is there threat of 10% Import Duties which could make cars for example 30% more expensive? That means we, as in the pound in your bank account, are 30% poorer!! Is that what the exit voters wanted in exchange for a small amount of xenophobic bigotry!

I sometimes wonder if I want to continue to live in such a country but I have no alternative as sadly but realistically Wales cannot be an independent country
Originally Posted by Morticia ->
And there is the first most serious misconception that has been trawled out and done to death. And a pretty offensive one too.
Xenophobic bigotry?
There were other considerations aside from uncontrolled immigration ... most notably, the opportunity for a nation to determine it's own future without been in harness to the EU.

If anything, I find this bigotry accusation a very narrow and rigid view and am amazed that it still persists in presumably otherwise intelligent and sensible people. Presumably there are some witless wonders in the Remain camp.
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16-10-2016, 12:46 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Do you ever read how feasible or sensible what you've written actually sounds?

You are a master of reverse psychology and would doubtless try to convince people that Jack the Ripper had a social conscience and was only trying to rid the streets of London of venereal disease by killing prostitutes.

So what are you picking over and lecturing about now.
Let's see.

Originally Posted by Baxter8 ->
Below is an example of just how reductive you can be. You claim the remainers "have no qualms about damaging Britain themselves " and yet presented with hard evidence by PhilipM of the damage to the economy caused by leaving the EU you skate over that part and skip to the easy bits i.e the accusations of xenophobia, with a holier than thou tone that is meant to deflect from the more serious points in his post - unsuccessfully by the way.
Yup.. that's right, the complainer Remainers are damaging Britain. Of course, the economy was going to be damaged by Brexit anyway ... damage limitation is now the name of the game. For the whole country irrespective of how they voted, which is why we should logically and rationally progress to a unified Britain, particularly in the eyes of the world where reputation matters.

Instead of accepting a democratic vote the Remainers are been divisive , calling the Brexiters xenophobic bigots. All 17 million of them? I'm glad you spotted he used a holier than thou tone and you drew attention to it.
Remainers seem to have great trouble accepting a democratic vote.

I selected your quotes because it demonstrates perfectly the absolute delusion, obsession and hysteria currently being displayed by leavers and their hyper-sensitivity to being challenged.
You're kidding. Obsession and hysteria and hypersensitivity. I just covered that .. and more succinctly than you have.
That's the Remainers failing .. the Leavers are way ahead of them and hoping to forge a new , stronger independent Britain and not wailing lamentably over the past and engaging in insults.

I've no doubt others will jump on the bandwagon claiming it'll be worth it in the end blah blah.
I rest my case. That sounds like something that was said the day after the Brexit vote. The end of June. It is now almost the end of October.
What a perfect example of obsession.

Edited to add: That really was not one of your more constructive posts. A five year old could spot the glaring flaws in your argument.
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16-10-2016, 12:58 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

I rest my case.

All this FAFF and nonsense and still you refuse to address the hard evidence presented in PhilipM's post. You can wave your arms around trying to distract as much as you like (attack being your "go to" form of defence) but you persistently fail to present a counter argument in any of your posts.

I, like a lot on here I suspect, give up because you're the mistress of smoke and mirrors. Under which is well. ... nothing of substance.

I can bet my last £ it is that point you choose to argue.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Do you ever read how feasible or sensible what you've written actually sounds?

You are a master of reverse psychology and would doubtless try to convince people that Jack the Ripper had a social conscience and was only trying to rid the streets of London of venereal disease by killing prostitutes.

So what are you picking over and lecturing about now.
Let's see.

Yup.. that's right, the complainer Remainers are damaging Britain. Of course, the economy was going to be damaged by Brexit anyway ... damage limitation is now the name of the game. For the whole country irrespective of how they voted, which is why we should logically and rationally progress to a unified Britain, particularly in the eyes of the world where reputation matters.

Instead of accepting a democratic vote the Remainers are been divisive , calling the Brexiters xenophobic bigots. All 17 million of them? I'm glad you spotted he used a holier than thou tone and you drew attention to it.
Remainers seem to have great trouble accepting a democratic vote.

You're kidding. Obsession and hysteria and hypersensitivity. I just covered that .. and more succinctly than you have.
That's the Remainers failing .. the Leavers are way ahead of them and hoping to forge a new , stronger independent Britain and not wailing lamentably over the past and engaging in insults.

I rest my case. That sounds like something that was said the day after the Brexit vote. The end of June. It is now almost the end of October.
What a perfect example of obsession.

Edited to add: That really was not one of your more constructive posts. A five year old could spot the glaring flaws in your argument.
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16-10-2016, 01:24 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Originally Posted by Baxter8 ->
I rest my case.

All this FAFF and nonsense and still you refuse to address the hard evidence presented in PhilipM's post. You can wave your arms around trying to distract as much as you like (attack being your "go to" form of defence) but you persistently fail to present a counter argument in any of your posts.

I, like a lot on here I suspect, give up because you're the mistress of smoke and mirrors. Under which is well. ... nothing of substance.

I can bet my last £ it is that point you choose to argue.
I'm only saying this once Baxter, then I'm done with replying to you. You're a WUM.
Unlike you .. I do address the points made by another member in the context of the discussion.

Please hone your text interpretation skills ... you consistently miss the relevant points I make as you seem too intoxicated by the fun of just attacking me, or anything I say.

Whereas in print before your eyes for you, and all, to see ...I said.

Quote: Of course, the economy was going to be damaged by Brexit anyway ... damage limitation is now the name of the game. For the whole country irrespective of how they voted, which is why we should logically and rationally progress to a unified Britain, particularly in the eyes of the world where reputation matters.

Other than that you deem my posts as reductive, FAFF, nonsense, waving my arms , ... I'm amazed you bother to reply at all as you have such a low opinion of my views.
To which you add, speaking on behalf of a lot on here ...
I, like a lot on here I suspect, give up because you're the mistress of smoke and mirrors. Under which is well. ... nothing of substance.
Thanks for that.
I suspect you really don't care what the thread is about .. to you, it's just an opportunity to list my flaws. Sorry .. but I'm not that bored to continually indulge you in your perverse and infantile games.
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16-10-2016, 01:59 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???


I am all in favour of remaining in the Open Market as far as is practicable and I am quite relaxed about immigration from the present EU member states.

There are much easier ways of managing immigration from the EU, just that Cameron did not push hard enough.

France and Germany do not pay child benefits for children living abroad, we do.

Mekel has just announced that she is cutting back on Benefits for EU migrants to Germany.

Simple, easy things we could do.


An easy insult, doesn't wash with me, 4 adults and two children in my house this morning, just myself who does not have Polish as a first language.

This evening, I will be practising my Tagalog when the nurses come for a meal.

It is absolute rubbish to claim that all who voted leave are xenophobes.

I will not however be ruled by Merkel and Hollande, I cannot vote them out and I am fed up with the autocratic, undemocratic machinations of the Brussels Elite.
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16-10-2016, 02:01 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Originally Posted by Baxter8 ->
I can bet my last £ it is that point you choose to argue.
You'd better keep two back,if its not worth much.
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16-10-2016, 02:23 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Originally Posted by morticia ->
and there is the first most serious misconception that has been trawled out and done to death. And a pretty offensive one too.
Xenophobic bigotry?
There were other considerations aside from uncontrolled immigration ... Most notably, the opportunity for a nation to determine it's own future without been in harness to the eu.

If anything, i find this bigotry accusation a very narrow and rigid view and am amazed that it still persists in presumably otherwise intelligent and sensible people. Presumably there are some witless wonders in the remain camp.
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16-10-2016, 02:33 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Every single person that I know personally that voted to leave did so because of immigration, that is not something made up by the media. I know several who gave the possibility of Turkey joining the EU as their main reason for voting to leave.
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16-10-2016, 02:47 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Every single person that I know personally that voted to leave did so because of immigration, that is not something made up by the media. I know several who gave the possibility of Turkey joining the EU as their main reason for voting to leave.
Yeah but what about the other 17,410,741 that also voted to leave.
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16-10-2016, 02:53 PM

Re: Boris et al for 'Pentonville???

Turkey was a HUGE factor.
I remember posting Turkey In then I'm Out!

But it was also HUGELY about being utterly sick and tired of being dictated to.
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