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09-12-2016, 01:32 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

A personal view.

Our Borders should already be closed, we are an island.

Not a day goes by without illegals gaining entry

We are 27 months away from leaving, we have no plan in place, much less the systems and personnel.

Free movement is subject to two conditions, a risk to public safety or a risk to public health.

We have no need to let those with a criminal record into the UK, yet we do.

We already catch large numbers of illegals working here, we release them on bail and they disappear.

We have no obligation under any EU Law, it is purely our choice to do so.

We allow illegals who have been here for months and years to apply for asylum.

There is no need to do this under InternationaL Law.

Again, it is our choice.

We already have laws carrying large penalties for people who employ illegals.

Governments are ace at introducing new laws.

Their time would be much better spent in enforcing the existing ones.

Recently a proposal was floated that all schools would have ti have proof of residency before admitting a pupil.

Very sensible in my view, again shot down because it would be racist.

It is very fashionable to blame the EU for all this.

In 27 months time, we leave.

Who are our politicians going to blame then?

It is the UK's sole fault that we have so much Immigration and so many Illegals.

We have more Immigration from outside the EU from within it.

We have 10 times as much Immigration then France does, and they are in the EU,

We could control EU Immigration very easily by changing our Benefits system, we don't, again our fault.

Boris Johnson?

Well, this Brexiteer has proposed an amnesty for illegals who have been here for a number of years.

How stupid is that?

600,000 illegals we should be removing.

A personal view, I feel I am just going round in circles on these types of threads.

Hangman and General Chat appeals much more, so I will leave you to your discussions.
If you didn't repeat yourself you wouldn't be going round in circles..simples
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09-12-2016, 01:46 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
We could control EU Immigration very easily by changing our Benefits system, we don't, again our fault.

Since June there are no benefits available for EU immigrants unless they have been in the UK for 5 years.

Thanks to the European Court of Justice which overturned a Commission decision.


The decision only related to some Benefits, not the whole of them.
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09-12-2016, 01:55 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Well is legally required and health is to protect the resident population from incoming disease as well as a human right. and just plain civilised.
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09-12-2016, 05:56 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
I don't think I'm a member of the 'Looney Left'.

But I do see the chip, chip chipping away of our personal privacy.

Information we provide for a specific purpose is often passed on or even sold to others.
Every website we have ever visited can be tracked - and not only by hackers.
Phones can be a wondrous source of info - legally or illegally.
CCTV cameras are everywhere.
Even our shopping habits can be tracked by dangling incentive programs before us.
Credit card purchases and credit history is far more accessible than many realize.
Our health records are far less private than they were years ago.
Police and other compliance groups can more easily tap phones and plant bugs than ever before.
Privately-owned drones are peeking at all manner of stuff as we speak.
The Tax Office, Social Security and even local councils have more powers and more computer access to just about anything we do.

Every little change seems insignificant in itself - but cumulatively ?
"1984" is alive and well.
Big brother is watching - and all his little, less noble brothers.

It is so subtle and so gradual that we barely notice -
but our grand-parents would hardly believe we have let this happen.
Originally Posted by Rehab44 ->
Are you talking as an Australian? If so why are you opposing a British suggestion?
What a strange question.
Ummmmm, I guess I'm "talking as an Australian" because I happen to be one.
But mine was a general observation which I consider to be as relevant in the Midlands as in Melbourne, in London or Sydney, Brisbane or Belfast, Perth or Paris.
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09-12-2016, 06:22 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
What a strange question.
Ummmmm, I guess I'm "talking as an Australian" because I happen to be one.
But mine was a general observation which I consider to be as relevant in the Midlands as in Melbourne, in London or Sydney, Brisbane or Belfast, Perth or Paris.
Good, I thought you might be residing in Kangeroo Valley
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09-12-2016, 06:30 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Originally Posted by Rehab44 ->
Good, I thought you might be residing in Kangeroo Valley
Yes, they're a bit funny down that way.
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09-12-2016, 06:36 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

An ID card is a great idea , if you have nothing to hide why would you be afraid.
Still the hand wringers will probably say otherwise, as they always do to sensible suggestions.
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09-12-2016, 06:51 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Nahhhh, go the whole hog, Apricot.

Everybody gets a microchip implanted at birth - all their family's medical, credit, tax, political, educational, financial details - along with any sexual preferences, skin colour, ethnicity, religion etc etc.

Ensuring of course that the chip may never be removed and can be used to track your subsequent location, movements, voting patterns, school results, alcohol consumption, driving history etc etc etc.

" if you have nothing to hide why would you be afraid." ?
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09-12-2016, 06:57 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Originally Posted by pumicestone ->
nahhhh, go the whole hog, apricot.

everybody gets a microchip implanted at birth - all their family's medical, credit, tax, political, educational, financial details - along with any sexual preferences, skin colour, ethnicity, religion etc etc.

Ensuring of course that the chip may never be removed and can be used to track your subsequent location, movements, voting patterns, school results, alcohol consumption, driving history etc etc etc.

" if you have nothing to hide why would you be afraid." ?
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09-12-2016, 07:07 PM

Re: Proposal being put forward for Green Cards for settled Immigrants living in UK

Not sure what is unclear to you, Apricot.

If you see nothing daunting about the very, very long list of restrictions to our privacy which I provided,
would you be comfortable if the next generation were forced to be micro-chipped at birth ?
Just like dogs or cattle.
It is a natural 'next step'.
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