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29-06-2018, 02:45 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I am no little Englander, been made redundant in Public Service 3 times.

Nobody owes me a living, sucked it up and moved

Am I bloody annoyed about it, Yes, too true I am, but made the best of it.

Moved from my home Town to Coventry, then to Suffolk, then to Shropshire, travelled 60 miles a day to get a job in Wales.

Lived on Invalidity Benefits for 2 years, lost all my savings.

That is life Purwell, you make the most of it.

Stop whinging and blaming others.

You are still working, I am not not.

I have a Pension of £30k a year after tax.

If you had done the same, you could have been in the same position.

Highly skilled Engineers are in great demand, they earn far more than I do.

Life is what you make it, realise that.
You really are a self centred know all aren't you?
You know nothing about my circumstances and I am not going to air them on here. Suffice to say there was a very good reason why I could not move.
Stop bragging about your pension which is more than I earn as well.
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29-06-2018, 02:48 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Twizzle why don't you post in the Pro Brexit section, it would be far more appropriate surely?
It would be a bit lonely surely.
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29-06-2018, 03:10 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Twizzle, I am still here because I have a lot of friends on this forum. I am still posting because those friends enjoy the light hearted banter we share.... something you may not understand because you are still too angry at losing the vote 2 years ago.
Now we are certain that we will leave the EU, we will carry on joking, but please don't feel that you have to go, because you are the focus of the many laughs on here.

I no longer wish to debate with you in a reasonable fashion, because as we are leaving, there is nothing more to say to you. On the other hand though, I am not going to deprive myself of the laughs that are provided by my friends when they respond to your posts!

We are all entitled to change our mind about things on this forum ( and anyway a flounce means leaving the forum, not a thread ) but one thing we can no longer change our minds on is leaving the EU! Something the majority here have never considered anyway!

If you don't like my odd response to your remarks, "hard luck!" because they do not break any rules so are allowed.
I wish I'd said that!
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29-06-2018, 03:25 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Twizzle why don't you post in the Pro Brexit section, it would be far more appropriate surely?
Actually, I'd have thought she'd be much happier in the Anti-Brexit forum. She'd be with all of her friends (if she has any), surely.

(Are there any people in the Anti-Brexit forum?)
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29-06-2018, 03:27 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Actually, I'd have thought she'd be much happier in the Anti-Brexit forum. She'd be with all of her friends (if she has any), surely.

(Are there any people in the Anti-Brexit forum?)
Yes! Many apologies, I meant to say AntiBrexit

Azz is there, and they're friends so they could have a nice natter
Goldilocks...what happened to her?
Clumsy...what happened to her?
AnnieS...who voted out but has accepted the result
TessA is there too
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29-06-2018, 03:34 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Azz is there, and they're friends so they could have a nice natter
Goldilocks...what happened to her?
Clumsy...what happened to her?
AnnieS...who voted out but has accepted the result
TessA is there too
Well, I understand that more and more remainiacs are doing a U-turn as time goes by!
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29-06-2018, 05:22 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Well, I understand that more and more remainiacs are doing a U-turn as time goes by!
Can you prove that?
I have not met any.
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29-06-2018, 05:38 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Can you prove that?
I have not met any.
Perhaps you could give us a clue as to why the EU is so wonderful instead of just continually sniping at the posts of brexiteers. You never know, with a decent argument you might even convince us of the error of our ways.
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29-06-2018, 05:44 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by barry ->
perhaps you could give us a clue as to why the eu is so wonderful instead of just continually sniping at the posts of brexiteers. You never know, with a decent argument you might even convince us of the error of our ways.
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29-06-2018, 06:28 PM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Twizzle, I am still here because I have a lot of friends on this forum. I am still posting because those friends enjoy the light hearted banter we share.... something you may not understand because you are still too angry at losing the vote 2 years ago.
Now we are certain that we will leave the EU, we will carry on joking, but please don't feel that you have to go, because you are the focus of the many laughs on here.

I no longer wish to debate with you in a reasonable fashion, because as we are leaving, there is nothing more to say to you. On the other hand though, I am not going to deprive myself of the laughs that are provided by my friends when they respond to your posts!

We are all entitled to change our mind about things on this forum ( and anyway a flounce means leaving the forum, not a thread ) but one thing we can no longer change our minds on is leaving the EU! Something the majority here have never considered anyway!

If you don't like my odd response to your remarks, "hard luck!" because they do not break any rules so are allowed.
What you share with your friends isn't "banter". It's a nasty, attack disguised as humour by your unpleasant gang because you can't tolerate someone who is different to you. School playground behaviour and herd mentality at it's worst. You show the true nature of your viscious little clique with every post.

I wouldn't be too "certain" about your leaving the EU, if I were you, that battle is still on and even if you do drag us out, we will get back in.

Many Brexthickers will change their minds when the poverty and pain that is the ineveitable consequence of Brexit begins to bite. You may even be one of them, want to or not.

But of course you'll blame everyone else for it going wrong, not yourseves for voting for something stupid.

To flounce is an:

"exaggerated action intended to express annoyance or impatience."

and a forum flounce is:

- To leave an internet group or thread with exaggerated drama; - Urban Dictionary

So you did indeed threaten to flounce off this thread.

Those who threaten to flounce of forums and threads just want attention and have to their egos massaged by being begged to stay and people telling them how much they like them and how much they'll be missed.

Once they've had that attention, they usually decide to kindly agree to stay because of their "friends" reaction.. Much as you did.

Flounce threateners rarely really leave and if they do, they're usually back like boomerangs fairly soon, claiming it's by popular demand.

I don't really care one way or the other about your remarks, other than objecting to you accusing me not living in the UK.

People like you are always very clever at keeping your posts within the rules while being as spiteful as possible.
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