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31-01-2016, 03:05 PM

Re: Suffering

I know many older people are lonely but sometimes there's only so much talking you can take, especially when it's a one sided conversation.
I once met a woman at a bus stop who had only stopped to look at the time table for travel times for another day. She caught my eye and started a conversation, then my bus came. Next thing, she decided to join me on my bus journey, just for the ride and have a chat!
I spent the next 50 minutes listening to the life story of a stranger! She did not pause once for me to tell her about my life! At the end of the journey I was absolutely exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. We got off the bus, she crossed the road to get a bus back home and probably found another listener for her life story!
I don't mind chatting to a complete stranger for a short time but 50 minutes is exhausting!
Is it any wonder why people might dodge them or cross the street to avoid them?
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31-01-2016, 03:42 PM

Re: Suffering

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
I know many older people are lonely but sometimes there's only so much talking you can take, especially when it's a one sided conversation.
I once met a woman at a bus stop who had only stopped to look at the time table for travel times for another day. She caught my eye and started a conversation, then my bus came. Next thing, she decided to join me on my bus journey, just for the ride and have a chat!
I spent the next 50 minutes listening to the life story of a stranger! She did not pause once for me to tell her about my life! At the end of the journey I was absolutely exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. We got off the bus, she crossed the road to get a bus back home and probably found another listener for her life story!
I don't mind chatting to a complete stranger for a short time but 50 minutes is exhausting!
Is it any wonder why people might dodge them or cross the street to avoid them?
Believe it or not I see this one sided talking with many of my sales associates during our Saturday neetings. I don't think they are lonely, maybe its their wives that don't allow tjem to put a word in, so in these Saturday meets they feel free to gabble
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31-01-2016, 04:14 PM

Re: Suffering

I used to work caring privately for an elderly lady and she was in her 90s and extremely "spirited and lively" to put it mildly,my did we have some laughs..well we were out in town shopping one day together and we went into Boots and this lady would chat to anyone and everyone,she struck up a conversation with another elderly lady who had a push along trolley on wheels.
It turns out that this lady with the trolley has bought her cat along for the outing,and she opens the lid of the trolley to show us her cat,im mortified in case the cat jumps out in the middle of just never know what youre going to find when you strike up a conversation with strangers ...thats what I like about it ...the randomness of stuff lol
I had the best times ever while caring for this lady lol
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31-01-2016, 04:21 PM

Re: Suffering

I think it is a sad world when we can't smile and say good morning to people, without them being nervous or afraid. In much of Europe total strangers would say good morning, as they passed you, and I have always thought it is so friendly. If I see an older person at the shops I will often say things like " do you need help with that heavy bag" or " Are to going far, I can give you a lift rather than you get wet". These people always remember a good deed and will then say hello to you next time they see you.
I understand that long chats may need you to make your excuses and leave, I have done it myself, but I also think we should all try to be more friendly to strangers..... a nod and a smile wouldn't hurt anybody, but it may make somebody return your smile.
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31-01-2016, 04:48 PM

Re: Suffering

Originally Posted by Aysa ->
I used to work caring privately for an elderly lady and she was in her 90s and extremely "spirited and lively" to put it mildly,my did we have some laughs..well we were out in town shopping one day together and we went into Boots and this lady would chat to anyone and everyone,she struck up a conversation with another elderly lady who had a push along trolley on wheels.
It turns out that this lady with the trolley has bought her cat along for the outing,and she opens the lid of the trolley to show us her cat,im mortified in case the cat jumps out in the middle of just never know what youre going to find when you strike up a conversation with strangers ...thats what I like about it ...the randomness of stuff lol
I had the best times ever while caring for this lady lol
Talking about animals in strange places, here is a true story for you. I once went for lunch with a woman, after about an hour of conversation, she spoke to me how close she was with her tiny bird. So much so, that she would place the tiny bird between her to large breast. She pulled him out to my surprise. In must of been warm and comfortable in there, because he seems to have slept and stayed still all the time.
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31-01-2016, 04:49 PM

Re: Suffering

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I think it is a sad world when we can't smile and say good morning to people, without them being nervous or afraid. In much of Europe total strangers would say good morning, as they passed you, and I have always thought it is so friendly. If I see an older person at the shops I will often say things like " do you need help with that heavy bag" or " Are to going far, I can give you a lift rather than you get wet". These people always remember a good deed and will then say hello to you next time they see you.
I understand that long chats may need you to make your excuses and leave, I have done it myself, but I also think we should all try to be more friendly to strangers..... a nod and a smile wouldn't hurt anybody, but it may make somebody return your smile.
Agree with you - after a few minutes I usually say 'Got to go me darlin' enjoyed our chat' and I did
I love cheerful people and wish I could talk with them longer but I know when me time is up
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31-01-2016, 04:50 PM

Re: Suffering

That was very funny Rudolpho....mind you the poor bird might be in danger of suffocation lol lots of men might say "what a way to go" lol
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31-01-2016, 04:57 PM

Re: Suffering

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I think it is a sad world when we can't smile and say good morning to people, without them being nervous or afraid. In much of Europe total strangers would say good morning, as they passed you, and I have always thought it is so friendly. If I see an older person at the shops I will often say things like " do you need help with that heavy bag" or " Are to going far, I can give you a lift rather than you get wet". These people always remember a good deed and will then say hello to you next time they see you.
I understand that long chats may need you to make your excuses and leave, I have done it myself, but I also think we should all try to be more friendly to strangers..... a nod and a smile wouldn't hurt anybody, but it may make somebody return your smile.
I think its a question of education.
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31-01-2016, 04:59 PM

Re: Suffering

Originally Posted by Aysa ->
That was very funny Rudolpho....mind you the poor bird might be in danger of suffocation lol lots of men might say "what a way to go" lol

Actually, she did suffercate him. She fell asleep with the bird in there and for got about him and ended up squeezing him to death
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31-01-2016, 05:05 PM

Re: Suffering

I used to be old once.

I didn't like it, so I became young again.
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