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09-02-2021, 07:23 PM

Re: Exercising during the pandemic

Originally Posted by carol ->
Yes I am. Josh is autistic and behind with his speech but he's so adorable. Taylor is the proud big sister - she adored him too.
So sweet Carol. My daughter was much the same with my son and still is!
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10-02-2021, 12:53 PM

Re: Exercising during the pandemic

The pandemic has made absolutely no difference whatsoever to my exercising Minx. Dark mornings, snow and other inclement weather have been a hindrance, but nothing (except Gout and perhaps other debilitating illness) will stop me from turning out for a run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

I could never exercise in a gym because it's indoors for a start, and being disciplined (other than chucking myself out of the door) is not how I see running. It's the freedom to run where you want, when you want, and at the pace you want. There are very few times in your life where you have complete control over your next move without being influenced by someone or something else.

Everything you have sweated over, worried about, or had to consider, just disappears when you are running alone down a deserted road, track, lane, beach, forest, cliff path....There is nothing else happening in the world as far as you are concerned, just the sound of your running shoes padding out a rhythm, the warm sun on you back, the breeze in your face, and the sounds of nature.......
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