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26-01-2012, 08:19 AM

Re: Why Ignore?

Bonny, it is very rare that I acknowledge any new comer s introduction post. Not because of not wanting to welcome them but because I was brought up never to trust anyone until they prove that you can.
There are so many trolls around the forums just waiting in prey for Naive people.
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26-01-2012, 12:44 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

As others have said, I am guilty of not going to the introductions forum. Mainly a time thing, but also I guess I just join conversations here if the topic interests me. And I'm often away from this forum for weeks or months at a time. Yes, if someone says something that strikes a chord or, conversely, really annoys me, I may look at their profile, but that is usually to try to understand the poster a bit more.
Maybe in future I'll look at the introductions thread rather than the profile.
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26-01-2012, 03:20 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Bonny, it is very rare that I acknowledge any new comer s introduction post. Not because of not wanting to welcome them but because I was brought up never to trust anyone until they prove that you can.
There are so many trolls around the forums just waiting in prey for Naive people.
TBH it's not always about going on Intro Thread''s about ignoring totally.Let me give you an example.On another Forum a Friend of 6 years whom I met online said to me one day that no matter how she had tried there were a couple of members who seemed to go out of their way to ignore her ...I told her they did that to me also and only seemed interested in their "little group"....let them get on with it.But she went on to directly post to them in such a way it would have been totally rude to have ignored her...which they did.The point also is this friend of mine is one of the nicest, sweetest women you could come across and to ignore someone like that asking you a direct question is plain ignorant.We both left that place as even behind a screen you could feel the vibes and at our time of life who needs or wants to not feel welcome or a part of at least.Anyway from what ive seen Antibrown you always post to Newbies if you have something to say and thankyou for that
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26-01-2012, 03:25 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by orangutan ->
As others have said, I am guilty of not going to the introductions forum. Mainly a time thing, but also I guess I just join conversations here if the topic interests me. And I'm often away from this forum for weeks or months at a time. Yes, if someone says something that strikes a chord or, conversely, really annoys me, I may look at their profile, but that is usually to try to understand the poster a bit more.
Maybe in future I'll look at the introductions thread rather than the profile.
Looking at just a Profile can't always tell you anything IMO...people's way of thinking...their humour...the way they post to other Member's to me says so much more Orangutan
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26-01-2012, 08:55 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by Bonny ->
Looking at just a Profile can't always tell you anything IMO...people's way of thinking...their humour...the way they post to other Member's to me says so much more Orangutan
I think you are right Bonny,. How people post to other members can say a lot, but it does take a bit of time to get to know members of the forum and how they might think/react to something, so I feel it is often a sensible move to sit and watch for a while.
I don't say hello and welcome every new person - I don't always notice newcomers anyway; perhaps I should be a bit more observant. I don't deliberately ignore anyone, although I do sometimes say nothing rather than risk putting my foot in it with someone I have not had any contact with.
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26-01-2012, 10:06 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

I have been on a few forums. Stayed for a while to get the feel of the people on the forums. You learn a lot from reading post, and get the feeling if it;s a friendly forum or not.
Some forums seem to get off on arguing, with each other. This is very off putting.
There are discussions, with people airing their views, in a nice way.
We all have different views on life.

I do post on the introduction. I know not everyone stays.
I try to post most days, but sometimes I don't find the time. Due to being busy. I would never ignore anyone on purpose.

I post on threads that I find interesting, and try to follow it. But sometimes miss a thread I am following.

This is a nice friendly forum.
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26-01-2012, 10:27 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

I realised the other day that I always miss the birthdays on here because I usually come on here and go to the new posts for quickness and the birthdays dont come up in it so sorry if I have seemed rude in the past by missing them, I didnt realise til I caught one by accident last week.
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26-01-2012, 11:22 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I think you are right Bonny,. How people post to other members can say a lot, but it does take a bit of time to get to know members of the forum and how they might think/react to something, so I feel it is often a sensible move to sit and watch for a while.
I don't say hello and welcome every new person - I don't always notice newcomers anyway; perhaps I should be a bit more observant. I don't deliberately ignore anyone, although I do sometimes say nothing rather than risk putting my foot in it with someone I have not had any contact with.
Of course it take's time love.I tried so hard when I was a Mod on a Forum where I found some of the other Mod's were...well not very nice shall we say.But oh boy I came unstuck big time a couple of times.One turned out to be the biggest nutter that ever got online IMO and the other one....well must have been her love child I reckonI was warned by a Friend but I felt sorry for them both the Bird Brain I can be sometime's.Never again I swore but I can't help being me just as other's can't help being as they are I guess.You also have come across as being a Member who will acknowledge Newbies if you have something to say to them on a Thread and at the end of the day that's what it's all about
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26-01-2012, 11:25 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by shaz ->
I have been on a few forums. Stayed for a while to get the feel of the people on the forums. You learn a lot from reading post, and get the feeling if it;s a friendly forum or not.
Some forums seem to get off on arguing, with each other. This is very off putting.
There are discussions, with people airing their views, in a nice way.
We all have different views on life.

I do post on the introduction. I know not everyone stays.
I try to post most days, but sometimes I don't find the time. Due to being busy. I would never ignore anyone on purpose.

I post on threads that I find interesting, and try to follow it. But sometimes miss a thread I am following.

This is a nice friendly forum.
Good Post Shaz and thankyou for your comments.
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26-01-2012, 11:30 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by Bridie ->
I realised the other day that I always miss the birthdays on here because I usually come on here and go to the new posts for quickness and the birthdays dont come up in it so sorry if I have seemed rude in the past by missing them, I didnt realise til I caught one by accident last week.
Bridie we all miss thing's at time's love and thats human nature and that don't make you the type of person im talking about on my OP babe
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