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03-02-2021, 12:28 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
I'm just glad that Britain and it's fights with Europe aren't the centre of concern for us any more Bruce. Got enough crap to deal with right in our own front yard innit.
Funny, that.

With the Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea, I believe that we have sent some of our naval assets to help you, have we not?
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03-02-2021, 12:59 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
I'm just glad that Britain and it's fights with Europe aren't the centre of concern for us any more Bruce. Got enough crap to deal with right in our own front yard innit.
Yep. Fortunately we have a lot of the big boys with very big sticks on our side.

(I had to laugh that our original posts were almost identical)
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03-02-2021, 01:15 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by JBR ->
The usual:
Liberal (who are they?)
The Odds and Sods

and a new kid on the block:
Reform UK

From what I read, this particular party seems to be garnering an increasing number of followers.
Your previous post seemed to suggest that unless the current parliament sorted things out, we'd get rid of them and replace with another bunch who'd presumably take a different (presumably harder??) stance. The list you provide would seem to mean no real change though.

Bit confused. Sorry for my simpleton mind.
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03-02-2021, 01:17 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Funny, that.

With the Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea, I believe that we have sent some of our naval assets to help you, have we not?
Not sure that the plethora of inflatables that have been left on the shores of the South coast will be much help to our antipodean friends
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03-02-2021, 01:37 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Shouldn't this be in the music section? I thought it was about a U2 album!

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03-02-2021, 04:36 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Funny, that.

With the Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea, I believe that we have sent some of our naval assets to help you, have we not?

OK well if you have sent naval vessels to patrol the South China Sea along with Australia. New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, the US and..I think, not sure..Canada, well good for you. YOu didn't need to. Australia can look after itself just as well as anybody else in our region. And that includes standing up to China. Help is always welcome of course.Either way. But most Australians are more than prepared to go it alone if we have to. And we don't automatically rely on the US either. Let alone Britain. THat's 1950s stuff. But this is off it not?
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03-02-2021, 04:52 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
OK well if you have sent naval vessels to patrol the South China Sea along with Australia. New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, the US and..I think, not sure..Canada, well good for you. YOu didn't need to. Australia can look after itself just as well as anybody else in our region. And that includes standing up to China. Help is always welcome of course.Either way. But most Australians are more than prepared to go it alone if we have to. And we don't automatically rely on the US either. Let alone Britain. THat's 1950s stuff. But this is off it not?
We really can scare the shit out of the Fijians and as for the Kiwis? easy as...

A few years ago my son was on HMAS Success in the South China Sea when they were challenged by the Chinese Navy, I heard the recording of the exchange which was broadcast over the ship's PA basically the Chinese were told diplomatically to F#$k off.

Not only the nations you mentioned but lot of SE Asia is patrolling and exercising with the US and Australia including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Vietnam
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03-02-2021, 11:46 AM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
The good news will be that the UK will make an absolute fortune by selling arms to its enemies.
Not if the enemy is China, where would the steel and engineering expertise come from to make weapons Dex....
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03-02-2021, 12:13 PM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
We really can scare the shit out of the Fijians and as for the Kiwis? easy as...

A few years ago my son was on HMAS Success in the South China Sea when they were challenged by the Chinese Navy, I heard the recording of the exchange which was broadcast over the ship's PA basically the Chinese were told diplomatically to F#$k off.

Not only the nations you mentioned but lot of SE Asia is patrolling and exercising with the US and Australia including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Vietnam

Well America is very good at dragging other countries into their adventures in an attempt to get moral justification for the mischief they get up to.

That's why NATO now should be disbanded because the day that the USSR ceased to be was the day that NATO should have been replaced with something to confront the threat that had been growing and IS the real threat to the world - and I certainly don't mean China or the Russian Federation.
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03-02-2021, 12:39 PM

Re: ----- war ----

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Well America is very good at dragging other countries into their adventures in an attempt to get moral justification for the mischief they get up to.

That's why NATO now should be disbanded because the day that the USSR ceased to be was the day that NATO should have been replaced with something to confront the threat that had been growing and IS the real threat to the world - and I certainly don't mean China or the Russian Federation.
You MUST be talking about Venezuela Todger??

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔
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