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21-05-2017, 06:27 PM

Re: Winter Fuel allowance to be axed for wealthier pensioners

But then Muddy she cancels out all the people who don't even make 50. I've lost several friends in their 40s for example and a friend of 51.
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Twink55 is offline
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21-05-2017, 07:07 PM

Re: Winter Fuel allowance to be axed for wealthier pensioners

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
The problem is Twink we are living so long.
My husbands aunt died at 98 she had been retired for 38 years during which time she had. A lot of ailments and got all sorts of medical care allowances .
She also did pay for a carer to come extra times at her own expense.
But I wonder if she ever paid in what it cost ,on the other hand she had no children and had worked all of her life.
Yes some are living longer, but many die young too, like my father who died at 56, and never received a penny in pension, and my sister who died on her 70th birthday. The real problem is that people looked after their elderly relatives, in the past, as my parents did and so did I.
Those of us who worked didn't spend all our income, we invested it in a private pension, but we still contributed to state pensions.
Sadly people always cry poverty because expectations are higher. Maybe they should all learn to live on less, rather than expect those who worked to provide for them.
A few less children, a few less mobile phones and huge Tv's could make a big difference to what they have to live on in old age!
I think your husbands aunt contributed sufficient if she worked all her life... and she probably paid a lot to educate other peoples all people with no children do.
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