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01-04-2021, 05:48 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Yet another police person found guilty, how many more 'bad apples' are there I wonder?

"A Met Police officer has been convicted of being a member of a banned neo-Nazi terrorist organisation."

"Benjamin Hannam, of Enfield, north London, was found guilty of membership of the banned right-wing extremist group National Action (NA).

He was also convicted of lying on his Met Police application and having terror documents detailing knife combat and making explosive devices."
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01-04-2021, 07:59 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

This bloke was on the news tonight Baz. Only a young fella.

At least they've got him and he's in custody now, which is better than him being left undiscovered.
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01-04-2021, 09:09 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Originally Posted by Mups ->
This bloke was on the news tonight Baz. Only a young fella.

At least they've got him and he's in custody now, which is better than him being left undiscovered.
That is a matter of opinion.
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01-04-2021, 09:15 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Originally Posted by Mups ->
This bloke was on the news tonight Baz. Only a young fella.

At least they've got him and he's in custody now, which is better than him being left undiscovered.
Yes, I saw it myself which was what prompted me to make the post. They have got him, he's in custody and as you say "which is far better than him being left undiscovered".

However, just how many more are there getting away with appalling behaviour, even crimes as in the post I made, by using their position as 'police' to do so?

I do realise there are good and bad police persons but unfortunately the few 'bad apples' will affect the public view of those who are doing their job as they should. Once that starts happening it's a downward spiral. After all we should all be able to trust police but it's getting to where that trust is being undermined by those who are not genuinely trustworthy, as they should be.
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01-04-2021, 09:26 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Things have come to a pretty state when a political group who put their national pride high on their priorities described as "Nazis". It's as though the shakers and movers here have set the country on a road to hell rather than protecting our culture and national integrity.
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01-04-2021, 10:08 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Its unsortable now Todger, not enough attention was aroused back in the day, say lavvy.
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01-04-2021, 10:39 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Originally Posted by Baz46 ->
Yes, I saw it myself which was what prompted me to make the post. They have got him, he's in custody and as you say "which is far better than him being left undiscovered".

However, just how many more are there getting away with appalling behaviour, even crimes as in the post I made, by using their position as 'police' to do so?

I do realise there are good and bad police persons but unfortunately the few 'bad apples' will affect the public view of those who are doing their job as they should. Once that starts happening it's a downward spiral. After all we should all be able to trust police but it's getting to where that trust is being undermined by those who are not genuinely trustworthy, as they should be.

I do understand and agree with you Baz. It reminds me of a male hospital nurse I read about recently who raped a patient, school teachers who abuse pupils, and same with carers abusing, or robbing people they are supposed to be looking after, etc.

In all these type of jobs the perpetrators are in positions of trust and shocking that it is, I guess there will always be good and bad in any profession.
I am just glad when they get caught and hopefully receive appropriate punishment.
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01-04-2021, 10:41 PM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
That is a matter of opinion.

What are you on about now, Todger?

Of course it is better him being discovered rather than being allowed to continue!
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02-04-2021, 01:45 AM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Originally Posted by Mups ->
What are you on about now, Todger?

Of course it is better him being discovered rather than being allowed to continue!
I'm guessing that TAT's main query is in relation to whether the NA is really so bad and hence that being a member of it is no bad thing. Hence the officer really shouldn't have been reprimanded, yet alone sacked and prosecuted.

Given the disparity between it being seemingly ok for officers to join "left wing" ethnic groups even within the force, but not anything deemed "right wing" nationalist, one can comprehend his angst.

Assuming, of course, that I've read his position correctly!!
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02-04-2021, 09:36 AM

Re: What is going wrong with some police lately?

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
I'm guessing that TAT's main query is in relation to whether the NA is really so bad and hence that being a member of it is no bad thing. Hence the officer really shouldn't have been reprimanded, yet alone sacked and prosecuted.

Given the disparity between it being seemingly ok for officers to join "left wing" ethnic groups even within the force, but not anything deemed "right wing" nationalist, one can comprehend his angst.

Assuming, of course, that I've read his position correctly!!

Well I'm not a flippin' mind reader Dex, he should explain properly.
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