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17-12-2018, 12:03 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

Originally Posted by TessA ->
If Keir Starmer and Emily Thornberry took the place of Corbyn and Abbott I think Labour would seem more electable.

A great joke to start the week. Thanks for the laugh, that's cheered me up no end.
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17-12-2018, 12:13 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

Originally Posted by TessA ->
If Keir Starmer and Emily Thornberry took the place of Corbyn and Abbott I think Labour would seem more electable.
Have you heard ET talk ?
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17-12-2018, 12:37 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Have you heard ET talk ?

Only to say "Phone Home".
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17-12-2018, 01:29 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

The fake UK political system continues to play the Sheeple like a Stradivarius.

You can see from reading these threads how people are still obsessed with Tory vs Labour and after all these years they still don't understand that they are the same thing.

Tory, Labour, Liberal, it's all the EU party. It's all a vote for the existing establishment. They win, again, every time you tick one of those boxes.

They have everyone nicely bickering about the Tories at present. They don't care if you vote Jezbollah Corbyn in as he will simply do whatever he is told to do, as I am sure he is doing right now by failing to clearly set out Labours stance on BrExit, as he has done throughout the whole fiasco.

Corbyn is an Ace up the sleeve waiting to be played. The EU has tried to scupper BrExit by tabling this stupid Deal and getting May to champion it. It sees us effectively stay in the EU.

If the people reject that deal then they have everything neatly set up to transfer Corbyn in No 10 who will then play his part in furthering the EU agenda.

We have to start seeing through all this smoke and mirrors because the UK has been caught in this fake political system for years now and our living standards and wealth opportunities have dwindled and dwindled

We have to stop voting for the EU parties.

We either have to find a genuine non-EU driven party and vote it in, OR, we all have to very carefully and consistently mark our ballot papers as "Protest Vote" stating "None of the above"

If enough people reject all the choices and do it properly (they have numerous ways to categorise spoilt papers as not being protest votes), then the system will have to be changed. We might even get a referendum on how our political system should operate.
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17-12-2018, 01:51 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

I don't disagree that the two party system has had it's day but we can really only vote for what we are offered. most of us can't stand for parliament ourselves so we have to look at the people who put themselves forward. Here we don't get a huge choice, Tory always win anyway, but we don't get a green even.

I don't pretend to know the answer. I do agree it needs to change.
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17-12-2018, 02:30 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

You can always stand as an Independent Julie
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17-12-2018, 04:57 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

Austerity programmes and brexiteering don't mix.

Cameron should have known better.
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17-12-2018, 04:59 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

Originally Posted by Vaniy ->
You can always stand as an Independent Julie
I couldn't for a variety of reasons, that was my point we can't all do it. So we have to vote for those who can.
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17-12-2018, 05:36 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

The problem with most of the politicians and thats from both parties

What they my say on the hustings all in good faith

Is not necessarily what the Party will do or say when either in office or opposition
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17-12-2018, 05:41 PM

Re: Why the Tories will lose the next Election.

True but I'd like to see some sort of law making it impossible for people to back out of promises made. Until we can trust them to do what they say why should we vote blindly ?
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