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Older git
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07-01-2017, 05:28 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

yoofs that vandalise allotments need help. They probably grew up with parents who took drugs and got pissed. They have never eaten a fresh grown plant in their lives. They need help-ask them to visit,see the crops-see the ponds we had to encourage wild life. Or just drown them.
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07-01-2017, 06:58 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Originally Posted by Older git ->
yoofs that vandalise allotments need help. They probably grew up with parents who took drugs and got pissed. They have never eaten a fresh grown plant in their lives. They need help-ask them to visit,see the crops-see the ponds we had to encourage wild life. Or just drown them.
I don't think youths that vandalize allotments need help or had a bad upbringing, they are just kids who try to push the boundaries to see how far they can go. What they need is showing that they have gone too far, so they have to spend their free time correcting what they have done wrong. If we keep finding excuses for children who do wrong all we are doing is giving them an excuse to do more!
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07-01-2017, 07:17 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Here we go again with the allotment vandals.

In Poole, Dorset, a group of 99 allotments were vandalised over three days.
Windows of 22 sheds were smashed, doors prised off their hinges, tools thrown about, polytunnels slashed, veg pulled up, and water butts and compost bins pushed over .

A lot of the allotment members were elderly and are so upset they are thinking of packing it all in, even though they have paid the rent for 2017.

Dorset Police know who the vandals are and have said "they have spoken to a number of youngsters in their homes." No arrests have been made.

I feel so sorry for the allotment holders and can understand why they have lost heart.
This sort of thing, and many others like them, are only to be expected when we don't punish wrongdoers any more.

I'm afraid it is something we must get used to, but the do-gooders are the ones who should really take the blame.
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07-01-2017, 07:42 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Get them to spend no less than a year working on the trashed plots, going through all seasons. Working out in the cold of winter, getting beds ready, weeding around the growing veg, mowing lawns, cutting down high weeds that spring up overnight after a bout of rain and sun. Working till their backs break and they sweat profusely. Replace broken padlocks, rebuild damaged greenhouses and sheds.

Call it Community Service Payback Teams! With the tenants as their supervisors. 'Go on, put yer back into it, lad!!'

Evil little sods!!!
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07-01-2017, 07:49 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Originally Posted by Jazzi ->
Get them to spend no less than a year working on the trashed plots, going through all seasons. Working out in the cold of winter, getting beds ready, weeding around the growing veg, mowing lawns, cutting down high weeds that spring up overnight after a bout of rain and sun. Working till their backs break and they sweat profusely. Replace broken padlocks, rebuild damaged greenhouses and sheds.

Call it Community Service Payback Teams! With the tenants as their supervisors. 'Go on, put yer back into it, lad!!'

Evil little sods!!!
Exactly my point Jazzi. They may think that allotments are an afternoon out, planting things, so it is good to let them know how much of somebody else's work they have destroyed. The only way to make them do that is by redoing that work and replacing any damaged items, during their free time and with their money!
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07-01-2017, 07:56 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Where do the Councils stand in such cases ?

It is trespassing on Council land, and Councils must surely have some insurance in place. Also, can they prosecute ?
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07-01-2017, 07:57 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

We have so much theft on our site. Some lose their whole crop of potatoes, tomatoes. One woman went down one day to pick her figs and the whole lot had gone. She was in tears. Others lose all fruit from their trees.

The problem we have (and I've probably said it before), we have gardens backing onto our site, with broken down fences. But not only that, past tenants still have access through the gates (either by using an unreturned key or the padlock combination), we have a tree surgeon who appears to have his own key, who offloads wood chippings. He was challenged by us last year and we were supposed to be getting the key back from him but nothing has been done.

And we have our very own resident thieves: the plot holders who think it's ok to walk onto other plots and pick what they like. And I say that with conviction because some have been caught in the act and challenged.
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07-01-2017, 08:00 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Originally Posted by Puddle Duck ->
Where do the Councils stand in such cases ?

It is trespassing on Council land, and Councils must surely have some insurance in place. Also, can they prosecute ?
We call the police and the council whenever we have break ins. We get a crime ref number, and that's as far as it goes. The police make a vague attempt to get a police presence on site occasionally, which may or may not be the local PCSO. Our council are useless!!! I'd love to have inserted a harsh word in between are and useless, to show how strongly I feel about them.
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07-01-2017, 10:28 PM

Re: Allotments trashed

Originally Posted by Jazzi ->
We have so much theft on our site. Some lose their whole crop of potatoes, tomatoes. One woman went down one day to pick her figs and the whole lot had gone. She was in tears. Others lose all fruit from their trees.

The problem we have (and I've probably said it before), we have gardens backing onto our site, with broken down fences. But not only that, past tenants still have access through the gates (either by using an unreturned key or the padlock combination), we have a tree surgeon who appears to have his own key, who offloads wood chippings. He was challenged by us last year and we were supposed to be getting the key back from him but nothing has been done.

And we have our very own resident thieves: the plot holders who think it's ok to walk onto other plots and pick what they like. And I say that with conviction because some have been caught in the act and challenged.

That's dreadful Jazzi. You'd think they, above anyone, would understand the amount of work some people put in, and what it means to them. Disgusting. I hope they were banned from the allotments for it.
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08-01-2017, 09:58 AM

Re: Allotments trashed

No, they are just spoken to by plot holders, but I don't think any more action wwas taken. I know one group of foreign women had strayed onto a friend's plot, she did report to the Allotment's Officer, who replied 'right, they're getting their final warning'. They'd previously dumped bags of rubbish on the main path.

However, as our AO has been on sick leave for several months we have no idea if she has given the warning to them, so even if thefts or straying onto other plots are reported, we are not confident anything happens.

Another friend caught someone picking fruit off a tree, who replied 'K is my friend, he said I could' but she is rarely to be seen nowadays, and K had certainly not given that permission.
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