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04-07-2018, 08:10 PM

Re: Plug-in air fresheners

Originally Posted by Ffosse ->
Flowers give off fragrances and they're natural. Unfortunately they're expensive unless you have your own garden.

Bought florists flowers usually have no smell, that is one reason I don't much like 'em. The are bred for long life and showy colour, but at the cost of fragrance unfortunately.

If you want smellies indoors, why not consider essential oils Ffosse? See here:

"Due to the numerous health benefits of essential oils, they are increasingly being explored by the scientific community for the treatment of a variety of diseases including cancer, HIV, asthma, bronchitis, heart strokes, and many more. There are more than 90 essential oils, and each has its own health benefits."

It's an interesting subject to research, and with 90 different smells to choose from, what's to lose?
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04-07-2018, 08:26 PM

Re: Plug-in air fresheners

I like vanilla and frankincense.

I'd still be happy with my high quality incense sticks but my smoke alarm won't allow it.
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04-07-2018, 10:15 PM

Re: Plug-in air fresheners

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I don't use air fresheners, not plug-ins, sprays, or anything else. They are full of chemicals which I choose not to inhale day and night. I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone suffering from Asthma used them either.

Google it for yourselves and see.

As some of you probably know, I have 5 dogs indoors, but I mostly have washable floors where they are, so no smell there.
All their bedding is washed at least weekly, plus the dogs themselves are bathed before clipping every couple of months or so.
These people who buy deodorant sprays for their dogs make me angry - spraying more chemicals directly onto the poor animal, then it licks itself and ingests the stuff.
If they kept the dog's bedding clean and fresh, as well as the dog itself, there should be no need for their pet to pong in the first place.

Occasionally, if the mood takes me, I might fancy using an oil burner. I put water in it, with a few drops of which ever lovely essential oil I would like smell at the time - Lavender, Citrus, Geranium, Roses, and loads more to choose from.

The last few days I have had 2 little dishes of water on my kitchen window sills, both of which have Citronella or Lemon Grass oils dropped in them. This is to try and stop the pesky flies coming in, and also smells lovely as a bonus.
I would rather do that than use fly sprays indoors - stinky things as well as polluting my home.

At the end of the day, nothing beats fresh air blowing through - and it's a free gift to use.


P.S. If anyone wants to check it out, don't take my word for it, have a read:
Ditto to all of this. Those plug in air fresheners are all synthetic and full of harsh chemical compounds and while they might smell nice for the first week or 2 they eventually lose their original scent.

I use pure essential oils in a diffuser mixed with water or I use soy based candles. In the winter we have the wood stove going 24/7 with a pot of water and often add cinnamon sticks , pine cones and such that make the house smell nice.
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