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31-01-2018, 03:07 PM

Re: Have you ever saved someone's life?


I once saved a man from drowning.

I had a change of heart.

so I took my foot off his head.
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31-01-2018, 06:12 PM

Re: Have you ever saved someone's life?

The first day I ever taught school, I looked over during snack time and one of my students was turning blue around the lips, frozen and locked up of horror on his face.

I ran over. pulled him to his feet, applied the Heimlich maneuver and a piece of apple shot across the room. It was stunning how well it worked. The class, a bunch of rowdy twelve-year-olds shouted in unison as the apple shot bullet-like, "Cool!"

At different times, I've plucked three toddlers out of the Gulf of Mexico face -down in the surf while their mothers were stretched out on their stomachs, eyes-closed and working on their tans. One ended up being life-flighted out but he survived with no brain damage.

Sooner or later, every surfer I know has pulled someone in trouble out of the water. The time I did, a man was being pulled out in a riptide and he had exhausted himself trying to swim ashore. He went down silently and no one would have even noticed, I just happened to notice in my periphery.

It's a myth that drowning/dying people are typically screaming their heads off. Too often, their fight to stay alive is so profound that they remain - eerily silent.

Have you ever noticed that when trying to save someone, your hormones seem to fire leaving you clear-headed and calm? Not at all like the irrational, emotional state one is in when creating them per Mr. Ploppy's mention.
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31-01-2018, 06:50 PM

Re: Have you ever saved someone's life?

The Heimliche manoeuvre certainly works. My son's life was saved just before Christmas. He was working at a Mess Ball in an army barracks when a piece of a sandwich lodged in his throat. His wife couldn't clear it and he dropped unconscious to the floor. She called for help and two burly soldiers rushed in and saved him. He later finished his sandwich.
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