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19-02-2013, 09:22 AM

Re: We've all heard the phrase that a dog is Man's Best Friend.

Originally Posted by Baxter8 ->

Will you persist in your beliefs despite the evidence? I suspect you will.
The problem with certain breeds (already mentioned in the thread) is the greater propensity they have for injury over other dogs. Staffies, Akitas, Pit Bull (bred specifically for fighting), Dobermans have all been used as attack dogs and that is for a reason - how often do you see a miniature poodle as a guard dog patrolling its area?

This site has good information on dog breeds:

This quote sums up the problem with certain breeds: 'A Few Bad Habits: The Rottweiler is typically a dominant dog, and they can resort to aggressiveness in unfamiliar situations. The Rottie's large size and incredible strength make this an important point to consider, and for this reason the Rottweiler is a breed that only experienced dog owners should consider. Rottweiler owners who don't understand the breed's nature can face significant problems in handling such dogs when they reach adulthood. Early socialization with as many people, animals, and situations as possible is very important in order to produce a dog that is tolerant of strangers.'

I would agree that it isn't always the dog's fault but how do the public have any control over who owns or trains dogs that are out in public? If certain breeds of dog have the ability to cause serious damage, the public have a right to want to be protected against those dogs and their irresponsible owners.

This article is a fair summary but goes to the point I'm trying to make:

'He added that when incidents do happen the injuries sustained are significant. '

I understand you love your Staffie and trust him - does that mean you have the right to insist everyone else does as well?
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19-02-2013, 09:44 AM

Re: We've all heard the phrase that a dog is Man's Best Friend.

I think dogs like people you have good and bad .... some times its because of the way they have been brought up somes times its just their nature ...
My first German shepheard was as gentle as they come and even just stood there while a small scottie type dog attacked him and ripped his lip when if he had wanted to could of killed the little dog but that was his nature you could do any thing with him, my second one was mean ...very mean in the 9 years we had him we could not leave another person alone with him, we couldnt have holidays because no kennels would take him and we even had to buy a field for him as you couldnt take him out in public with other animals and people even through both dogs were brought up the same by us from puppies he loved and over protected us . He was good with my cats but would chase others out of the garden why he was like this we never knew .... our third dog is now another gentle softy so I hope in some way we wernt to blame but who knows what goes on in their heads .... Our forth dog we have just got at the age of 10 he has had a horrible life , left with a unfixed broken leg and a tumour on his privates the size of a grapefruit he flinches if you move to fast near him but he is the softest thing lives just to be cuddled and gets so excited by being taken for a walk and having people give him attention.... so shouldnt he be mean and nasty ?? nope not at all. So never judge any dog or people none of them are the same as the next one ......
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19-02-2013, 09:52 AM

Re: We've all heard the phrase that a dog is Man's Best Friend.

I know what you mean Nobaggage - I've had two German Shepherds, both dogs very gentle and non-aggressive. I've had two Dalmations (brother and sister): the male was a very affectionate dog, very playful and trustworthy - his sister, on the other hand, was aggressive and would attack any dog that came near her so, after that, when we were out, if others were around she was muzzled and kept on the lead. I had no intention of taking any chance of her hurting anyone or anything. I loved her and she was fine with me and the family - that didn't mean she'd be fine with everyone else. My point of view is that an owner chooses its dog - the general public shouldn't have to face any consequences of choices made my dog owners.

I have now a Cocker and a Springer (Springer a rescue with a bad past also). The Cocker is playful, friendly and gentle. The Springer I know is prone to being anti-social sometimes and will attack another dog if the other dog won't leave him alone - if other dogs approach us (which I wish other dog owners wouldn't allow without checking first), he is put straight on the lead and kept by my legs. It's all about responsible dog ownership and admitting your dog may have or be a problem and then taking the appropriate steps to prevent injury to others.
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19-02-2013, 10:52 AM

Re: We've all heard the phrase that a dog is Man's Best Friend.

Staffies- smiley faces waggy tails, Labs- lollapy tongues waggy tails, Springers-out a my way I'm lookin' for it. Rottie- got to say hello, waggie stumps. German Sheps-anyone lookin', giveya a bit of a kiss, then ignore ya gotta look the part ya know. Irish Wolfhound-Ah my bestist friend, I love you. Just some of the dogs we meet out walking which is where we're going now.
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19-02-2013, 06:18 PM

Re: We've all heard the phrase that a dog is Man's Best Friend.

I love all dogs but because of the huge variation in shapes and sizes I would say we all have a preference. Mine is for medium to large rather than smaller so its not just Staffies I'm not keen on but other of the smaller breeds too. But thats just what I would have as a pet not because I don't like them at all.
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