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13-07-2017, 11:52 PM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

I simply [resented the evidence. Your choice how you interpret it
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14-07-2017, 07:04 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

I understand your thinking realist but I don't think it will happen. I think Corbyn has captured the imagination of the youth of this country and revitalised the Labour Party.

I have no idea what the future holds, as others have said I too am getting so I don't really care. I feel all politiced (I think that's a new word) out, we all need a break from it.
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14-07-2017, 07:59 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way


I still do care simply because it would be so, so, wrong for all the austerity we have had to suffer being wasted by a massive increase in borrowing again which is totally unsustainable and which will lead to even more drastic austerity in the future.

There is an old Yorkshire saying, you don't get owt for nowt.

This is very true. someone, somewhere down the line, will have to pay the bill when Corbyn has failed.
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14-07-2017, 08:36 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

I sometimes think, yes, let Corbyn have a go at being PM.

He'll probably increase my pension and perhaps offer all sorts of other benefits for which I might qualify.

Who cares about the future consequences? Let the young people of this country (who are so enamoured of him) worry about that!
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14-07-2017, 09:17 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

You put it better than me JBR I think we are all getting to the stage of let them do as they wish and suffer the consequences. I agree with everything you said swim it's just ...well maybe we should just let them get on with it after all we won't be around at payback time.
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14-07-2017, 10:32 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

Originally Posted by Realist ->
I just explained it to you. He has a history of opposing our move into the EU and then, when it suits, sides with Remainers to get their votes at the election. Just shameless.

Can't be trusted.


Didn't May side with remain during the referendum.

But then you can't believe a word she says after she denied she wouldn't have an election five times.

Seems we can't trust the Vicar's daughter either.
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14-07-2017, 11:24 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

Give her a chance. She has less than two years. Let's see what she achieves (or doesn't) before we shoot her down in flames.
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14-07-2017, 11:26 AM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

Originally Posted by Tupman ->
Didn't May side with remain during the referendum.

But then you can't believe a word she says after she denied she wouldn't have an election five times.

Seems we can't trust the Vicar's daughter either.
Yep and that's because they ALL ultimately work for the same unseen, unelected powers that really run the country.
They all have done for a very long time. They have all deliberately taken their turn (Labour and Tories alike) to stealthily move us into the EU without any public consultation.

We have loads of people now ranting and whinging about how important the EU and Single Market is and that there are HUGE implications of leaving.

Odd then if being in the EU was so massively life changing and important that no-one gave the populous a referendum on whether we should join it, whether we should hand our justice system over to the ECJ and so on.

Our governments are merely corrupt pawns meting out the agendas of the unseen Common Purpose collectives who are hell bent on their One World government and currency.

It's time we all woke up to that and decided what to do about it.
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14-07-2017, 12:03 PM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Yep and that's because they ALL ultimately work for the same unseen, unelected powers that really run the country.
They all have done for a very long time. They have all deliberately taken their turn (Labour and Tories alike) to stealthily move us into the EU without any public consultation.

We have loads of people now ranting and whinging about how important the EU and Single Market is and that there are HUGE implications of leaving.

Odd then if being in the EU was so massively life changing and important that no-one gave the populous a referendum on whether we should join it, whether we should hand our justice system over to the ECJ and so on.

Our governments are merely corrupt pawns meting out the agendas of the unseen Common Purpose collectives who are hell bent on their One World government and currency.

It's time we all woke up to that and decided what to do about it.
What you are saying the right is just as Looney as the left.

Which makes your entire campaign pointless.
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14-07-2017, 12:09 PM

Re: A Prediction - A New Way

I'm saying that the larger globalist agenda will go ahead regardless of who you vote for. Throughout the past years it wouldn't have made any difference if you voted Tory or Labour or Lib Dem because whichever got into power would then start to undertake actions on behalf of the true rules and they would all have continued to embed us into the EU with each successive EU Treaty.

At a local level those rulers aren't interested in petty matters. But real people are affected by the actions of the elected party at that local level.

The appalling harassment of MPs by Corbyn supporters for example.
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